quotient是什么意思 quotient的中文翻译、读音、例句

quotient是什么意思 quotient的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:Quotient是一个名词,指的是一个数被另一个数除以所得的商。在数学中,这个词通常用于描述两个数之间的关系。

2. 词性:Quotient是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:Quotient这个词在数学中经常使用,特别是在初等数学和代数的学习中。同时,这个词也可以用于描述其他领域中的关系,例如商业和社交领域。

4. 词组搭配:

- Quotient Rule:商规则

- Quotient Group:商群

- Quotient Space:商空间

- Quotient Ring:商环

5. 相关短语:

- Find the quotient:找到商

- Divide and get the quotient:除法求商

- Calculate the quotient:计算商

- Express as a quotient:用商表示

6. 发音拼写:Quotient /ˈkwəʊʃənt/



1. The intelligence quotient test measures a person's cognitive abilities. (智商测试可以衡量一个人的认知能力。)

2. The dividend divided by the divisor gives the quotient. (被除数除以除数得商。)

3. The student's quotient of unexcused absences was off the charts. (这名学生的未经允许的缺勤次数超出了常规标准。)

4. The ratio of boys to girls was three to one, a quotient that surprised the teachers. (男孩和女孩的比例是三比一,这个比率让老师们感到惊讶。)

5. The determinant quotient determines the type of singular point. (行列式的商决定了奇异点的类型。)

6. The quotient of the two numbers was a fraction. (这两个数字的商是一个分数。)

7. The functional quotient measures the functional diversity of an ecosystem. (功能商量度生态系统的功能多样性。)

8. The remaining quotient after dividing 57 by 8 is 1. (57除以8的商为7余1。)

9. The quotient of the sum of two numbers divided by their difference is always positive. (两个数的和除以它们的差的商始终为正数。)


1. The quotient of 24 divided by 6 is 4.


2. The teacher asked the students to find the quotient of 36 divided by 9.


3. When you divide 45 by 5, the quotient is 9.


4. The remainder is what is left over after the quotient has been determined.


quotient通常被翻译为"商 、计"的意思,还经常被翻译为返回商的整数部分,在线读音是['kwәuʃәnt],quotient在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到71个与quotient相关的句子。



例句:The Cognitive Laterality Quotient (CLQ) of the case group was negative, it means that the patients's information production abilities of left hemisphere was normal. (实验组认知功能测化商数为负值,说明左半球信息加工能力基本正常。)


例句:Someone disagrees with this quotient thing of mine, but I think that sympathy, from the Greek word "sympazein" (有些人反对我以同情心多寡评分 却坚持 同情一词源于希腊文 意思是分担别人所受的痛苦)


例句:The elephant boasts the largest brain of any land mammal, as well as an impressive encephalization quotient. (大象的大脑尺寸是所有陆地上 哺乳动物中最大的 同时大象的脑化商数 也是令人印象颇深 )


例句:The respiratory quotient of n-hexadecane and n-octadecane were found to be 0.44 and 0.47 respectively. (翻译:异烷似较难氧化。对正十六烷和正十八烷的呼吸商依次为0.44 和0.47。)


quotient一般作为名词使用,如在difference quotient(差商)、differential quotient([计] 微商)、dilatation quotient(伸缩商)等常见短语中出现较多。

difference quotient差商
differential quotient[计] 微商
dilatation quotient伸缩商
economy quotient[医] 水分[收支]商数
dispersivity quotient微分色散
emotional quotient情绪商数
equilibrium quotient[化] 平衡商
educational quotient教育商数
encephalization quotient【动物学】脑商,脑化商数(动物体重与脑重比的指数)


1. The elephant boasts the largest brain of any land mammal, as well as an impressive encephalization quotient. (翻译:大象的大脑尺寸是所有陆地上 哺乳动物中最大的 同时大象的脑化商数 也是令人印象颇深 )

2. The respiratory quotient of n-hexadecane and n-octadecane were found to be 0.44 and 0.47 respectively. (翻译:异烷似较难氧化。对正十六烷和正十八烷的呼吸商依次为0.44 和0.47。)

3. proves that quotient category of free S-category is equivalent to the skew category with semigroup action. (翻译:证明了自由半群作用范畴的商范畴与斜半群作用范畴是等价的。)

4. Joe Gregorio says, admitting to having met his blogging-hyperbole-quotient for the day. (翻译:Joe Gregorio表示,他承认自己已经到做足那分博客宣传份额的日子了。)

5. While journalists are more publicly open than many other industries in at least some ways, there's a notable hypocrisy quotient. (翻译:在某种程度上,新闻业比其他行业的公开度要高,但是还是会有伪善的成分在里面。)

6. Being rich doesn't actually increase your happiness quotient. (翻译:有钱不见得提升你的快乐指数。)

7. Used the theorem of exponential correspondence, a theorem on quotient map was generalized to the cases of coinduced topology, and some applications of it in algebraic topology were also discussed. (翻译:利用指数对应定理,将关于商映射的一个定理推广到上诱导拓扑的情形,并给出其在代数拓扑学中的若干应用。)

8. The truncated Schur module is a quotient module of the corresponding Schur module over a field of characteristic P. (翻译:消减舒尔模是相应的舒尔模在特征值为p的域上的一种商模。)

9. Joe Gregorio says, admitting to having met his blogging-hyperbole-quotient for the day. (翻译:JoeGregorio表示,他承认自己已经到做足那分博客宣传份额的日子了。)

10. Coz IQ doesn't interest girls, they want CQ.. Cool quotient! (翻译:因为女孩们对智商没什么兴趣 她们对CQ感兴趣)

11. NOT expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. (翻译:超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数)

12. Due to no channel estimation required for rayleigh fading channel, quotient coded QAM has lower receiver complexity. (翻译:商分编码QAM由于无需信道估计和均衡,因此降低了在瑞利衰落信道解调的复杂性。)

13. Nothing like a little public pressure to ratchet up the creativity quotient. (翻译:逐步提示创造力的能力时没什么比施加一点公众压力更好的了。)

14. Hello, I'm Anup, the founder of information security quotient, an information security awareness company, based in Bangalore, India. (翻译:您好!我是安诺·纳拉亚南,来自印度班加罗尔的一家信息安全意识公司——信安之商的创始人。)

15. The limit of this quotient as the time of travel becomes vanishingly small; the first derivative of distance with respect to time. (翻译:瞬时速度当运动时间小到可以忽略时,此商数的极值;距离相对于时间的一阶导函数)



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