gpk是什么意思 gpk的中文翻译、读音、例句

gpk是什么意思 gpk的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 可能是人名或组织名称的缩写。如“GPK Lawyers”(GPK律师事务所)。

- GPK Lawyers is a leading law firm in Australia.(GPK律师事务所是澳大利亚的一家领先律师事务所。)

2. 可能是某一技术领域的术语缩写,需要具体领域知识。如“Graphical Password Key”(图形密码键)。

- GPK is a new technology that is being used to provide enhanced security for online accounts.(GPK是一种新技术,正在被用于为在线帐户提供增强安全性。)

3. 可能是某一游戏或电影等娱乐产业的缩写。需要具体案例分析。

- The new GPK trading cards are all the rage among collectors.(新的GPK交易卡在收藏家中非常流行。)

4. 可能是某一公司或产品的商标。需要具体案例分析。

- The GPK logo is easily recognizable by its distinctive colors and design.(GPK标志以其独特的颜色和设计而容易识别。)

5. 'gpk'不是标准单词,可能是个人、团体、地名等唯一的名称缩写。需要具体案例分析。

- George P. Kline, often referred to as GPK, was a pioneer in the field of civil engineering.(乔治·P·克莱恩,通常被称为GPK,是土木工程领域的先驱。)

6. 'gpk'没有明确含义,可能是某一行业或社群内的俚语、黑话或口头用语。需要具体场景分析。

- The tech startup scene is full of acronyms and abbreviations, like GPK, that can be confusing for outsiders.(科技初创企业界充满缩写词和缩略语,如GPK,对外行人来说很容易造成困惑。)

7. 'gpk'是一个无意义的字符串或随机字符,没有特定含义。需要具体上下文分析。

- The password must be at least eight characters and include at least one uppercase letter and one gpk.(密码必须至少包含八个字符,其中至少一个是大写字母和一个gpk。)


读音为:ɡi pi kei。


1. 这款服务器配备了高性能计算卡(gpk),可以处理大量的数据和任务。

2. 我们需要购买一些gpk以提高我们公司的数据处理速度。




例句:The design theory of double RF front end delay mapping receiver based Zarlink GP2021 and GP2010 for GPS remote sensing and application in sea wind measure are introduced. (介绍了双射频前端GPS遥感延迟映射接收机的设计原理及在海洋风场测量中的应用。)


例句:O.K. That's not bad, but that's not right, O.K.? (这一步走得不错, 但不是最佳选择, O. K.)


例句:I had to do something about the series of strange events. (GP内发生一系列奇怪的事 我不得不做些什么)


例句:I bought it at the K store. (翻译:是在K店买的。)


1. I had to do something about the series of strange events. (翻译:GP内发生一系列奇怪的事 我不得不做些什么)

2. I bought it at the K store. (翻译:是在K店买的。)

3. In just two years he has brought the Chinese to the Moto GP World Championship. (翻译:在短短两年内 就让中国人站上了 Moto GP世界锦标赛的冠军赛)

4. I, um¡K¡K are you and carlos having some sort of money trouble? (翻译:我,呃... ... 你和Calos经济上有问题吗?)

5. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40K vs. 30K. (翻译:铸钢的屈服强度是30K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40K。)

6. Can I ask you something, Mr. K? (翻译:我可以问你一些事吗,K先生? Can I ask you something, Mr. K?)

7. Is it O.K. to call you at work? (翻译:Is it O. K. to call you at work?)

8. k. Consider the following for swamps, lakes, and unfordable rivers: K. (翻译:在沼泽,湖泊和无法绕行的河流中行进,考虑以下几点:)

9. Why was Lemi K untouchable? (翻译:莱米・K为什么不能动 Why was lemi k untouchable?)

10. Solid 14-karat or 18-karat gold. (翻译:固态14 k或18 k金。)

11. We have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:我们有14k和18 k的金项链、手链和耳环。)

12. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40k vs. 30k. (翻译:铸钢的屈服强度是30 K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40 K。)

13. Well, it was, in fact, nicotine gum as prescribed by his GP. (翻译:那其实是尼古丁口胶剂 医生给他开的 Well, it was, in fact, nicotine gum as prescribed by his GP.)

14. These are not your traditional Klan robes you would see at any KKK rally. (翻译:这不是你能在三K党集会中 看到的传统的三K党长袍。)

15. K, guys- congratulations again, hannnah. (翻译:K,家伙 - 再次恭喜,Hannnah。)

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