ifra是什么意思 ifra的中文翻译、读音、例句

ifra是什么意思 ifra的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 完整含义: 'ifra' 在英语中并没有一个固定的含义或者缩写词,需要根据不同上下文来判断其含义。


- International Federation of Robotics and Automation,国际机器人与自动化联合会(缩写:IFRA)

- International Forum on Radar and Security,国际雷达与安全论坛(缩写:IFRaS)

- International Financial Reporting Standards,国际财务报告准则(缩写:IFRS)

2. 语法用法,用于表示某个组织、规范、标准等的名称,也可以用作一个缩写词。


- The IFRA is the leading global trade association for the fragrance industry.

- The IFRS provides a common financial language for business affairs.

3. 词汇搭配:'ifra' 可以和不同的词汇搭配使用,如国际、金融、机器人等,需要根据上下文来确定所表达的具体含义。


- IFRA Code of Practice, IFRA实践准则

- IFRA Robotics,IFRA机器人

- IFRA Asia, IFRA亚洲

4. 实际应用:'ifra' 在实际应用中通常用于相关领域的文献、新闻报道、学术研究等方面,了解其含义和用法能够帮助我们更好地理解相关信息。


- The IFRA has recently updated its safety standards for fragrance compounds in cosmetics.

- The IFRS 17 standard for insurance contracts will take effect from 2022.


1. The IFRA has established standards for the use of essential oils in the fragrance industry.(IFRA已经制定了精油在香料行业中的使用标准。)

2. The IFRS Foundation is responsible for the development and promotion of the IFRS.(IFRS基金会负责IFRS的发展和推广。)

3. IFRA Robotics is a leading manufacturer of industrial robots in Asia.(IFRA机器人是亚洲领先的工业机器人制造商。)

4. The IFRA Asia conference will be held in Tokyo later this year.(IFRA亚洲会议将于今年晚些时候在东京举行。)

5. The IFRS 9 standard for financial instruments has been adopted by many countries around the world.(许多国家已经采用了IFRS 9的金融工具标准。)



1. Ifra is a unique name. (Ifra是一个独特的名字。)

2. Have you heard of Ifra before? (你之前听过Ifra这个名字吗?)




例句:Conclusions ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis. (结论ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。)


例句:They kept searching and they couldn't find Han Yoo Ra. (之后我们也一直在搜查 但是始终没有找到韩宥拉)


例句:You know what, Prudanca? You'ra right. You'ra always right. (你知道吗 普鲁斯 你说得对 你总是说得对)





1. You know what, Prudanca? You'ra right. You'ra always right. (翻译:你知道吗 普鲁斯 你说得对 你总是说得对)

2. Then the Jews started talking again, in their language, as he says, ra-ra-ra, and so on. (翻译:接着犹太人又开始 用他们的语言交谈 就像他说的,拉-拉-拉 诸如此类)

3. Han Yoo Ra's will is a 100% match to her handwriting in the past. (翻译:随著韩宥拉小姐遗书笔迹 被确认为本人笔迹)

4. This review summarizes the progress in using GWAS for screening of RA susceptible genes. (翻译:本文就近年来全基因组关联分析技术研究RA易感基因的进展做一综述。)

5. Fearful of a rebellion here, Ra outlawed reading and writing. (翻译:为了防止这里发生叛乱 太阳神禁止人们书写和阅读文字)

6. And now, let us listen to the Ave Maria in Dora's performance. (翻译:现在让我们在 Dóra 的追悼会上,聆听圣母颁吧)

7. is that why you'ra invaSting millions in dilapidatad prisons all around tha globa? (翻译:这就是你为什么要在世界各地的破监狱投资百万)

8. And RA for the elderly female approximately seventy years old. (翻译:另外需要对一位约xx岁年长女性的医疗救援)

9. Dora, wait! I'm not going back to Debrecen, you hear? Let me go! (翻译:Dóra, 等一下,我是不会回 Debrecen,你懂吗?)

10. The RA values increase before rockburst and decrease during rockburst. (翻译:岩爆前ra值增加,岩爆时降低。)

11. Conclusion HLA DR4 is an important index for determining RA prognosis. (翻译:结论HLA DR 4可作为判断RA治疗的重要预后指标。)

:误解她是韩宥拉案的嫌疑犯 所以非常非常对不住她)

13. - Dora need Ali, so Ali stay. (翻译:- Dóra 需要 Ali, 所以 Ali 留了下来)

14. She said she was tired of me spending all my time with this waitress (翻译:她说 她厌烦我总是去找Ra寿司店的女招待)

15. They are asking if Han Yoo Ra died because of Cheon Song Yi. (翻译:大家都在问韩宥拉的死 是不是跟千颂伊有关)

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