smpp是什么意思 smpp的中文翻译、读音、例句

smpp是什么意思 smpp的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:SMPP(Short Message Peer-to-Peer)是一种通信协议,用于在移动通信网络中发送和接收短信。

2. 意义:SMPP在移动通信中扮演着非常重要的角色,它使得短信的发送和接收变得更加高效和可靠。

3. 应用范围:SMPP主要用于短信服务提供商(SMS gateway provider)之间的通信,或者是企业将自己的服务器连接到移动运营商的短信中心。

4. 特点:SMPP协议使用二进制格式来传输短信,因此比使用ASCII码的协议更加高效;同时,SMPP还能够支持短信发送的状态报告等功能。

5. 优势:SMPP协议具有高速、稳定、安全、可扩展性强的特点,能够满足企业和短信服务提供商等用户的需求。


1. Our SMS gateway provider uses SMPP protocol to transmit messages between different networks.(我们的短信服务提供商使用SMPP协议在不同的网络之间传输短信。)

2. In order to connect our server to the mobile operator's SMS center, we need to use SMPP protocol.(为了将我们的服务器连接到移动运营商的短信中心,我们需要使用SMPP协议。)

3. SMPP protocol is widely used in the mobile communication industry due to its high efficiency and reliability.(由于其高效和可靠性,SMPP协议在移动通信行业中被广泛使用。)

4. With the help of SMPP protocol, we can easily track the status of SMS messages sent from our platform.(通过SMPP协议,我们可以轻松追踪从我们平台发送的短信的状态。)

5. SMPP protocol provides a secure and efficient way for businesses to communicate with their clients via SMS.(SMPP协议为企业通过短信与客户通信提供了一种安全高效的方式。)

smpp是Short Message Peer-to-Peer的缩写,意为短信对等通信协议。它是一种协议,用于在短信中心(SMSC)之间交换短信。它由开发短信交换标准的欧洲电信标准组织(ETSI)开发。




1. 使用smpp协议,用户可以轻松地发送和接收短信。

Using the smpp protocol, users can easily send and receive text messages.

2. 某些移动通信服务提供商允许开发者使用smpp接口与他们的系统进行集成。

Some mobile communication service providers allow developers to integrate with their systems using the smpp interface.




例句:Watching the way SM's contracted singers are coming out one by one to bash JYJ has only confirmed for me that [SM] is feeling cornered. (看着SM的数个签约歌手一个接一个的出来炮轰JYJ,这只能让我更确定SM感到被逼到困境了。)


1. That would be a blow to the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, himself a Galician. (翻译:对身为加利西亚人的PP领袖马里亚诺。拉霍伊来说,这自然是当头一棒。)

2. The applied situation of the molecular weight regulators in the production of PP spunbonded is introduced. (翻译:介绍了聚丙烯纺粘法非织造布生产中分子量调解剂的应用情况。)

3. So this guy has given his name to sadomasochism. (翻译:所以这哥们儿把自己的名字献给了SM...)

4. SM: And I asked him, "Do you send emails?" (翻译:SM:然后我问他:”你发送电子邮件吗?“)

5. When the conjoint upper bound is known, the dynamic SM controller is designed. (翻译:当上界已知时,采用动态滑模方法设计滑模控制器;)

6. It suggested that PP333 increase the drought-resistance of peanut seedlings. (翻译:PP333明显提高花生幼苗的抗旱性。)

7. SWF, 30s, n/s iso SM, BB for RM? (翻译:SWF,xx岁,N / S ... ...的LSO SM,R&M的B&B吗?)

8. If there is disk mirroring, they may be mapped to one LPs that points to two or more PPs. (翻译:如果存在磁盘镜像,则会将镜像映射到指向一个或更多PP的LP上。)

9. SM: You can't? IM: It's always low-fat. (翻译:厨师:你找不到吗? IM:都是低值的白脱牛奶。)

10. If that's the SM's dinner, after you, Holly. (翻译:如果那是星际元帅的晚餐 那你先走吧 Holly)

11. ...73, it's a white... but usually they do one sm-- (翻译:...73 是白色... 通常他们会先...)

12. SM: Well, actually the cost that we incurred was less than 200 rupees. (翻译:夏菲:好吧,我们的收费 是低于两百卢比。)

13. Continuous circular peeling and surplus application of PP333 aggravated the disease. (翻译:连续环剥或过量应用PP 333加重轮纹病的发生。)

14. But PP-governed Murcia is one of the worst performers. (翻译:但人民党管治的穆尔西亚是表现最烂的之一。)

15. We suply services from design, printing, to finshed products production . (翻译:从PP图案设计,彩色印刷,产品成型,我司可一条龙为您服务。)

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