1. 词的意思:
'statues' 是 statue 的复数形式,指的是雕塑、塑像,特指立着的人或动物形象的雕塑。
2. 词性:
'statues' 是一个名词,是 statue 的复数形式。
3. 常用场景:
常常可以在博物馆、公园、广场等公共空间看到 'statues' ,这些雕塑通常代表着历史人物或文化符号等。
4. 词组搭配:
- bronze statues 青铜雕塑
- marble statues 大理石雕塑
- famous statues 著名的雕塑
- life-sized statues 大小与真人相同的雕塑
- statue of liberty 自由女神像
5. 相关短语:
与 'statues' 相关的短语包括:
- a statue collection 雕塑收藏
- to make a statue 制作雕塑
- to unveil a statue 揭幕雕塑
- to be immortalized in statue form 成为雕塑永存
6. 发音拼写:
'statues' 的发音为 ['stætʃu:z],其中 'st' 发 [st] 音,'at' 发 [æ] 音,'u' 发 [u:] 音,'es' 发 [əz] 音。
1. The city is famous for its ancient statues.
2. The park is filled with beautiful statues and fountains.
3. The museum has a large collection of historical statues.
例句:Bertha felt a little ashamed that she had a sneaking admiration for the statues in question. (伯莎感到有点害羞,因为她内心里对上述塑像表示赞美。)
例句:Opinions varied, but the media focused on problematizing the removal of statues. (人们意见不一,但媒体的焦点 集中在移除雕塑的问题。)
例句:Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars, and this is what remains. (剥去镀金和装饰 推翻雕像和石柱 留下的就如这般)
statues一般作为名词使用,如在living statues([网络] 有人扮作活雕像;有石膏像人)、statues of liberty(n. 自由女神)等常见短语中出现较多。
living statues | [网络] 有人扮作活雕像;有石膏像人 |
statues of liberty | n. 自由女神 |
1. Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars, and this is what remains. (翻译:剥去镀金和装饰 推翻雕像和石柱 留下的就如这般)
2. Now a largely Indian population parades the statues of European saints. (翻译:现在,许多人抬着欧洲圣人的塑像在游行,其中大多数都是印地安人。)
3. Stylized representation of the leaf of a fig, used especially to conceal the genitalia depicted on statues of men and boys. (翻译:遮羞叶:无花果叶的风格化描述,尤用描绘男人和男孩雕像遮蔽生殖器。)
4. But the world was a tomb to me... a graveyard full of broken statues. (翻译:但世界于我来说只是个坟墓 ..... 堆满了破碎的雕像)
5. These statues, marvelous statues, gives you an idea of water table. (翻译:这些雕像,这些令人惊异的雕像, 为你提供着地下水位的信息。)
6. Statues of you across the empire, from Gaul to Egypt. (翻译:在罗马全境立起您的雕像 Statues of you across the Empire, 从高卢直到埃及 from Gaul to Egypt.)
7. Sculptures, Basketry , Masks, Stools, Baskets, and Statues. (翻译:采购产品雕刻,篮细工,面具,凳子,篮子。)
8. But you do know these guys are just little statues, right? (翻译:但你也知道 这些东西只不过是小雕像而已啊)
9. The statues were hewn out of solid rock. (翻译:这些雕像是在实心岩石上凿出来的。)
10. As soon as he woke up this morning, he ordered us to destroy all the statues of gods in the square (翻译:老大一大早醒来 就下令追杀广场上所有的神像)
11. And the Rapa Nui said, "Our ancestors didn't move the statues, because the statues walked themselves." (翻译:拉帕努伊人说: “我们的祖先没有挪这些雕像, 因为雕像自己会走路。” )
12. The statues, known as moai, were transported standing, pivoting from side to side. (翻译:这些雕像,也被称为摩艾巨石, 是直立着,不断旋转着运输的。)
13. This caused a widespread interest in statues in South Africa. (翻译:这在南非引起了人们 对雕塑的广泛兴趣。)
14. Imperial treasures including the 12 bronze statues were pillaged or burned. (翻译:包括十二生肖铜首在内的 无数奇珍异宝 被肆无忌惮的抢夺、焚毁)
15. Because of you, I love the white statues drowing in the parks, the white statues that have neither voice nor sight. (翻译:因为你,我喜欢睡卧在公园的白色雕像旁,那些白色的雕像默默无声,两眼一无所见。)