nethack是什么意思 nethack的中文翻译、读音、例句

nethack是什么意思 nethack的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词的意思: nethack是由两个单词组成的复合词,其中“net”表示网络,“hack”表示黑客,因此nethack的意思是网络黑客。在游戏中,玩家扮演一名冒险者,探索地下城,打败邪恶的敌人,找到宝藏并寻求胜利。

2. 词性:nethack是一个名词,指的是一款电脑游戏。

3. 常用场景:nethack是一款比较老的游戏,最初发布于xx年。它是一个单人游戏,玩家需要在不同的地下城中探险,收集物品,提升自己的能力,避免陷阱和敌人的攻击,最终击败大魔王。nethack常常被玩家们列为经典的角色扮演游戏。

4. 词组搭配:nethack在游戏界非常有名,因此不需要特别搭配其他的词组。但是,一些相关的词汇包括roguelike(指基于游戏rogue的类似游戏)和dungeon crawl(地下城探险)。

5. 相关短语:与nethack相关的短语包括“探索地下城”、“打败大魔王”、“收集物品”、“陷阱”、“敌人的攻击”等。

6. 发音拼写:nethack一般被读作“net hack”(net rhyming with pet, hack sounding like hacky-sack)。

nethack的中文翻译为“地下城奇兵”,读音为/di xià chéng qí bīng/。


1. 我最近一直在玩nethack,这个游戏太过瘾了。

2. 在nethack中,你需要破解各种谜题和陷阱才能到达最终的目的地。


1. I have been playing nethack recently, it is too addicting.

2. In nethack, you need to solve various puzzles and traps to reach the final destination.



例句:Bring a raincoat and a mosquito net. (Bring a raincoat and a mosquito net.)


例句:Try to hack the code and turn it off. (Try to hack the code and turn it off. 等等 你要去哪?)


例句:Merrick: There was an attempted hack (昨天早上有人试图黑进 There was an attempted hack)


1. Merrick: There was an attempted hack (翻译:昨天早上有人试图黑进 There was an attempted hack)

2. It has been forwarded to every hack in DC. (翻译:传遍了首都三流记者圈 It has been forwarded to every hack in DC.)

3. My website is and I'm a storyteller. (翻译:我的网站是Ryantology. net, My website is Ryantology. net)

4. Fished, caught in the net. (翻译:Trawled. Fished, caught in the net.)

5. Giles, you find a way to get Moloch out of the Net. (翻译:you find a way to get Moloch out of the Net.)

6. And get at the root folders. (翻译:我可以入侵监控的软件 I can hack into the forensic software)

7. - Do you know what Max was doing when he died? (翻译:你知道他找到了什么? Did he hack into something? Did he...)

8. NET can realizes relaxedly then the operation of the database. (翻译:NET可以轻松地实现数据库的操作。)

9. Templates and STL types. (翻译:具有. NET类型的模板和stl。)

10. ASP.NET MVC 2 is now ready for production use. Microsoft's open source MVC framework is compatible with 3.5 and the soon to be 4. It compes with many new features including. (翻译:微软的开源mvc框架A SP.NET MVC 2已经发布了,它同时兼容。NET 3.5和即将发布的。NET 4。)

11. I hack into your lives for a living. (翻译:别忘了,我是靠“入侵”你们的生活过日子的。)

12. Get off the stage, you old hack! (翻译:你这江湖术士,快滚下台 江湖术士... 是谁说的?)

13. - Uh-huh. And what about all these security companies that you hack for? (翻译:那些雇你做黑客的安全公司呢 And what about all these security companies that you hack for?)

14. Looks like a truck crashed down near Hack Creek. (翻译:一辆卡车在Hack Creek附近肇事了)

15. To be a hack like Schinder, or to explore the future with us? (翻译:作为像Schinder一个无名小卒, 或与我们开拓未来?)

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