browse是什么意思 browse的中文翻译、读音、例句

browse是什么意思 browse的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 'Browse'的动词用法:浏览,逛商店,吃(植物的)嫩叶

- 例句:

- I usually browse the internet for news in the morning.


- Let's just browse around the mall and see what catches our eye.


- The goats are browsing on the shrubs in the meadow.


2. 'Browse'的名词用法:浏览,吃嫩叶的动物

- 例句:

- I spent hours doing a browse of various online stores to find the best deal.


- The deer are common browsers in this area.


3. 'BRS'的缩写词:Browser,指网页浏览器

- 例句:

- My favorite BRS for online shopping is Google Chrome.


- Internet Explorer used to be the most popular BRS, but now it's outdated.

(Internet Explorer曾经是最流行的浏览器,但现在已经过时了。)

4. 'Browsing'的形容词用法:随意的,漫步的

- 例句:

- We enjoyed a leisurely browsing walk through the park.


- It was a pleasant afternoon spent browsing the quaint shops in the historic village.







1. I like to browse the bookstore to see what new books are available.(我喜欢去书店逛一逛,看看有哪些新书可读。)

2. He spent hours browsing the internet for information on travel destinations.(他花了几个小时浏览互联网,寻找旅游目的地的信息。)

browse通常被翻译为"浏览 、牲畜的"的意思,在英美地区还有"名"的意思,在线发音:[brauz],browse来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到53个与browse相关的句子。



例句:Woodside declined to reveal the terms of the Browse deal. (Woodside拒绝透露Browse交易的条款。)


例句:You can browse the site for other blabbers, and each clip can be emailed out to friends or embedded in your personal website, blog or social networking profile. (你能够浏览这个网站,每个剪辑,可以通过电子邮件发送给朋友或嵌入在你的个人网站,博客或社交网络的简介中。)


例句:And so you too can type in any word or phrase that you're interested in and see its n-gram immediately -- also browse examples of all the various books in which your n-gram appears. (现在你们也可以输入任何你感兴趣的单词或词组 查看它的n字格 并阅览所有书籍中 出现n字格的例句)


例句:Well, let's go hand by hand and browse through just a few examples. (翻译:好,让我们一样样来看, 看看后面这些例子。)


browse一般作为名词、动词使用,如在object browse([计] 对象浏览)等常见短语中出现较多。

object browse[计] 对象浏览


1. And so you too can type in any word or phrase that you're interested in and see its n-gram immediately -- also browse examples of all the various books in which your n-gram appears. (翻译:现在你们也可以输入任何你感兴趣的单词或词组 查看它的n字格 并阅览所有书籍中 出现n字格的例句)

2. Well, let's go hand by hand and browse through just a few examples. (翻译:好,让我们一样样来看, 看看后面这些例子。)

3. Click the data generation plan that you want to apply in the list, or click the ellipsis to browse for a plan. (翻译:在清单中按一下要套用的资料产生计划,或按一下省略符号浏览并寻找计划。)

4. Browse the first chapters of this book if you want to go deeper into the foundations of SLT. (翻译:如果你想要更深入的了解统计学习的基本原理,请浏览本书的前几章节。)

5. I browse for souvenirs in the domed bazaars: copper coffee sets, Bosnian football shirts, bright knitwear made by refugee co-operatives. (翻译:在圆顶的市场里我浏览着各种礼品:铜质的咖啡具,波斯尼亚足球队的球衣,由难民合作社生产的色彩明亮的针织品等。)

6. The PSE and the CM SIAPI implementations contain only search and browse factories. (翻译:PSE 和 CM SIAPI 实现仅包含搜索和浏览工厂。)

7. And once things are in a pile I can browse them by throwing them into a grid, or you know, flip through them like a book or I can lay them out like a deck of cards. (翻译:这些东西摞起来之后,我还可以把它们展开进行浏览, 或是像翻书一样翻看, 或是像理扑克牌一样把它们展开。)

8. It's an algorithm that actually allows you to browse the actual museum's collection using facial recognition. (翻译:它是一种演算法则,但却能让你 通过面部识别的方式浏览博物馆内的藏品 )

9. Well let us go hand by hand and browse through just a few examples. (翻译:好,让我们一样样来看, 看看后面这些例子。)

10. At the Lua-users wiki, browse a variety of pre-built, installable Lua binaries. (翻译:在Lua - users wiki上,浏览很多预先构建的、可安装的lua二进制文件。)

11. Room service please. Then write a script that lets you browse the video page via the proxy list and... That's great. (翻译:然后写个脚本让你能通过代理列表 访问到视频页)

12. A part of link is null here, please entry the "I love Ennio Morricone" so that browse (翻译:部分链接此处无效,请进入“莫里康音乐”网站后再浏览)

13. Just browse to your half-life or counterstrike directory, and point it to the original hl. exe. (翻译:你可以浏览你的半死目录或者你的半死目录,并指定该文件。)

14. This is... you can make calls, browse the Internet, and most importantly, you can read comics. (翻译:这是可以打电话 可以上网 可以听音乐 还有我最喜欢的 可以看漫画 网络漫画你懂吗)

15. So for every book ever published, we want to have a web page about it that combines all the information from publishers, from booksellers, from libraries, from readers onto one site, and then gives you links where you can buy it, you can borrow it, or you can browse it. (翻译:an editable website with one page per book. 我们希望给它建个页面 填上所有相关信息 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}we want to have a web page about it that combines all the information from readers 汇聚到一个网站 然后给出链接 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}onto one site.)

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