tylenol是什么意思 tylenol的中文翻译、读音、例句

tylenol是什么意思 tylenol的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:Tylenol是一个专有名词,通常用作名词,表示一种药物。


- I have a headache, so I'm going to take some Tylenol.

- Tylenol is a popular pain reliever in the United States.

- My doctor recommended that I take Tylenol for my fever.

2. 发音:Tylenol的发音为/tɪlənɔl/,注意到发音中的'ty'和'til'是相同的音。


- How do you pronounce "Tylenol"?

- I always say "til-en-all", but some people say "ty-len-ol".

- The correct pronunciation of "Tylenol" is important when selling the product.

3. 定义:Tylenol是美国本土的一种非处方药,其主要成分为对乙酰氨基酚,主要用于缓解轻度到中度的疼痛和发热。


- Tylenol is a popular over-the-counter pain reliever.

- I always keep a bottle of Tylenol in my medicine cabinet.

- Tylenol is effective for reducing fever and relieving headaches.

4. 含义:Tylenol常常被用来指代对乙酰氨基酚,不仅限制于特定品牌,而是成为了一种通用词汇。


- Can you grab me some Tylenol from the pharmacy?

- I need a pain reliever, do you have any Tylenol or ibuprofen?

- Tylenol is often used to reduce pain and fever in children.

5. 品牌:尽管Tylenol主要被用来指代对乙酰氨基酚,但实际上是由Johnson & Johnson在xx年推出的一种品牌。


- Tylenol is one of the most recognizable brands of pain reliever in the United States.

- Johnson & Johnson has been manufacturing Tylenol for over 60 years.

- Tylenol is a trusted brand for many Americans when it comes to reducing pain and fever.


- 我头疼了,所以要吃一些泰诺去缓解。

- 泰诺是美国最受欢迎的止痛药。

- 医生建议我发烧时吃泰诺。




1. Tylenol is a pain reliever that is available without a prescription. (泰诺是一种无需处方就能购买的止痛药。)

2. If you have a headache, you can take Tylenol to relieve the pain. (如果你头痛,可以服用泰诺缓解疼痛。)

3. Tylenol is one of the most popular over-the-counter pain relievers. (泰诺是最受欢迎的非处方止痛药之一。)




例句:I took a little pouch with my makeup and some Tylenol and my driver's license, and that was all I took. (我随身带小袋装着化妆品、泰诺和我的驾驶证,这就是我所有拿的东西。)


例句:My head has been hurting me since two weeks ago. Coffee, Aspirin, or Tylenol used to help. But they don't do the trick any more. (我的头从两周前一直痛到现在。以前,咖啡、阿斯匹林可以止痛,现在不灵了。)


例句:Acetaminophen' is the generic form of the proprietary drug 'Tylenol'. (‘退热净’是专卖药物‘羟苯基乙酰胺’的未注册形式。)


例句:Then she gave a wan smile. "Cost me $400 tolearn that I just have arthritis and that I need to take Tylenol. " (翻译:她笑得很凄凉,“花了400块钱我才搞清楚,我只是得了关节炎,需要吃泰诺。”)


tylenol一般作为名词使用,如在Tylenol(泰诺 )等常见短语中出现较多。



1. Acetaminophen' is the generic form of the proprietary drug 'Tylenol'. (翻译:‘退热净’是专卖药物‘羟苯基乙酰胺’的未注册形式。)

2. Then she gave a wan smile. "Cost me $400 tolearn that I just have arthritis and that I need to take Tylenol. " (翻译:她笑得很凄凉,“花了400块钱我才搞清楚,我只是得了关节炎,需要吃泰诺。”)

3. Speed. They're the X. Painkillers are in the Tylenol. (翻译:-安非他命 不,那是禁药 这罐才是止痛药)

4. The government spent 3 million investigating seven deaths from Tylenol. (翻译:政府花了三百万 来调查泰勒诺的七起死亡案)

5. Then she gave a wan smile. “Cost me $400 tolearn that I just have arthritis and that I need to take Tylenol.” (翻译:她笑得很凄凉,“花了400块钱我才搞清楚,我只是得了关节炎,需要吃泰诺。” )

6. In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management. (翻译:xx年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。)

7. This evidence establishes you as a party to this murder for supplying the Tylenol with codeine that they used to drug her. (翻译:它建立你的一部分 这起谋杀 以提供药物 他们用)

8. Acetaminophen, also called x paracetamol, is found in Tylenol, Excedrin and other products that do not require a doctor's prescription. (翻译:醋氨酚,亦称为扑热息痛,它可以在羟苯基乙酰胺、伊克赛锭以及一些不需要医生处方的药品中发现。)

9. Parents may also opt to give their child Tylenol or Motrin to reduce pain and fever. (翻译:家长也可以选择给孩子泰诺或布洛芬,以减少疼痛和发烧。)

10. Someone took a bottle of Tylenol, put poison in it, closed it up, put it back on the shelf, someone else bought it and died. (翻译:放毒进去,关上盖子,然后又放回货架 七个人买回去吃了然后中毒而死 人们很害怕 )

11. Parents may also opt to give their child Tylenol or Motrin to reduce pain and fever. (翻译:家长也可以选择给孩子泰诺或布洛芬,以减少疼痛和发烧。)

12. He didn't argue with the FDA, he didn't even wait for the FDA to tell him, he just pulled Tylenol off every shelf of every store right across America, instantly. (翻译:不等食品药品行政单位通知 马上将美国境内所有药撤架)

13. Gargle some salt water for your sore throat and take some tylenol for your fever. (翻译:喉咙痛就用一些盐水漱喉,发烧就吃一些退烧药。)

14. I might have... in one of the boxes, there's, like, Tylenol. (翻译:- 我可能有 - 在其中一个箱子, 有一样,泰诺。)

15. Oh, I took some Tylenol, but this headache won't go away. (翻译:哦,我花了一些泰诺, 但这种头痛不会消失。)



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