theworld是什么意思 theworld的中文翻译、读音、例句

theworld是什么意思 theworld的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及词义:


- The World 也可以指某个具体的地理位置,例如 The World 是迪拜的一个人工群岛。

- TW 则是 Theworld 的缩写,通常用于互联网聊天、游戏等场合,表示“世界 (World) 领域中的某个地区或服务器”,类似于“区服”的概念。

2. 用法及搭配:

- Theworld 作为名词时,通常和介词 in 或 of 搭配使用,以表示所指的范围。例如:in the world (在世界上);of the world (世界的)。

- The World 也可以作为专有名词,例如迪拜的 The World 项目。

- TW 作为缩写则常常跟着具体的游戏名字,如 MapleStory TW (冒险岛 TW)、DNF TW (地下城与勇士 TW) 等。

3. 相关词汇:

- Worldwide: 全球的,世界范围内的。

- World-class: 世界一流的。

- Worldview: 世界观,指一个人或一个群体对世界的看法。


1. The World Cup is the most prestigious soccer tournament in the world. (世界杯是全世界最重要的足球赛事。)

2. Many people dream of traveling the world someday. (许多人梦想有朝xx日环游世界。)

3. The World Bank aims to reduce poverty in developing countries. (世界银行旨在减少发展中国家的贫困。)

4. The World Health Organization has been working to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. (世界卫生组织一直在努力应对 COVID-19 疫情。)

5. He spends most of his free time playing MapleStory TW. (他大部分空闲时间都在玩冒险岛 TW。)





1. The pandemic has affected every corner of the world.(这场大流行病影响到了世界的每个角落。)

2. He traveled around the world to experience different cultures.(他环游世界,体验不同的文化。)

3. The world is facing many challenges including climate change and poverty.(世界正面临许多挑战,包括气候变化和贫困。)



例句:Our sensory experience of the world originates in the interior sensation of the mouth, and the world tends to return to its oral origins. (我们对感官体验的世界源自于嘴巴。而这个世界【theworld难译】倾向于回到它的味觉器官。)


例句:Long before, i believe that there exists fairy tales love in theworld , also i was terming the appear of my love and Mr. right . (很久以前,我相信世界上有仙女童话故事,并且我也想我的真爱出现并叫他正确先生。)

例句:She wants to get info from you on drugs from the mainland toexposeit to theworld (想从你身上知道有没有毒品 从大陆运出来 假如有的话,就会公布全世界)


例句:SOMALIA does not spring to mind as a goodplace to do business, but in telecoms at least it has something to teach theworld. (翻译:索马里给人的第一印象可不是一个适合做生意的地方,不过至少在通信方面,它有着值得全世界学习的地方。)


theworld一般作为名词使用,如在in theworld((加强语气用)到底,究竟;其实)等常见短语中出现较多。

in theworld(加强语气用)到底,究竟;其实


1. She wants to get info from you on drugs from the mainland toexposeit to theworld (翻译:想从你身上知道有没有毒品 从大陆运出来 假如有的话,就会公布全世界)

2. SOMALIA does not spring to mind as a goodplace to do business, but in telecoms at least it has something to teach theworld. (翻译:索马里给人的第一印象可不是一个适合做生意的地方,不过至少在通信方面,它有着值得全世界学习的地方。)

3. Our objective of a struggle is: let the products take our place in theworld; let the users in the world understand us. (翻译:我们的奋斗目标是:让我们的产品走向世界,让世界各地用户了解我们。)

4. Whatthey called sleeping with the enemy, Krupp called dealing with theworld as it is rather than as he wished it to be. (翻译:克拉普认为这是“与敌同眠”,他认为应该按照问题的本来面目,而不是按照自己的想法进行处理。)

5. Markisatalentedman inoneof theworld's biggestcities... (翻译:法胖是一个 居住在世界上大城市的有天赋的家伙)

6. In many other parts of theworld, that would count as a victory. (翻译:在世界的其他地区,这仍然会是一个巨大的胜利。)

7. We've got tons of impossiblygood-lookingpeople walkingthejudgiest redcarpetin theworld. (翻译:我们有万吨 不可能好看的人 走在judgiest 红地毯在世界上。)

8. How does that necessarily impact my role in theworld of business? (翻译:它又是怎么在商业世界中影响我这个角色? )

9. Bmw, which didn't get seriously into the auto business until after world war ii, is theworld's largest producer of luxury performance cars, and has a consistent history ofsuccess and growth. (翻译:宝马公司直到二战结束后才真正进军汽车领域,它是全球最大的高性能豪华轿车制造商,而且一直有稳定的成功和增长的历史。)

10. worthy to have BEen left there, to BE the plaything of the angels after theworld's first parents were driven out. (翻译:可说是在世上第一对父母被逐出之后,留在园中当作天使们的玩物的。)

11. This exhibition is co-organized with nonprofit art institutes, academic community and various intellectual observers from all over theworld with subtile observation and independent opinions. (翻译:此次展览在组织方面由非营利的文化艺术机构、学术团体和各地区的国际观察员共同来担当策展重任。)

12. Mr. Francesco Frangialli, secretary-general of theWorld Tourism Organization. (翻译:世界旅游构造秘书长弗朗加利先生。)

13. Theworld'slike all TV planets on at the same time... (翻译:这个世界就像所有电视里的星球,都在同步播放)

14. After all, would theworld really miss this fatuous little suppository, with his preeningself-confidence and emetic cuteness? (翻译:况且,世界上真的有人会想念这个愚蠢、自负、装可爱装得令人作呕的狗崽子吗?)

15. he had just won theworld cup , he did not have the motivation needed for that level. (翻译:他刚刚赢得世界杯,在那种级别的比他没有动力。)

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