qilin是什么意思 qilin的中文翻译、读音、例句

qilin是什么意思 qilin的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:Qilin是一种传说中的神兽,在中国文化中具有极高的地位,代表着吉祥、美好、祥和等意义。也可指缩写词”Quick Intelligent Language INterpreter“,表示快速智能语言翻译器。

2. 起源及历史:Qilin的起源可以追溯至中国古代神话传说,被视为天宫里的保护神兽,是神仙们打造的瑞兽。缩写词”QILIN”则是由一家波兰公司创建的。

3. 用法及搭配:Qilin通常出现在中文语境中,表示祥瑞、美好的意象,因此常被用于吉祥话、祝福语等场合。缩写词”QILIN”则是专业术语,常被用于介绍智能语言翻译技术。

4. 文化影响:Qilin是中国传统文化中的重要符号之一,被广泛运用于艺术、文学、建筑等领域。同时,坊间也有诸多关于Qilin的民间传说和故事。缩写词”QILIN”则代表了现代科技对于语言交流的革新,对于全球化进程具有重要意义。


1. The Chinese dragon and Qilin are both auspicious animals in Chinese culture.


2. The Qilin statue in front of the temple is a masterpiece of art.


3. The company has developed a new software called QILIN, which can translate more than 100 languages in real time.


4. The college has recently purchased the QILIN system to improve international communication and collaboration.


5. Qilin is considered as one of the four most auspicious animals in Chinese culture, along with the dragon, phoenix, and tortoise.




1. 传说中,只有善良无恶念的人才能看到神兽qilin。

In legends, only people with kindness and no malice can see the mythical beast qilin.

2. 今年初一,我佩戴了一块qilin图案的手链,以求来年平安、吉祥。

On the first day of this year, I wore a bracelet with a qilin pattern to pray for peace and good luck in the coming year.

3. 中国的古代文学作品中常常出现qilin这一神兽。

The mythical beast qilin often appears in ancient Chinese literature.

4. 他的品德高尚,常常被人赞颂为qilin品行。

His noble character is often praised as qilin's behavior.

5. 这幅画中画了一只qilin。

This painting depicts a qilin.

6. 在中国的传统文化中,qilin是四灵之一,代表着东方的生命和吉祥。

In traditional Chinese culture, qilin is one of the four spiritual creatures, representing life and good fortune in the east.

7. 古时候,qilin被认为是天上的神兽,只有皇帝才能驾驭他。

In ancient times, qilin was considered a divine beast in the sky, and only the emperor could control it.

8. 这个古老的城市门上雕刻着qilin的图案,历史悠久。

This ancient city gate is engraved with the pattern of qilin, with a long history.

9. 我的祖先家中藏有一幅非常珍贵的qilin图案的壁画。

My ancestor's family has a very precious mural with a qilin pattern.



读音:qí lín


1. 麒麟是中国传统文化中的重要图腾,象征着吉祥和祥瑞。

The qilin is an important totem in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing good luck and auspiciousness.

2. 我们可以在许多中国古老的建筑物和艺术品中看到麒麟的形象。

We can see the image of qilin in many ancient Chinese buildings and artworks.




例句:Do not open the plastic film, with pressure Ma Qilin rolling pin to thin. (不要打开塑料薄膜,与马麒麟轧制压力引脚薄。)


例句:This study presents the petrological and mineralogical characteristics of granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in Nushan, Guizishan, Xilong and Qilin, Southeastern China. (本文报道了在中国东南地区女山、桂子山、西垄和麒麟等地新生代玄武岩中新发现的麻粒岩相捕虏体。)


例句:On the brain drain, I am very much in favor of Qilin said, a movement is not lost. (谈到人才的流失,我非常赞成林院长说的,有流动,不是流失。)


例句:The giraffe grown in Africa was mistaken for the Qilin (Chinese unicorn) in the Ming Dynasty. (翻译:明代将非洲产的长颈鹿比附为麒麟。)


1. On the brain drain, I am very much in favor of Qilin said, a movement is not lost. (翻译:谈到人才的流失,我非常赞成林院长说的,有流动,不是流失。)

2. The giraffe grown in Africa was mistaken for the Qilin (Chinese unicorn) in the Ming Dynasty. (翻译:明代将非洲产的长颈鹿比附为麒麟。)

3. Towards the "Key Subdivision Greening" of Qilin District of Qujing City within the Project of Converting Cultivated Land back to Forests (翻译:曲靖市麒麟区在退耕还林中实行“重点片区”绿化浅析)

4. This is online map of the address "Ma Liu Zhuang Xing Long Xiao Qu , Qilin District, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国云南省曲靖市麒麟区马留庄兴隆小区”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. Wu Xuan, Qilin producing chemical plant in Guangxi Province, Wuxuan County, the main raw material to produce resin for rosin and turpentine. (翻译:武宣华奇林产化工厂位于广西省武宣县,主要以松脂为原材料生产松香和松节油。)

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