mtr是什么意思 mtr的中文翻译、读音、例句

mtr是什么意思 mtr的中文翻译、读音、例句

'MTR'是Mass Transit Railway的缩写,是香港一种常见的公共交通方式。以下是对该单词的分析和相关例句:

1. 含义 - 'MTR'是指香港的地铁系统,是一种高速、高效、安全的公共交通工具。它包括轨道、车站、乘客服务和管理系统等组成部分。


- Taking the MTR during rush hour can be quite exhausting.


- The MTR network covers most of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.


2. 建设历程 - 'MTR'的建设历程可以追溯到20世纪xx年代,当时香港政府开始考虑建立一种新的公共交通系统,以解决城市日益增长的需求。从此以后,MTR不断扩展和更新,成为香港最重要的基础设施之一。


- The MTR was first opened to the public in 1979.


- The latest expansion of the MTR includes the South Island Line, which opened in 2016.


3. 服务质量 - 'MTR'以其高质量的服务和出色的管理而著称。它不仅提供快速、准点的交通,还有各种设施和服务,如无障碍通道、Wi-Fi和电子支付。


- The MTR is known for its punctual service and clean trains.


- The MTR provides free Wi-Fi on most of its trains and stations.


4. 影响力 - 'MTR'对香港的经济和社会发展产生了深远的影响,它不仅带来了更便捷的交通,还促进了城市的发展和改善了市民的生活质量。


- The MTR has contributed greatly to the economic growth of Hong Kong.


- The MTR has made it easier for people to travel around the city and has improved their quality of life.






1. I take the MTR to work every day. (我每天坐港铁上班。)

2. The MTR system is very efficient. (港铁系统十分高效。)

3. You should take the MTR to get to the airport. (你应该坐港铁去机场。)

4. The MTR fare is reasonable. (港铁票价很合理。)

5. The MTR stations are always clean and tidy. (港铁站总是干净整洁。)

6. The MTR map is very easy to understand. (港铁地图很容易理解。)

7. The MTR trains are very quiet. (港铁列车非常安静。)

8. The MTR operates 24 hours a day. (港铁全天候运营。)

9. The MTR is a good way to explore Hong Kong. (港铁是探索香港的好方法。)

mtr的中文翻译是地铁。读音为/dì tiě/。


1. 我们可以坐地铁去国家博物馆。

We can take the metro to the National Museum.

2. 他每天都要乘坐地铁上班。

He takes the subway to work every day.




例句:When the first train comes to the platform and cut through the ribbons MTR starts serving Hong Kong people officially (郡主首先乘坐特别的列车 冲过挂在路轨上半空的彩带... ...然后到车站大堂为地下铁路牌扁主持揭幕)


例句:Completely paralyzing the MTR, and causing traffic jams in every major roads. (港铁每条线路,都陷入瘫痪状态... 每条交通要道都出现严重挤塞...)


例句:Take the MTR to Shau Kei Wan station and take exit A3. (坐地铁到筲箕湾站,然后从A3出口出。)


例句:Is the construction of the MTR things? (翻译:难道是地铁施工出事情了? )


mtr一般作为名词使用,如在MTR([计] 磁带机, 监视器)、FL/MTR([=flow meter]流量计)、mtr station(地铁站)等常见短语中出现较多。

MTR[计] 磁带机, 监视器
FL/MTR[=flow meter]流量计
mtr station地铁站


1. Take the MTR to Shau Kei Wan station and take exit A3. (翻译:坐地铁到筲箕湾站,然后从A3出口出。)

2. Is the construction of the MTR things? (翻译:难道是地铁施工出事情了? )

3. Block 37, near CityOne MTR station and market, good for new couple, inclu. gov rate and management fee, with air conditions, lights and gas water heater. (翻译:沙田第一城37座近港铁第一城站近街市合新婚夫妇包差饷管理全屋空调,灯饰,及热水炉。)

4. A bomb explosion took place last night at 7:45 at Sai Ying Pun MTR Station. (翻译:昨晚 7点45分 在西营盘港铁站 发生一宗 怀疑炸弹爆炸)

5. Frequency improvement and terminal change to Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Public Transport Interchange. (翻译:改善班次,总站迁往调景岭地铁站公共交通交汇处。)

6. Right after the train is stopped, MTR 62 uncouples with KTT immediately and moves further forward to Traverser and leaves Hung Hom Station. (翻译:列车停车后mtr 62号机随即与九广通列车解除连结,驶前往调车台离开红磡站。)

7. MTR Tung Chung Station Exit b, take bus no. 23 to Po Lin Monastery, follow the HKTB directional sign to Tea Garden, walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for 15 mins. (翻译:港铁东涌站B出口,乘23线巴士往宝莲禅寺,然后循旅发局路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。)

8. Only ten minutes walk from the MTR Station. (翻译:对呀! 从深水步地铁站走过去 用不了十分钟呀)

9. Notify MTR officials to enact emergency measures at Sai Ying Pun Station. (翻译:通知港铁高层 西营盘站 准备紧急应变措施)

10. The rooftop firework incident and the MTR explosion both involved black market explosives. (翻译:天台烟花事件 港铁炸弹爆炸 两次都与黑火药有关)

11. This is a New Territories taxi, I can only take you to Tsuen Wan MTR station. (翻译:这部是大屿山的士,我只能送你到东涌地铁站。)

12. The location on prat avenue is awesome, 3 minute walk to the mtr station and has many nice restaurants and cafes around. (翻译:地处宝勒巷,位置极佳,步行3分钟就可到达地铁站,周围有很多不错的餐馆和咖啡厅。)

13. Other sponsors contributed to the campaign include Telford International Company Limited and MTR Corporation Limited. (翻译:其他赞助商包括汇泉国际有限公司与地铁公司。)

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