hook是什么意思 hook的中文翻译、读音、例句

hook是什么意思 hook的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She hung her coat on the hook.(她把外套挂在钩子上。)

2. The fish took the bait and got hooked.(鱼儿上钩了,被钓了起来。)

3. He used a hook to pull the box out of the attic.(他用钩子把箱子从阁楼中拖了出来。)

4. The singer's new song really hooked me.(那位歌手的新歌让我非常着迷。)

5. He hooked his arm around hers and they walked together.(他挽着她的胳膊一起走。)

6. The thief used a hook to break into the window.(小偷用钩子破窗而入。)

7. I can't find the hook to close my necklace.(我找不到颈链扣子上的钩子了。)

8. The boxer's punch was a good hook.(那名拳击手的钩拳很不错。)

9. She put a hook on the end of the fishing line.(她在钓鱼线的末端装上了一个钩子。)





1. He used a hook to catch the fish. (他用钩子钓鱼。)

2. The coat hook is behind the door. (挂衣钩在门后。)

3. The song has a catchy hook. (这首歌有个容易上口的音乐片段。)

4. She hooked her arm through mine. (她勾住我的胳膊。)

5. The thief hooked the necklace from the shelf. (小偷从货架上勾走了项链。)




例句:Hook, regina, emma, you take the west. (Hook Regina Emma 你们去西边)


例句:I think that and "Hook" are probably his best films. (我觉得《大白鲨》和《铁钩船长》应该是他最好的作品了)


例句:"Brimstone and gall," thundered Hook, "what cozening is going on here!" (“该死,”胡克怒吼道,“这是怎么回事!” )


例句:Hook may have led us astray, but at least we're in a good position (翻译:虎克也许给我们带错了路 但至少从这儿正好能开始搜查丛林)


hook一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hook in(以钩钩住, 拉拢)、hook into([网络] 钩入;勾入;包来创建可使他们连接到)、hook it(逃走)等常见短语中出现较多。

hook in以钩钩住, 拉拢
hook into[网络] 钩入;勾入;包来创建可使他们连接到
hook it逃走
hook on钩住; 挽住手臂; 着迷
hook on to钩住, 追随
No hook[化] 勿用手钩\n[经] 不许用钓
on the hook陷入圈套
dropper hook滴管钩
drum hookun. 吊桶钩
duck hook【高尔夫球】歪球, 打歪了的臭球


1. "Brimstone and gall," thundered Hook, "what cozening is going on here!" (翻译:“该死,”胡克怒吼道,“这是怎么回事!” )

2. Hook may have led us astray, but at least we're in a good position (翻译:虎克也许给我们带错了路 但至少从这儿正好能开始搜查丛林)

3. "Fling the girl overboard," cried Hook. (翻译:“把这姑娘扔到海里去。”胡克喊道。)

4. This was taken in the Riviera Sugar Factory in Red Hook, Brooklyn. (翻译:这是在布鲁克林的红钩子地区的Riviera糖工厂拍摄的。)

5. They send me over to Red Hook. (翻译:让我去红勾区 They send me over to Red Hook.)

6. Captain Hook's hand was eaten by a crocodile, not an alligator. (翻译:虎克船长的手是被鳄鱼 而不是被短吻鳄给吃掉的)

7. So, if we have a quick look at the history of cymatics beginning with the observations of resonance, by Da Vinci, Galileo, the English scientist Robert Hook and then Ernest Chladni. (翻译:单回顾cymtics的历史, 观察回声现象的有 达芬奇,伽里略, 英国科学家Robert Hook, 还有Ernest Chladni.)

8. And then, from out of the mist, he was there, the evil Captain Hook! (翻译:接着,在迷雾中,他出现了 是邪恶的虎克船长)

9. - So you don't think Sandy Hook changed anything? (翻译:那你认为Sandy Hook小学枪击案 改变不了什么是吧)

10. That could work just fine. (翻译:我们可以利用的一个这些弹簧作为钩。we can use one of those springs as a hook.)

11. So, if we have a quick look at the history of cymatics beginning with the observations of resonance, by Da Vinci, Galileo, the English scientist Robert Hook and then Ernest Chladni. (翻译:单回顾cymtics的历史, 观察回声现象的有 达芬奇,伽里略, 英国科学家Robert Hook, 还有Ernest Chladni. )

12. Hook right with first squad. Tell Guarnere to move left with second. (翻译:一班从右路牵制 通知瓜奈若 带二班从左路进攻)

13. Dylan is 16 and hails from Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. (翻译:狄兰 xx岁 住在宾夕法尼亚州的马库斯胡克郡)

14. So you'll arrange this meeting with Mr. Hook? (翻译:那么你愿意安排我和Hook先生的会面吗?)

15. S06E20 Hook, Line and Sinner (翻译:andrea942 yoda 小悦 泉隽戈泓 拧麻花 尖尖 校对: 蓉蓉 Candy小妖 时间轴: 邦德猪 卡灰)



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