symantec是什么意思 symantec的中文翻译、读音、例句

symantec是什么意思 symantec的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Symantec是一家软件公司名称,该公司提供计算机安全软件和服务。

2. 缩写词:Symantec是"System and Network Monitor"的缩写,这是该公司早期发布的一种监控软件。

3. 全球知名度:Symantec是全球知名的安全软件和服务提供商,拥有客户遍布全球。

4. 产品线:Symantec提供多种软件和服务,包括反病毒软件、防火墙、数据备份和恢复,以及网络安全解决方案。

5. 价值观:Symantec致力于为客户提供最佳的安全解决方案,并且倡导可持续发展。


1. Symantec's antivirus software is one of the most widely used in the world.(Symantec的反病毒软件是世界上使用最广泛的之一。)

2. The use of Symantec software has significantly reduced the number of security breaches in our company.(使用Symantec软件显着减少了我们公司的安全漏洞数量。)

3. Symantec's customer service team was very helpful in resolving my software issue.(Symantec的客户服务团队在解决我的软件问题方面非常有帮助。)

4. Our organization recently invested in Symantec's network security solution and we have already seen significant improvements in our security.(我们的组织最近投资了Symantec的网络安全解决方案,我们已经看到安全方面显着的改善。)

5. Symantec's commitment to sustainability is a testament to their dedication to both their customers and the environment.(Symantec对可持续性的承诺证明了他们对客户和环境的奉献精神。)



1. Symantec develops software to protect your computer from viruses. (Symantec开发了保护电脑免受病毒侵害的软件。)

2. The Symantec product can encrypt your personal data so that no one else can access it. (Symantec的产品可以加密个人数据,以防别人访问。)

3. The company Symantec has been in the news lately for their latest data breach. (Symantec公司因最新的数据泄露事件而近日登上了新闻头条。)

4. Symantec's Norton Antivirus is a popular software used to protect computers from malware. (Symantec的诺顿杀毒软件是一款常用于保护电脑免受恶意软件侵害的软件。)

5. Symantec offers comprehensive security solutions for businesses of all sizes. (Symantec为各种规模的企业提供全面的安全解决方案。)

6. The Symantec Endpoint Protection product is designed to prevent cyber attacks in real-time. (Symantec Endpoint Protection产品旨在实时预防网络攻击。)

7. Symantec provides cloud-based security services to ensure safe access to company data. (Symantec提供基于云的安全服务,确保对公司数据的安全访问。)

8. Symantec's recent acquisition of Blue Coat has strengthened their position in the cybersecurity market. (Symantec最近收购了Blue Coat公司,这进一步增强了它们在网络安全市场上的地位。)

9. Symantec's Data Loss Prevention software helps companies comply with data protection regulations. (Symantec的数据泄露预防软件有助于企业遵守数据保护法规。)





Translation: Symantec's antivirus software can effectively protect computers from virus and malware attacks.




例句:So at Symantec we have probes on networks all over the world watching for malicious activity. (我们赛门铁克公司在互联网上有很多探测设备遍布世界各地 监控恶意行为)


例句:Ilias Chantzos of Symantec, a computer-security company, says it has far outgrown its nerdy roots in a subculture of brainy social outcasts fuelled by pizza deliveries and fizzy drinks. (计算机安全公司赛门铁克的伊利亚斯•肯兹说,现在黑客群体已经不仅仅局限于它当初的起源人群,那些每天靠吃比萨外卖二氧化碳汽水为生的书呆子,这些社会次文化中头脑活跃的边缘团体。)


symantec一般作为名词使用,如在Symantec NetBackup([网络] 赛门铁克企业资料防护;计费应用软件;资料备份)、Symantec Backup Exec([网络] 赛门铁克;备份;备份软体)等常见短语中出现较多。

Symantec NetBackup[网络] 赛门铁克企业资料防护;计费应用软件;资料备份
Symantec Backup Exec[网络] 赛门铁克;备份;备份软体


1. According to Symantec, the volume of spam emanating from the US continues to increase. (翻译:据赛门铁克称,从美国发出的垃圾邮件的数量继续增加。)

2. The inclusion of such links does not imply that Symantec endorses, recommends, or accepts any responsibility for the content of such sites. (翻译:包含此类链接并不暗示Symantec认同、推荐此类网站的内容或对这些内容承担任何责任。)

3. Raleigh Croix Symantec spokesman told reporters : "In fact almost all the spam senders . have illegal profits. " (翻译:赛门铁克公司发言人罗利·克罗斯对记者表示:“实际上几乎所有的垃圾邮件发送者,都能非法获利。”)

4. This is a lucrative business, Symantec has discovered. (翻译:赛门铁克发现这是一项合算的生意。)

5. This led the Symantec researchers to wonder if this was, in fact, the first case of a mobile botnet being spotted in the wild. (翻译:这不禁让赛门铁克的研究人员想这是否就是手机僵尸网络在现实中的第一个实例呢。)

6. A pair of Symantec security packages have been certified under Common Criteria, the company announced this week. (翻译:一对Symantec安全包已经按照通用标准进行鉴定,该公司本周宣布。)



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