ruth是什么意思 ruth的中文翻译、读音、例句

ruth是什么意思 ruth的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:RUTH指的是怜悯、慈悲的意思。在宗教文化中,RUTH也是一个人名,意为慈悲的女性。

2. 词性:RUTH是名词。

3. 词组搭配:无。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:RUTH的发音为[rʌθ]。


1. She felt great ruth for the poor children on the street.(她对街上那些可怜的孩子非常怜悯。)

2. The story of Ruth in the Bible is an inspiring and touching one.(《圣经》中的Ruth的故事非常启迪人心,让人感动。)

3. He showed some ruth towards his opponent who had fallen on the ground.(他对倒在地上的对手表现出了一些慈悲。)

4. Ruth was known for her kind heart and generous spirit.(Ruth因其仁慈的心和慷慨的精神而闻名。)

5. The company showed no ruth in firing its employees during the pandemic.(在疫情期间,公司裁员不带任何怜悯之心。)



1. Ruth is a kind-hearted woman who always helps others.(Ruth是一位善良的女性,总是帮助他人。)

2. The book of Ruth tells the story of a Moabite woman who married an Israelite.( 《路得记》讲述了一个摩押女子嫁给以色列人的故事。)

3. My friend Ruth and I are going shopping together this weekend.(我和朋友Ruth这个周末要一起去购物。)

4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an American lawyer and jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.(鲁思·贝德·金斯伯格是一位美国律师和法学家,曾任美国最高法院的大法官。)

5. Ruth's mother is a famous pianist.(Ruth的母亲是一位著名的钢琴家。)

6. Ruth was born and raised in England.(Ruth出生并在英国长大。)

7. The name Ruth means "friend" in Hebrew.(“Ruth”这个名字在希伯来语中的意思是“朋友”。)

8. Ruth's favorite hobby is gardening.(Ruth最喜欢的爱好是园艺。)

9. Every year, Ruth and her family go on a vacation to the beach.(每年,Ruth和她的家人都会去海滩度假。)



1. She showed great ruth for the poor and needy.(她对穷苦人和需要帮助的人表现出极大的慈悲。)

2. It's important to have ruth and empathy for others.(对他人有怜悯心和同理心是很重要的。)




例句:Is Ruth the voice that told him about the murder? (I think it could. 露丝是那个告诉他谋杀案的声音吗? {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Is Ruth the voice that told him about the murder?)


例句:I just think that Ruth Meyers has went about as far as she can with me. (我认为Ruth Meyers和我的合作只能走这么远了)


例句:Constance, Abigail, Ruth, Sarah. (Constance Abigail Ruth Sarah?)


例句:Ruth, clear an O.R. right now and prep him for a sternotomy. (翻译:Ruth 马上清出一间手术室 准备做开胸手术)


ruth一般作为名词使用,如在Ruth Benedict([网络] 本尼迪克特;人类学家本尼迪克特;人类学家潘乃德)、ruth benedicts(鲁思·本尼迪克特)、Ruth Fulton([网络] 露丝·富尔顿)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ruth Benedict[网络] 本尼迪克特;人类学家本尼迪克特;人类学家潘乃德
ruth benedicts鲁思·本尼迪克特
Ruth Fulton[网络] 露丝·富尔顿
ruth fultons[网络] 露丝·富尔顿\n(ruth fulton 的复数)
Ruth Glacier[地名] 鲁斯冰川 ( 美 )
George Herman Ruth[网络] 鲁斯;罗斯
Ruth Saint Denis[网络] 圣丹尼斯
ruth saint deniss[网络] 圣丹尼斯\n(ruth saint denis 的复数)
Ruth St. Denis[网络] 露丝·圣·丹尼斯


1. Constance, Abigail, Ruth, Sarah. (翻译:Constance Abigail Ruth Sarah?)

2. Ruth, clear an O.R. right now and prep him for a sternotomy. (翻译:Ruth 马上清出一间手术室 准备做开胸手术)

3. Ruth Brown is a good idea, Ruth Brown was a good idea, and still is a good idea. (翻译:鲁思·布朗,是个好主意,鲁思·布朗 本来是个好主意,现在仍然是个好主意)

4. She says she's Ruth and she sounds like Ruth. (翻译:我所知道的就是 她说她是 Ruth 看起来她就像是Ruth.)

5. She says she's the president's sister. Ruth Carter something. (翻译:她说是总统的妹妹 叫Ruth Carter什么的)

6. You can call Alice to help you with Ruth. (翻译:-你可以叫alice带ruth来帮你. -小气鬼alice.)

7. Uh, Your Honor, just to be clear, Ruth Yamaguchi is... (翻译:法官大人 我想说明下 Ruth Yamaguchi...)

8. You don't look like Ruth Ann at all, do you? (翻译:你根本看起来不象Ruth Ann,对么?)

9. Pauline, Sophie, Ed Saban, two maids, Ethel's cousin Ruth. (翻译:Pauline Sophie Ed Saban 两个女仆 Ethel的表姐Ruth)

10. Good job. The government freaked out about the Ruth Yamaguchi subpoena. (翻译:干得好 Ruth Yamaguchi的传票让政府大惊失色)

11. You and Ruth Meyers got some kind of a contract? (翻译:你和 Ruth Meyers签定了某些合约么?)

12. Johnny, Ruth Meyers ain't got that kind of clout. Come on. (翻译:Johnny,拜托 Ruth Meyers 没那么大能耐了)

13. Why did you leave Nebraska, Ruth? (翻译:你为什么要离开Nebraska, Ruth?)

14. Ruth danced all evening with Richard. (翻译:整个晚上鲁思都和理查德跳舞。)

15. the probate court,where ruth will walk in with a sad story and no executed will. (翻译:在遗嘱检验法庭 Ruth说个悲惨的故事 讲讲未执行的遗嘱)



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