hypnotised是什么意思 hypnotised的中文翻译、读音、例句

hypnotised是什么意思 hypnotised的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源分析 - Hypnotised是由hynotize(催眠)一词派生而来。Hypnotize来源于拉丁语hypnotizare,意为“使进入睡眠状态”。

2. 词性 - Hypnotised是动词的过去分词,常被用作形容词来描述被催眠的状态。

3. 定义 - Hypnotised表示被催眠的状态,指通过催眠技术进入深度放松状态的过程。

4. 应用 - Hypnotised常用于心理学、医学和表演艺术等领域。在心理学和医学中,它被用于帮助治疗一些慢性病症和精神障碍。在表演艺术中,它被用于增加娱乐节目的趣味性和吸引力。


1. The hypnotised subject was able to remember the details of the accident that he had forgotten consciously.


2. She was so hypnotised by the magician's tricks that she didn't even notice the time passing.


3. The hypnotised patient felt a sense of peace and relaxation that he had never experienced before.


4. The stage hypnotist was able to hypnotise a group of volunteers from the audience.


5. The hypnotised athlete was able to perform much better than before due to the increased confidence and focus.


中文翻译:被催眠的,被 hypnotise/hypnotize 了的

读音: /ˈhɪpnətaɪzd/


1. He was completely hypnotised by the therapist during his hypnotherapy session.


2. She felt like she was hypnotised by the beautiful sunset and couldn't look away.

她感觉自己被美丽的日落所 hypnotize 了,无法移开视线。

3. The audience was hypnotised by the magician's performance and could not figure out how he did his tricks.

观众被这个魔术师的表演 hypnotised 了,不知道他是如何完成他的把戏的。




例句:Julia said, pulling her friend away from the box but she was already hypnotised. (茱莉亚说,推开了自己的朋友,可是她已经被催眠了。)


例句:J' And I stand in your driveway hypnotised by your bedroom light (~对于今晚第三次~ ~我站在 在您的车道~ ~H ypnotiz版 由你的卧室光线~)


例句:It is only a matter of time before a boss, hypnotised by all the current talk of "rampant experimentation" , makes the opposite mistake. (作为一位老板,为当时流行的“疯狂实验”盲目狂热,那他迟早会制造出与实验结果相反的错误。)


例句:I was hypnotised by the landscape - feluccas sailing gallantly by, their masts inflated with an unfelt breeze. (翻译:风景使我昏昏欲睡——三桅帆船快速地驶过,它们的风帆被感觉不到的微风所驱动。)


1. It is only a matter of time before a boss, hypnotised by all the current talk of "rampant experimentation" , makes the opposite mistake. (翻译:作为一位老板,为当时流行的“疯狂实验”盲目狂热,那他迟早会制造出与实验结果相反的错误。)

2. I was hypnotised by the landscape - feluccas sailing gallantly by, their masts inflated with an unfelt breeze. (翻译:风景使我昏昏欲睡——三桅帆船快速地驶过,它们的风帆被感觉不到的微风所驱动。)

3. He said he'd been hypnotised by a computer and they programmed RSl's activation code into his mind (翻译:他说他被人用电脑催眠 然后输入了开RS的密码)

4. I know it but Schultz has them all hypnotised. (翻译:我知道,但是Schultz把他们都说服了)

5. However, Andrea Pirlo was hypnotised by Coppola from the penalty spot. (翻译:但是皮尔洛在点球点上败给了科波拉。)

6. It seemed as if the starlings had been hypnotised because they acted as if they were not being chased. (翻译:椋鸟看似精神恍惚,因此它们的举动像没人追赶一样。)

7. Julia said, pulling her friend away from the box but she was already hypnotised. (翻译:茱莉亚说,推开了自己的朋友,可是她已经被催眠了。)

8. The way I look at it, I've probably been hypnotised or something... and you've brought me here as this big joke. (翻译:依我看 我肯定是被人催眠了 然后你们把我带到这里 这是一个大玩笑)



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