soreness是什么意思 soreness的中文翻译、读音、例句

soreness是什么意思 soreness的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:soreness 是指疼痛或不适感。主要是指身体某个部位的肌肉酸痛、疼痛等不适感。

2. 原因:soreness 通常是由体育锻炼和其他身体活动引起的。肌肉运动时,肌肉组织受到拉伸和损伤,导致疼痛和不适感。

3. 症状:soreness 的症状包括肌肉疼痛、不适感,以及肌肉的僵硬和酸痛。轻微的疼痛可以在几天内自行缓解,但如果疼痛持续时间过长则需要医生的帮助。

4. 预防:为了预防 soreness,建议进行热身运动,如拉伸和轻微的运动。避免过分用力或过度运动,从而减少疼痛。

5. 治疗:soreness 的治疗可以通过冰敷和使用止痛药来缓解疼痛和不适感。氧气疗法和物理治疗也可以在医生的指导下使用。


1. He complained of soreness throughout his body after his workout. (他抱怨他的锻炼后全身酸痛。)

2. The soreness in my shoulders made it difficult to move my arms. (我的肩膀酸痛,让我难以移动我的手臂。)

3. She experienced soreness in her legs after running a marathon. (她在跑完马拉松后感觉腿部酸痛。)

4. His soreness persisted for several days despite taking pain medication. (尽管服用止痛药,他的酸痛持续了几天。)

5. A proper warm-up can help prevent the soreness that often follows intense exercise. (适当的热身运动可以帮助预防剧烈运动后的酸痛。)



1. After running a marathon, my legs were filled with soreness.


2. The soreness in my back is getting worse, I should probably see a doctor.





例句:Persistent soreness in the rib area, which I'm treating each morning with 15 extra minutes of yogic discipline. (肋骨那里还是疼 所以现在我每天早上 坚持练15分钟瑜伽)


例句:But where do these pains come from? According to a German professor Kangri, the soreness comes from straining your muscles in an uncommon way. (但是这些疼痛从何而来呢?根据德国教授康格里的说法,这种疼痛来自于以一种不寻常的方式拉伸你的肌肉。)


例句:She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever , adenopathy, weight. (她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、病、重下降和盗汗。)


例句:So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles. (翻译:将手放低,要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。)


soreness一般作为名词使用,如在muscle soreness(肌肉酸痛)、soreness of loins(腰酸)、soreness of waist([中医] 腰酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

muscle soreness肌肉酸痛
soreness of loins腰酸
soreness of waist[中医] 腰酸


1. She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever , adenopathy, weight. (翻译:她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、病、重下降和盗汗。)

2. So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles. (翻译:将手放低,要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。)

3. Her body ached from the new exercise it had performed, and there was a soreness that was unfamiliar. (翻译:她的身体发生了新的活动而略感疼痛,还没有习惯那种阵痛。)

4. Muscular soreness does indicate that the muscle fibers have been damaged, but muscle fibers repair themselves all the time. (翻译:肌肉酸痛的确告诉我们肌纤维已经受损了,但肌纤维是从来不停止修复工作的。)

5. I was covering up the soreness with anti-inflammatories and pain killers so that I could function in the field and I would think, ah, that's pretty good-- not so bad. (翻译:我用消炎药和止痛药来对付疼痛 这样我才能在户外正常行动 然后我就觉得 哎 蛮好的 没那么糟糕)

6. In addition, Quinton Ross came out for good midway through the second quarter because of soreness in his lower left leg. (翻译:另外,昆廷•罗斯在第二节由于他的左小腿疼痛中途离开了比赛。)

7. Soreness occurs since your leg muscles aren't used to that movement. (翻译:因为你的腿部肌肉不习惯这种运动,所以会感到酸痛。)

8. If your baby has nappy rash Bepanthen ointment's gentle formulation quickly soothes the soreness and aids natural skin healing. (翻译:如果您的孩子已经有尿布疹,本产品温和的配方可以迅速缓解疼痛更可帮助肌肤自然愈合。)

9. Repair of damaged cells takes about two days and afterwards, the soreness disappears. (翻译:受损细胞的修复大约需要两天,之后疼痛就会消失。)

10. Unfortunately, there's little that can be done to relieve muscle soreness. (翻译:不幸的是,肌肉酸痛几乎没有方法缓解。)



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