drama是什么意思 drama的中文翻译、读音、例句

drama是什么意思 drama的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义及用法:'drama'是指戏剧,也可以指一种非常戏剧性的情况或事件。在口语中,'drama'常常也指电视剧或电影中的情节。


- The school's drama club will be performing a play this Friday.

- The drama of the royal family's scandalous secrets was splashed across the front pages of every tabloid.

- My favorite TV drama is Game of Thrones.

2. 戏剧类型:'drama'是戏剧中的一个大类,它包括了很多子类型,例如悲剧、喜剧、历史剧、古老的希腊剧等等。


- Romeo and Juliet is a classic drama that is still performed today.

- This year's Tony Awards honored the best dramas and musicals on Broadway.

- The film adaptation of the popular dystopian drama series was released last month.

3. 戏剧元素:戏剧包括了很多元素,例如角色、情节、对白、舞台设计等等。这些元素都在构建戏剧的故事情节和效果中起着重要作用。


- The drama's main character is a young woman struggling to find her place in the world.

- The climax of the drama was a heart-wrenching scene between the two lead actors.

- The elaborate stage design added to the overall drama of the performance.

4. 电视剧、电影、文学作品中的运用:'drama'这个词也可以用来形容电视剧、电影、文学作品中的情节和效果。通常这些作品都采用戏剧性的手法来吸引观众。


- The movie's dramatic ending left the audience in tears.

- This crime drama series is one of the most popular shows on TV right now.

- The novel's themes of love, betrayal and redemption make it an unforgettable drama.

5. 非正式用法:'drama'这个词在非正式的语境中也可以用来形容过于戏剧化或过于夸张的情况或事件。


- Don't be such a drama queen! It's just a little rain.

- The whole situation was a total drama and I couldn't believe it was happening to me.

- My friend always makes such a big drama out of everything, it's exhausting.



- 戏剧

- 剧本

- 戏剧表演

- 戏剧艺术

- 戏剧性


- 戏剧是一种很古老的艺术形式。

- 这部电影的剧本写得非常好,充满了戏剧冲突。

- 我们学校的戏剧社正在排练一部新剧。


1. She majored in drama at university. (她在大学主修戏剧。)

2. The drama performance was well received by the audience. (戏剧表演得到了观众的好评。)

3. The school held a drama festival last week. (学校上周举办了戏剧节。)

4. His acting skills are exceptional in the field of drama. (在戏剧领域,他的表演技巧非常出色。)

5. The drama club is seeking funding for their next production. (戏剧俱乐部正在为下一部作品寻求资金。)

6. She won an award for her performance in the drama. (她因在这部戏剧中的表演赢得了奖项。)

7. The drama is set in the 19th century. (这部戏剧的背景设定在19世纪。)

8. The drama explores themes of love and betrayal. (这部戏剧探讨了爱与背叛的主题。)

9. The actors rehearsed tirelessly for the upcoming drama production. (演员们为即将到来的戏剧作品不知疲倦地排练。)


读音:drama [ˈdrɑːmə]


1. He has always been interested in drama and has written several plays.(他一直对戏剧感兴趣,写过几部剧本。)

2. The school will hold a drama performance next week.(学校下周将举行一次戏剧表演。)

3. The opera is a popular form of drama in China.(歌剧是中国流行的戏曲形式。)

drama的意思是"戏剧 、话剧",其中文解释还有"戏剧文学"的意思,发音是['drɑ:mә],drama是一个英语名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到41个与drama相关的例句。



例句:Their importance blends into the sensationalized drama of prime time TV. (它们的重要性就跟黄金时段的电视剧 融合为了一体)


例句:If there is no drama in this country, Will there be tourists? (这个国家如果没有韩剧 还有什么可以玩的吗)


例句:She manifests great interest in American drama. (她对美国戏剧很有兴趣。)


例句:She turns everything... into a big drama (翻译:ぃ獭摆–Ω常硂妓 –Ω常稣恼栏)


drama一般作为名词使用,如在the drama([网络] 戏剧;陷进幻梦;住在清潭洞)、documentary drama(=docudrama)、drama club(戏剧小组)等常见短语中出现较多。

the drama[网络] 戏剧;陷进幻梦;住在清潭洞
documentary drama=docudrama
drama club戏剧小组
drama critic[网络] 剧评家
drama critics话剧评论
drama documentary[网络] 档案;剧情记录片
drama institute戏剧学院
drama queenn. someone who makes fuss about nothing; in a histrionic manner; a girl who exaggerates her problems; 大惊小怪
drama queens[网络] 戏剧女王;戏剧皇后;戏剧天后


1. She manifests great interest in American drama. (翻译:她对美国戏剧很有兴趣。)

2. She turns everything... into a big drama (翻译:ぃ獭摆–Ω常硂妓 –Ω常稣恼栏)

3. You know, Drama was telling me about this network deal that he's got. (翻译:你知道,Drama一直在跟我说他跟电视台的那份合同)

4. I told you the drama is not realistic. (翻译:呀 所以我说那个电影不行 根本没有现实性啊)

5. Drama queen! Drama queen! Daddy is a drama queen! (翻译:大惊小怪,大惊小怪,爸爸总是大惊小怪的。)

6. - a modern tragedy and drama... (翻译:-一部现代悲剧 -加油 - a modern tragedy and drama...)

7. - Yeah, Shauna's calling Hef's people to see what Drama's drama is this time. (翻译:-是的 Shauna在打电话给海夫纳的人 看看这次Drama的剧本是什么)

8. These include comedy, satire, poignant drama, historical and regional drama. (翻译:其中包括喜剧、讽刺剧、悲情剧、历史剧和地方剧。)

9. The biggest makeover has been in TV drama. (翻译:最大的革新已经出现在电视剧业里。)

10. Have you seen any Macanese Patois Drama? (翻译:你看过澳门土生葡语话剧吗? )

11. Belt, I want romance, drama, sincerity. (翻译:Belt 来点浪漫 戏剧性 真情实感 Belt, come on, romance, drama, sincerity.)

12. These characters cannot know they're in a drama. Yeap! (翻译:不能让这些人物知道 他们是在一部电视剧中)

13. I joined expecting drama and tension and breakthrough. (翻译:我加入的时候,期待的是 戏剧性的、紧张的工作日常,还有突破。)

14. Drama, when it comes to the Mansion, it's every man for himself. (翻译:Drama 当说到豪宅派对的时候 这是每个男人的自私行为)

15. shiji is neither stage drama nor drama screen play , but it often makes the readers having a feeling of watching drama. (翻译:《史记》既非舞台戏剧,也不是戏剧剧本,但读之却常常有一种忧如看戏般的感觉。)



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