weaning是什么意思 weaning的中文翻译、读音、例句

weaning是什么意思 weaning的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 婴儿的断奶过程:Weaning一词通常是用于描述婴儿从母乳转向其他食物的过程。相应的,断奶是一项重要的过程,需要经过逐渐减少母乳喂养的次数和量,以及逐渐引入其他食物。


- I started weaning my baby at six months old by introducing pureed vegetables and fruits.

- The weaning process can take a few weeks or even months, depending on the baby's needs and preferences.

- Some mothers prefer baby-led weaning, where the baby is allowed to choose and self-feed soft foods.

- Weaning can be an emotional time for both the mother and the baby, as it marks a significant milestone in their relationship.

- Some babies may experience reluctance, fussiness, or even mild dehydration during the weaning process, but these symptoms usually subside after a few days.

2. 动物的断乳过程:Weaning也可以用于描述动物从母体或母乳中断开的过程。相应的,断乳也是动物生长和发育的必要过程。


- The farmer decided to wean the piglets at four weeks old and switch them to solid feed.

- It's important to wean puppies gradually, as sudden changes in diet can cause digestive problems.

- The weaning process for baby cows usually takes several months, during which they are fed a mix of milk and solid feed.

- Weaning can be stressful for both the mother and the offspring, and may cause some behavioral changes, such as whining or anxiety.

- Proper weaning can help ensure the health and development of young animals, and prevent overdependence on their mothers.

3. 药物戒断过程:Weaning也可以用于描述人体逐渐减少或停止药物使用的过程,特别是对于成瘾性药物或镇痛药物的戒断。


- The doctor recommended weaning the patient off the painkillers slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

- Abruptly stopping antidepressant medication can lead to severe weaning symptoms, such as dizziness and nausea.

- Weaning from benzodiazepines should be done gradually under the supervision of a medical professional, as sudden withdrawal can be life-threatening.

- The weaning process may take several weeks or months, depending on the type and dosage of the medication, as well as individual factors such as age and health status.

- Weaning should not be attempted without medical advice and proper support, as it can be a challenging and potentially dangerous process.

4. 其他用法:Weaning还可以用于描述其他逐渐停止依赖的情况,例如逐渐脱离对某种习惯或行为的依赖。


- She decided to wean herself off coffee by reducing the amount she drank each day.

- The company is weaning itself off fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy sources.

- The government is implementing policies to wean the economy off dependence on foreign investment and exports.

- Weaning from social media addiction can be a challenging process, but it can also lead to improved mental health and productivity.

- The environmental movement aims to wean society off consumerism and promote sustainable lifestyles.


英 [ˈwiːnɪŋ]

美 [ˈwiːnɪŋ]

n. 断奶;断奶期;离乳期

v. (婴儿)断奶;使(婴儿)断奶;(从某些习惯中)逐渐使某人不再依赖(或不再使用);(从某些景点中)逐渐降低游客数量


1. Weaning can be a long and difficult process.


2. The government hopes to wean the country off its dependency on foreign oil.


3. We're trying to wean our daughter off her addiction to candy.





例句:Effects of different nutrition levels on oestrus time of over-early weaning ewes; (实验模拟了不同风浪强度、不同营养水平下铜绿微囊藻的生长速率。)


例句:The other route would be a sharp acceleration in the structural reforms aimed at weaning the economy off investment and export addictions. (另一条途径是大幅加快结构性改革,力争让经济摆脱对投资和出口的严重依赖。)


weaning一般作为名词使用,如在weaning on(使从小耳濡目染(wean sb on sth))、early weaning(早期断奶)、late weaning(晚期断奶)等常见短语中出现较多。

weaning on使从小耳濡目染(wean sb on sth)
early weaning早期断奶
late weaning晚期断奶
weaning brash[医] 断奶腹泄
weaning off使断奶\n使脱离\n戒掉
weaning weight断奶重;断乳体重
post weaning diarrhea断乳后下痢
weaning condition score断奶时体型评分
weaning conformation score断奶时体型评分;断乳体型评分


1. The earlier the weaning, the weaker the glycogen positive reaction of brunner's gland and enteraden. (翻译:断奶越早,仔猪十二指肠腺及肠腺糖原阳性反应较弱。)

2. The biological characteristics of the L. reuteri originated from weaning piglet were investigated and fermentation parameters was optimized by means of uniform design. (翻译:研究了罗伊氏乳酸杆菌的生物学特性包括生长曲线、耐热存活率、耐酸存活率、贮藏存活率以及发酵参数。)

3. I practiced baby-led weaning. It isn't always easy or convenient. (翻译:我给孩子们断奶采用的是孩子自主决定的方法,因为一直喂奶有时候有不方便。)

4. It can enhance the food quantity of the weaning pig through good palatableness , so can gain the weight in a week after weaning . (翻译:极佳的适口性使早期断奶仔猪具有较高的采食量,从而获得理想的断奶后一周内的日增重。)

5. The anthropologist Donald Brown has tried to list them all, and they range from aesthetics, affection and age statuses all the way down to weaning, weapons, weather, attempts to control, the color white and a worldview. (翻译:人类学家Donald Brown试着把它们全部罗列出来, 从审美, 感情,年龄待遇, 一直到断奶,武器,天气, 尝试控制,白色, 以及世界观。)

6. Weaning Puntland off piracy will be tricky. (翻译:要想消除邦特兰的海盗问题,将是相当棘手。)

7. The anthropologist Donald Brown has tried to list them all, and they range from aesthetics, affection and age statuses all the way down to weaning, weapons, weather, attempts to control, the color white and a worldview. (翻译:人类学家Donald Brown试着把它们全部罗列出来, 从审美, 感情,年龄待遇, 一直到断奶,武器,天气, 尝试控制,白色, 以及世界观。)

8. At the moment they view such upstarts as a handy way of weaning customers from illegal file-sharing websites. (翻译:目前唱片公司们将这些商业新贵视为一种改变用户从非法共享网站上获取习惯的快捷方式。)

9. The improved foraging abilities were observed in both lactating females and mothers at least two weeks removed from weaning their young. (翻译:无论是泌乳中还是已停止喂奶至少两周的母鼠,都可观察到觅食能力增强的现象。)

10. As you heal, you know, you're gonna get stronger you're gonna get better and we need to start weaning some of these down. (翻译:而影响到许多组织。当你治疗你... 你会...)

11. Effects of early weaning on postpartum anestrus of cow (翻译:犊牛早期断奶对母牛产后乏情的影响与机理研究)

12. Conclusions: NCPAP is more effective than wean directly in weaning infants with NRDS from the ventilator. (翻译:结论:在NRDS患儿撤机时使用NCPAP过渡模式比直接脱机更有效。)

13. Afghan farmers are weaning themselves off illegal poppy cultivation and branching out into other crops, reports T. V. Padma. (翻译:Padma报道,阿富汗农民正放弃他们非法的罂粟种植并寻求种植其他的作物。)

14. If your child is attached to things like pacifiers, start a weaning process. (翻译:如果你的孩子过于依赖奶嘴,应采取制止措施。)

15. Weaning procedures during the course of intermittent positive pressure ventilation are often difficult. (翻译:断奶程序过程中的间歇正压通气往往是困难的。)



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