medicinal是什么意思 medicinal的中文翻译、读音、例句

medicinal是什么意思 medicinal的中文翻译、读音、例句






medicinal plant(药用植物),medicinal properties(药性),medicinal use(药用),medicinal herb(药用草药),medicinal chemistry(药物化学),medicinal value(药用价值),medicinal purposes(药用目的)。


medicinal compound(药物复合物),medicinal dose(药用剂量),medicinal preparation(药剂),medicinal substance(药物物质),medicinal treatment(药物治疗)。




1. Medicinal plants have been an important part of traditional medicine for centuries.(药用植物几个世纪以来一直是传统医学的重要组成部分。)

2. The herb has many medicinal properties and can be used to treat a variety of ailments.(这种草药有许多药性,并可用于治疗各种疾病。)

3. Medicinal chemistry involves the study of how drugs interact with the body on a molecular level.(药物化学涉及研究药物如何在分子水平上与人体相互作用。)

4. The medicinal value of certain herbs and plants has been recognized by many cultures around the world.(世界各地的许多文化认识到某些草药和植物的药用价值。)

5. The medicinal purposes of this drug are to reduce inflammation and control pain.(这种药物的药用目的是减少炎症和控制疼痛。)

6. The medicinal compound was able to effectively treat the patient's infection.(这种药物复合物能够有效地治疗患者的感染。)

7. The medicinal treatment prescribed by the doctor helped to alleviate the patient's symptoms.(医生开的药物治疗有助于缓解患者的症状。)





1. The use of medicinal plants has been a traditional practice in many cultures. (使用草药是许多文化传统的实践。)

2. Traditional Chinese medicine is known for its use of medicinal herbs. (中医以其使用草药而闻名。)

3. Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. (大蒜因其药用属性已经被使用了数个世纪。)

4. The medicinal properties of chamomile tea have been widely recognized. (人们广泛承认洋甘菊茶的药用属性。)

5. Many plants have been found to have medicinal value in treating various diseases. (许多植物已被发现对治疗各种疾病具有药用价值。)

6. The use of medicinal cannabis has been legalized in some countries for medical purposes. (在一些国家,医用大麻的使用已经合法化。)

7. The medicinal properties of honey have been known since ancient times. (自古以来,蜂蜜的药用属性就已知晓。)

8. Many species of mushrooms have been used for their medicinal benefits. (许多种蘑菇因其药用益处而被使用。)

9. The indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest have long used medicinal plants for their health care needs. (亚马逊雨林的土著人长期以来一直在使用草药来满足他们的健康需求。)




1. Many plants have medicinal properties that can be used to treat a variety of ailments.(许多植物具有药用性质,可以用来治疗各种疾病。)

2. The company specializes in the production of medicinal herbs and supplements.(该公司专门生产药用草药和保健品。)

3. It is important to follow the recommended dosage of any medicinal product.(遵循任何药物建议的剂量非常重要。)




例句:Objective: To establish the scientific support of Thalictrum for medicinal use. (目的:为唐松草属植物作为马尾连用药提供科学依据。)


例句:This invention also relates to the usage of the medicinal compound to prepare menalgia medicine. (本发明还提供了该药物组合物在制备治疗痛经药物中的用途。)


例句:50 Cases of Rhinallergosis Treated with Spray Inhalation of Medicinal Herbs to be Decocted (超声雾化吸入中药煎液治疗过敏性鼻炎50例)


例句:These are common medicinal plants. (翻译:你看啊 阿弗瑞尼 这不过是些极普通的草药)


medicinal一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在for medicinal purposes([网络] 医疗目的)、medicinal absorbent([医]医用吸收品,脱脂棉)、medicinal benzene([医] 药用苯)等常见短语中出现较多。

for medicinal purposes[网络] 医疗目的
medicinal absorbent[医]医用吸收品,脱脂棉
medicinal benzene[医] 药用苯
medicinal botany药用植物学
medicinal cake[中医] 饼剂
medicinal capsule[医] 胶囊剂
medicinal carbon[化] 药用炭
medicinal chart药纸
medicinal chemistry药物化学


1. 50 Cases of Rhinallergosis Treated with Spray Inhalation of Medicinal Herbs to be Decocted (翻译:超声雾化吸入中药煎液治疗过敏性鼻炎50例)

2. These are common medicinal plants. (翻译:你看啊 阿弗瑞尼 这不过是些极普通的草药)

3. Pteris multifida Poir is a tradition of medicinal plant, which has primely medicinal value and a widely using in the future. (翻译:凤尾草是一种传统的药用植物,具有很高的药用价值,应用前景广阔。)

4. You wouldn't have anything a bit more... medicinal? (翻译:你有没有一点点... 一些... 药用的?)

5. Study on the medicinal plant resources of Berberis in China including their taxonomy, distribution and medicinal evaluation. (翻译:中国产小檗属药用植物资源的研究--分类、分布和药用价值。)

6. Chrysanthemum morifolium is an important medicinal plant, the volatile oil is the essential component. (翻译:菊花是一种重要的药用植物,挥发油是其主要成分。)

7. He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes. (翻译:他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。)

8. The invention provides a pharmaceutical preparation which comprises the ganoderma-lucidum medicinal mycoplasma and a medicinal carrier. (翻译:本发明还提供了一种药物制剂,包括灵芝人参药性菌质和可药用的载体。)

9. A small, circular medicinal lozenge; a pastille. (翻译:片剂,锭剂圆型的小药锭,锭剂。)

10. Objective : To set up the fingerprint of HPCE for medicinal material Eupolyphaga Steleophaga. (翻译:目的:建立土鳖虫药材HPCE指纹图谱鉴别方法。)

11. Silkies have unique medicinal tonic function and the role of diet. (翻译:乌骨鸡有独特的药用功能和滋补食疗作用。)

12. Polysaccharide is the main medicinal component of Dendrobium. (翻译:多糖是石斛的主要药用成分。)

13. I have medicinal that could help. (翻译:我是有一些有用的药物的呀 I have medicinals that could help.)

14. Study of occurrence regularity and integrated management technology on hypogeous pest of medicinal plants (翻译:药用植物地下害虫发生规律及综合防治技术研究)

15. Cordyceps kyushuensis Kob is a kind of rare medicinal fungi. Due to its unique medicinal value, it has become the research focus. (翻译:九州虫草是一种名贵的药用真菌,由于其自身独特的药用价值而成为各国研究的热点。)

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