pmic是什么意思 pmic的中文翻译、读音、例句

pmic是什么意思 pmic的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:PMIC是英文Power Management Integrated Circuit的缩写,意为“功率管理集成电路”。它是一种电子元器件,通常用于控制和管理电池供电的设备,如智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等。

例句:The PMIC is responsible for regulating the voltage and current supplied to the device.

2. PMIC的作用:PMIC可以通过对设备的电源管理,实现降低功耗、增加电池寿命和保护设备免受过电流、过电压和短路等问题影响的功能。

例句:The PMIC of this device is designed to optimize battery life by intelligently managing power consumption.

3. PMIC的种类:PMIC大致可分为两类:一类是为低功耗设备设计的,另一类则是适用于高功率设备,如高性能计算机、工业控制系统等。

例句:The PMIC for low-power devices typically operates on a lower voltage range than that for high-power devices.

4. PMIC的结构:PMIC通常由多个模块组成,例如直流/直流转换器、线性稳压器、电池充电器、电池管理单元等。

例句:The PMIC of this device includes an integrated DC/DC converter and a battery charging circuit.

5. PMIC的应用:PMIC广泛应用于各种移动设备和便携式电子设备,例如智能手机、平板电脑和电子书阅读器等。

例句:The PMIC for this smartphone is designed to balance performance and power consumption for optimal user experience.


1. The PMIC integrates all the necessary functions for power management into a single chip, making it more efficient and compact. (PMIC将电源管理的所有必要功能集成到一颗芯片中,使其更高效、更紧凑。)

2. The PMIC for this wearable device is designed to maximize battery life while maintaining excellent performance. (这款可穿戴设备的PMIC旨在在保持良好性能的同时最大化电池寿命。)

3. The PMIC in this industrial controller is designed to withstand high temperatures and harsh environments. (这款工业控制器中的PMIC旨在经受高温和恶劣环境的考验。)

4. The PMIC for this laptop includes a sophisticated battery management system to protect and extend the life of the battery. (这款笔记本电脑的PMIC包含一个复杂的电池管理系统,以保护和延长电池寿命。)

5. The PMIC for this smart home device is designed to minimize power consumption while maintaining reliable performance. (这款智能家居设备的PMIC旨在在保持可靠性能的同时最小化功耗。)



例句:这款手机配备了一颗高度集成的pmic,可以高效地管理电池和电源。 (This phone is equipped with a highly integrated pmic, which can efficiently manage the battery and power supply.)

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