win man是什么意思 win man的中文翻译、读音、例句

win man是什么意思 win man的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Win man是一个英语单词,由“win”和“man”组成,win表示获胜,胜利,而man则表示男人。因此,win man可以表示获胜者,优胜者,胜利者。这个词通常用来描述在竞赛、比赛或争端中获胜的男性。

词性:Win man是一个名词,单数形式为win man,复数形式为win men。

词组搭配:Win man可以与其他单词组成一些常用词组,如winning man(获胜者)、man of the match(比赛最佳)、manly winner(男子汉获胜者)等。


发音拼写:win man的发音为/wɪn mæn/,其中,win的发音为/wɪn/,man的发音为/mæn/。


1. John is a real win man. He has won every competition he has participated in.(约翰是真正的胜利者。他赢得了他参加的每场比赛。)

2. The man of the match award goes to the win man of the game.(最佳球员奖项授予比赛胜利者。)

3. She is a manly winner, who never loses her cool even when she is under tremendous pressure.(她是一个果断获胜者,在极大的压力下也从不失去冷静。)

4. The win man of the previous tournament was unfortunately injured and could not participate this year.(上届比赛的优胜者不幸受伤,今年无法参赛。)

5. Tom is a determined win man who never gives up even when the odds are against him.(汤姆是一个有决心的胜利者,即使在不利条件下也从不放弃。)


【读音】wɪn mæn


1. He worked hard and finally became the win man of the competition. (他努力工作最终成为了比赛的获胜者。)

2. The win man of the lottery was announced on TV last night. (彩票的获胜者昨晚在电视上公布了。)

3. She always wants to be the win man in everything she does. (她总想在她所做的每件事情中成为获胜者。)

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