compulsive是什么意思 compulsive的中文翻译、读音、例句

compulsive是什么意思 compulsive的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性


2. 同义词


3. 语境应用

a. 在医学上,'compulsive'指的是一种疾病或症状,例如强迫症或刻板行为障碍。

b. 在日常生活中,'compulsive'用来形容某些人的强迫性行为如洁癖、厌食症等。

c. 在商业领域中,'compulsive'也用于形容某些产品的吸引力,例如让人忍不住购买的必需品。


1. She has a compulsive need to wash her hands every 10 minutes. (她每隔十分钟就有一种强迫性的洗手需求。)

2. His gambling habit had become compulsive and was causing serious financial problems. (他的赌博行为已经变成了强迫性习惯,并且导致了严重的财务问题。)

3. The book was so compulsive that I read it in one sitting. (这本书的吸引力让我不得不一口气读完。)

4. He had a compulsive desire for neatness and cleanliness. (他有一种强迫性的整洁和清洁的欲望。)

5. Shopping addiction is a compulsive disorder that affects many people. (购物成瘾是一种强迫性障碍,影响了很多人。)




1. He has a compulsive need to check his phone every five minutes.


2. I have a compulsive habit of biting my nails.


3. Her compulsive behavior has caused her a lot of problems.





例句:He was diagnosed with a canine compulsive disorder and that's really just the tip of the iceberg. (他被诊断过为“犬类强迫性障碍” 而这些还只是冰山一角而已。)


例句:This compulsive fornicator is taking my father for the proverbial ride. (认为这是荒谬无耻的 那个私通者想骗取我父亲的钱财)


例句:And I felt like I'd had the opportunity to better understand love, even the compulsive parts. (我感觉我借着这个机会 更好的理解了爱情, 即便是必须要经过苦恋的部分。)


例句:He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt. (翻译:他是一个欲罢不能的赌徒,常常债台高筑。)


compulsive一般作为形容词使用,如在obessive compulsive disorder(强迫症)、obsessive compulsive disorder(n. 强迫性神经(官能)症\n[网络] 强迫症;强迫性疾患;强逼观念及行为)等常见短语中出现较多。

obessive compulsive disorder强迫症
obsessive compulsive disordern. 强迫性神经(官能)症\n[网络] 强迫症;强迫性疾患;强逼观念及行为


1. And I felt like I'd had the opportunity to better understand love, even the compulsive parts. (翻译:我感觉我借着这个机会 更好的理解了爱情, 即便是必须要经过苦恋的部分。)

2. He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt. (翻译:他是一个欲罢不能的赌徒,常常债台高筑。)

3. - 'Obsessive compulsive disorder.' Yeah, that's her. (翻译:固执 小气 占有欲强 没创造性 没想象力)

4. Or maybe he's compulsive about germs, like Howard Hughes. (翻译:或是他跟霍华德修斯一样 对细菌有过度反应)

5. The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption. (翻译:电视上反复地播放同一个广告的目的无非是想宣传得使消费者非用不可。)

6. Look, he's a great kid and you're clearly a great, mildly compulsive woman. (翻译:你看,他是一个伟大的孩子... ... 你显然很大, 轻度强迫症的女人。)

7. Did it occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort organize and label the entire world around them? (翻译:你有没想过 并不是每个人都觉得必须要... 归类 整理 并将一切事物都贴上标签?)

8. Other compulsive bettors may be even less rational. (翻译:其他赌徒可能更加不理性。)

9. ZCJ drug-seeking behavior drug-taking behavior compulsive drug use polydrug abuse detoxification withdrawal rehabilitation reintegration (翻译:觅药行为用药行为强迫性用药多药滥用脱毒脱瘾康复重返社会)

10. I can't lose myself in this obsessive- compulsive irrational behavior. (翻译:我不能再把自己遗失在这 - 失去理性的行为.)

11. Your ritualistic knocking behavior is symptomatic... - ...of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (翻译:你意识到你固定的敲门模式 其实是强迫症的表现吗?)

12. He was a compulsive autodidact, wanting to know the names and nature of everything. (翻译:他是一个强迫自己自学成才的人,他想知道所有东西的名字和特性。)

13. She went through periods of compulsive overeating. (翻译:她发生强迫性暴食有过几个阶段。)

14. Objective to explore the efficacy and safety of low-dose Olanzapine as a potentiator in obsessive compulsive disorder. (翻译:目的探讨小剂量奥氮平作为增效剂治疗强迫症的效果及安全性。)

15. I've come up with a series of exercises to help with your compulsive need for closure. (翻译:我想了一套练习 来帮你治疗 你这种凡事非要了结的强迫症)

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