mlb是什么意思 mlb的中文翻译、读音、例句

mlb是什么意思 mlb的中文翻译、读音、例句

mlb指的是Major League Baseball,即美国职业棒球大联盟。它作为一种名词,通常用作专有名词;它也可以作为缩写字母,是一个名词缩写。mlb通常出现在棒球相关的报道和讨论中。


mlb还有一些常用词组搭配,如mlb全明星赛(MLB All-Star Game)、mlb季后赛(MLB postseason)和mlb选秀(MLB Draft)等。此外,mlb还包括一些相关的短语和术语,例如一垒手(first baseman)、本垒打(home run)和双杀(double play)等。要了解更多关于mlb的术语和规则,可以参考mlb官方网站或其他棒球相关网站。

mlb的发音是/em el bi/,拼写是M、L、B三个字母的缩写形式,注意每个字母的发音要清晰。


读音:MLB [em-él-bi]


Translation: I often watch MLB games, and my favorite team is the New York Yankees.




例句:At the end of six months, they'll have an opportunity to try out with an MLB club. (六个月的培训结束时,他们将有机会进入一家MLB俱乐部考验自己的实力。)


例句:So July 4th, 2014, 75th year of Lou Gehrig's inspirational speech comes, and Pete is asked by to write an article in the Bleacher Report. (xx年xx月xx日 第75界卢格里克激励演讲到来 Pete被MLB网站邀请 在Bleacher Report上发表一篇文章 )


例句:Listing 4. Partial listing of mlb-batting-stats.xml. (清单4 . mlb - batting - stats . xml的片段。)


例句:In Los Angeles and Orlando, I attended the NBA finals, and I enjoyed going to matches of the NFL and MLB, " added Del Piero. " (翻译:在洛杉矶和奥兰多,我去观看了NBA的总决赛,我还非常高兴地去看了NFL和MLB的比赛。)


1. Listing 4. Partial listing of mlb-batting-stats.xml. (翻译:清单4 . mlb - batting - stats . xml的片段。)

2. In Los Angeles and Orlando, I attended the NBA finals, and I enjoyed going to matches of the NFL and MLB, " added Del Piero. " (翻译:在洛杉矶和奥兰多,我去观看了NBA的总决赛,我还非常高兴地去看了NFL和MLB的比赛。)

3. But, uh, I wanted to let you know we got the second tryout from MLB. (翻译:想让你知道我们 争取到大联盟第二次征选)

4. The only reason they didn't win multiple World Series was that the playoffs in MLB are so much of a toss up in comparison to football. (翻译:他们不能获得多个棒球世界大赛的唯一原因就是职棒大联盟的季后赛相比英国足球而言要麻烦太多。)

5. As a result, MLB clubs have been packing their bags. (翻译:其结果就是大联盟俱乐部打包走人了。)

6. Boras also pointed out that it would violate MLB rules for a player to have even potential equity in a franchise. (翻译:博拉斯也指出这样是违犯mlb规章,一位球员经销权的潜在公平性问题。)

7. To pay its bloated salaries, the club had to ask MLB for a $25m loan in 2009. (翻译:为支付膨胀的球员薪水,游骑兵队必须在xx年向大联盟借贷2,500万美元。)

8. The new MLB. TV video player will work much like a TiVo digital video recorder; users can stop and rewind to review stellar plays. (翻译:新的MLB视频播放器更像一个数字化的录像机,用户可以中止或回放视频。)

9. MLB ranks as the largest streamer of live media of any US media group, and draws 8m-10m visitors to its site each day. (翻译:在所有美国媒体集团中,MLB都是排名首位的实况流媒体提供商,其网站每天能吸引800万到1000万访客。)

10. The header cells, titled MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL, are styled with the same light blue color as the headers of the vertical dimension. (翻译:水平维度的标题单元格MLB、NFL、NBA和NHL,风格一致,都是淡蓝色。)

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