newface是什么意思 newface的中文翻译、读音、例句

newface是什么意思 newface的中文翻译、读音、例句

newface 是一个词组,由 new(新的)和 face(面孔)组成,意思是新面孔。它是一个名词,常用于形容人员变动或新加入的人员。


- newface in town(城里的新人)

- a newface on the team(团队的新成员)

- meet the newface(见到新人)


- put on a new face(改变形象)

- show a new face(展现新的一面)



1. The company hired a few newfaces last week.(公司上周招聘了几个新成员。)

2. I'm excited to meet the newface on our team.(我很期待见到我们团队的新成员。)

3. The fashion industry is always looking for newfaces.(时尚行业总是在寻找新面孔。)

4. The restaurant decided to put on a new face by renovating their interior.(餐厅决定通过装修内部改变形象。)

5. As an actor, it's important to be able to show a new face in each role.(作为演员,能够在每个角色中展现新的一面很重要。)

6. The city was getting boring, so I decided to move to a new town and become a newface there.(这个城市变得无聊了,所以我决定搬到一个新城镇,在那里成为新人。)

7. The celebrity's newface caused a stir on social media.(这位名人的新面孔在社交媒体上引起了轰动。)





1. She is a newface in the fashion industry, but her designs have already caught the attention of top designers.(她是时装界的新面孔,但是她的设计已经引起了顶级设计师的关注。)

2. The company is always looking for newfaces to join their team and bring fresh ideas.(公司一直在寻找新面孔加入他们的团队,带来新鲜的想法。)

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