pear是什么意思 pear的中文翻译、读音、例句

pear是什么意思 pear的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. pear-shaped: 梨形的

2. pear tree: 梨树

3. pear juice: 梨汁

4. pear cider: 梨子苹果酒

5. pear preserve: 梨酱

6. pear drop: 梨味糖果

7. pear brandy: 梨子白兰地




1. I bought a bag of pears at the market.(我在市场买了一袋梨。)

2. This pear tree produces a lot of fruit each year.(这棵梨树每年都能结出很多果实。)

3. Have you ever tried pear juice?(你尝过梨汁吗?)

4. The bartender recommended a delicious pear cider.(酒保推荐了一款美味的梨子苹果酒。)

5. My grandmother makes the best pear preserve.(我奶奶做的梨酱最好吃。)

6. I love the taste of pear drops.(我喜欢梨味糖果的味道。)

7. The restaurant had a special on pear brandy.(这家餐厅推出了一款特价的梨子白兰地。)



例句:I like to eat pears for breakfast.(我喜欢在早餐时吃梨子。)




例句:The future of Genovia... is in the hands of young Mia Thermopolis. (和Genovian梨子杂耍师 and a Genovian pear juggler.)


例句:Well, it tastes like, um a pear. (它的味道就像... Well, it tastes like, um... 梨 ...a pear.)


例句:The Genovian pear market is blossoming... if you'll pardon the pun. (行情如何? is doing in Genovia?)


例句:Nanguo Pear obtains the fame of "The King of the Pear" for its appealing color, soft fresh, full of juice and strong fragrance. (翻译:南果梨因其色泽鲜艳、果肉细腻、爽口多汁、风味香浓,所以素有“梨中之王”的美誉。)


pear一般作为名词使用,如在European pear(西洋梨)、freestone pear(无籽梨)、garlic pear([网络] 大蒜梨)等常见短语中出现较多。

European pear西洋梨
freestone pear无籽梨
garlic pear[网络] 大蒜梨
Japanese pear日本梨
native pear[网络] 原生梨
occidental pear西洋梨
pear aphid梨蚜虫
pear blight梨杆干枯病
pear blights梨杆干枯病\n(pear blight 的复数)


1. The Genovian pear market is blossoming... if you'll pardon the pun. (翻译:行情如何? is doing in Genovia?)

2. Nanguo Pear obtains the fame of "The King of the Pear" for its appealing color, soft fresh, full of juice and strong fragrance. (翻译:南果梨因其色泽鲜艳、果肉细腻、爽口多汁、风味香浓,所以素有“梨中之王”的美誉。)

3. Positive cell located in or adjacent to keratinized pear. (翻译:阳性细胞位于角化珠及其邻近细胞内。)

4. When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it. (翻译:肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。)

5. They're putting me up in a ryokan - a traditional inn - called the House of the Red Pear. (翻译:他们带我去ryokan,一种传统的旅店。名叫红梨屋。)

6. Hi, I'm Daphne Reynolds. Peach and Pear, isn't it? (翻译:Hi, 我是 Daphne Reynolds 桃子和梨子, 对吗?)

7. Pyrus communis L were different in germplasm with China pear. (翻译:西洋梨与中国梨有种质区别; )

8. Balsam pear fried with ribs. (翻译:苦瓜炒排骨,喜欢吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Balsam pear fried with ribs.)

9. Relationship Between Pollen Abortion and Change of Endogenous Polyamines Contents in 'Niitaka' Pear Cultivars (翻译:新高’梨花粉败育与内源多胺含量变化的关系)

10. Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks. (翻译:梨树被嫁接到榅桲的根茎上。)

11. Bagging at Different Developmental Stages on Sclereid Formation in 'Dang-shansu' Pear Fruit (翻译:砀山酥梨不同发育时期套袋对石细胞发育的影响)

12. The Nanguo pear is the specialty of Anshan region and also the main pocketbook of the local farmers. (翻译:南果梨是鞍山地区特产,是当地农民的主要经济来源。)

13. Experimental Research on Effects of Balsam pear Grande on Blood Sugar in the Zoic Model with Hyperglycemia (翻译:苦瓜精粉对高血糖动物模型血糖影响的实验研究)

14. Smoked salmon with creamy dill and tarragon dressing or proscuttio and pear salad. (翻译:搭配熏三文鱼佐以莳萝、龙蒿或梨子沙拉味道鲜美可口。)

15. - Kick it here. - A gorgonzola and pear souffle. (翻译:一个戈贡佐拉干酪和梨 踢这 A gorgonzola and pear souf é Kick it here.)



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