mdck是什么意思 mdck的中文翻译、读音、例句

mdck是什么意思 mdck的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mdck' 不是一个常规的单词,根据我们的相关搜索,'mdck' 可能是一个缩写,代表的是一种细胞系列,即 Madin-Darby Canine Kidney。该细胞系列来源于狗的肾脏,是一种常用的细胞模型,用于研究病毒感染和病毒疫苗的生产以及细胞生物学等领域。

词义:Madin-Darby Canine Kidney 的缩写




发音拼写:/ɛm di si keɪ keɪ/


1. The MDCK cell line is a well-established model system for studying virus infections and vaccine production.


2. The research showed that the MDCK cells can be used to study the pathogenesis of infection caused by the human coronavirus.


3. The MDCK cell line has been widely used for influenza virus propagation and vaccine production.


4. The study assessed the ability of MDCK cells to produce rabies virus vaccine.


5. MDCK cells have been used in the development of antiviral drugs to treat various viral infections.


6. MDCK cells are known for their epithelial morphology and have been used to study epithelial cell biology.


7. The MDCK cell line has been widely used in drug discovery research and toxicology studies.


'mdck' 并没有具体的中文翻译,它是一种细胞系的缩写,用于实验室中的细胞培养。其全称为Canine kidney Madin-Darby Canine Kidney,简称为MDCK。该细胞系最初是从狗的肾脏中分离出来的,被广泛应用于病毒学、细胞生物学和药物筛选等领域。

读音:[ˌem di si ˈkei]


1. Scientists commonly use the MDCK cell line to study the efficacy and safety of antiviral drugs. (科学家通常使用MDCK细胞系研究抗病毒药物的功效和安全性。)

2. The MDCK cell line has been used in many experiments to study the interaction between the influenza virus and host cells. (MDCK细胞系已被用于许多实验中研究流感病毒和宿主细胞之间的相互作用。)




例句:Why was Lemi K untouchable? (莱米・K为什么不能动 Why was lemi k untouchable?)


例句:Is it O.K. to call you at work? (Is it O. K. to call you at work?)


mdck一般作为名词使用,如在MDCK([=Madin-Darby canine kidney(cell line)]马-达二氏犬肾(细胞系))等常见短语中出现较多。

MDCK[=Madin-Darby canine kidney(cell line)]马-达二氏犬肾(细胞系)


1. O.K. That's not bad, but that's not right, O.K.? (翻译:这一步走得不错, 但不是最佳选择, O. K.)

2. I bought it at the K store. (翻译:是在K店买的。)

3. - Where you going? - Downtown to the MDC (翻译:你去哪儿 Where you going?)

4. 1Mdc was a digital gold currency (DGC), originally founded in 2001. (翻译:1MDC是一种数字黄金货币,xx年创立于安圭拉。)

5. Biti, a lawyer by profession, but MDC economic affairs secretary for several years, was appointed finance minister in February. (翻译:律师出身的比提担任了几年民革运经济事务秘书,今年xx月被任命为财政部长。)

6. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40K vs. 30K. (翻译:铸钢的屈服强度是30K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40K。)

7. K, guys- congratulations again, hannnah. (翻译:K,家伙 - 再次恭喜,Hannnah。)

8. The rest of the region will have to be equally robust if Mr Mugabe is to be coaxed into negotiating with the MDC and its leader. (翻译:如果穆加贝先生被哄到谈判桌前和MDC及其领导人谈判的话,这片区域的其它国家毫无疑问将干劲十足。)

9. Riggins and 14K are all dead. (翻译:Riggins and 14K are all dead.)

10. Since then, the MDC has been the victim of unbridled retaliation. (翻译:此后,MDC成为肆意报复的牺牲品。)

11. Under JDK 1.6 the JVM can handle between 15k and 30k threads. (翻译:在使用JDK 1.6的情况下,JVM可以处理15 K到30 K的线程数。)

12. k. Consider the following for swamps, lakes, and unfordable rivers: K. (翻译:在沼泽,湖泊和无法绕行的河流中行进,考虑以下几点:)

13. A three-time junior high champion, and MDC's No. 1 diver. (翻译:连续xx年获得初中组冠军 这个队的 No. 1)

14. Solid 14-karat or 18-karat gold. (翻译:固态14 k或18 k金。)

15. - A.k.a, Joey Kaz, or Joey K. (翻译:也被叫做Joey Kaz或者Joey K)

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