costume是什么意思 costume的中文翻译、读音、例句

costume是什么意思 costume的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:'costume'是指某种特定场合或角色所需要穿着的服装,通常指传统或历史上的特殊服饰。


- She wore a beautiful geisha costume for the Japanese-themed party.(她为这个日本主题派对穿了一件漂亮的艺妓服。)

- The actors wore elaborate medieval costumes in the play.(演员在这场剧中穿着复杂的中世纪服装。)

2. 学科专业:'costume'也可以表示一种学科专业,即服装设计。


- She studied costume design in college and now works for a famous fashion brand.(她在大学学习了服装设计,现在在一家著名的时尚品牌工作。)

- The theater company hired a professional costume designer for the upcoming performance.(剧团为即将上演的表演聘请了一位专业的服装设计师。)

3. 活动和表演:'costume'也经常被用于相关的活动和演出中,如万圣节、儿童游戏和舞蹈等。


- They spent hours preparing their Halloween costumes for the party.(他们花了好几个小时为派对准备万圣节服装。)

- The children dressed up in superhero costumes for the school's costume parade.(孩子们在学校的服装游行中穿着超级英雄的装扮。)

- The ballet dancers wore beautiful tutus and costumes for the performance.(芭蕾舞蹈演员在表演中穿着漂亮的芭蕾舞裙和服装。)

4. 电影和电视:'costume'在电影和电视中通常指古代或历史人物的服装。


- The costumes in the period drama were meticulously designed to reflect the time period.(这个历史剧中的服装是经过细致设计的,以反映时代背景。)

- The actor had to wear heavy Tudor costumes for the role.(这位演员为了角色需要穿着沉重的都铎时期服装。)

5. 商业活动:'costume'在商业活动中也经常用于展示产品或吸引客户。


- The store hired a person to wear a giant hot dog costume to promote their new product.(商店聘请一名人员穿着大热狗的服装宣传他们的新产品。)

- The mascot wore a cute lion costume at the amusement park to entertain the children.(吉祥物在游乐园穿着可爱的狮子服装为孩子们提供娱乐。)




1. The actors wore elaborate costumes for the period drama. (演员穿着华丽的古装剧服。)

2. Halloween is a time when people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. (万圣节是人们穿着化妆服,去要糖果的日子。)

3. The dancers' costumes were designed by a famous fashion designer. (舞者的装束是由著名时装设计师设计的。)

4. She spent hours making her own costume for the cosplay event. (她花了好几个小时为角色扮演活动制作自己的装束。)

5. The museum had a display of traditional Japanese costumes. (博物馆展出了传统的日本装束。)

6. The school play required students to wear costumes that represented different historical figures. (学校的戏剧要求学生穿着代表不同历史人物的服装。)

7. The theme of the party was superheroes, so everyone came in costumes. (派对的主题是超级英雄,所以每个人都穿着装束。)

8. The fashion show featured costumes made from recycled materials. (时装秀展示了由回收材料制作的装束。)

9. The opera company hired a team of costume designers to create the elaborate costumes for the production. (歌剧公司雇用了一支造型设计师团队为制作精美的戏剧装束。)

英 [ˈkɒstjuːm] 美 [ˈkɔstum]



1. She wore a fancy dress costume to the party.


2. The actors are changing into their costumes backstage.


3. My favorite costume is a superhero outfit.





例句:A little kid in a Superman costume? (小屁孩穿着超人装吗 {\3cH202020}A little kid in a Superman costume?)


例句:I'm going to be emceeing a costume contest. (我将要主持一场时装比赛。)


例句:You still have that Halloween costume? (嘿,Mac! 你那套 万圣节的服装还在不在?)


例句:Even better on time. What's with the costume? (翻译:更好的是按时来 怎么穿着军装来了 {\3cH202020}Even better on time.)


costume一般作为名词、动词使用,如在domino costume([网络] 多米诺骨牌服装)、folk costume(民族服装)、halloween costume(万圣节服装)等常见短语中出现较多。

domino costume[网络] 多米诺骨牌服装
folk costume民族服装
halloween costume万圣节服装
masquerade costume[网络] 化装舞会服装
national costume民族服装
outing costume户外服
peasant costume农民装
stage costume戏衣;戏装;剧装
swim costume[网络] 泳衣


1. You still have that Halloween costume? (翻译:嘿,Mac! 你那套 万圣节的服装还在不在?)

2. Even better on time. What's with the costume? (翻译:更好的是按时来 怎么穿着军装来了 {\3cH202020}Even better on time.)

3. I need to dress in ancient costume. (翻译:I need to dress in ancient costume.)

4. A spangle used to ornament a dress or costume. (翻译:亮片用来装饰衣服或服装的金属片。)

5. The actors were still in costume and make-up. (翻译:这些演员仍是戏装打扮。)

6. That's not my costume, that's actually Hellboy. (翻译:这不是我的戏服, 这是电影里的地狱男爵。)

7. The costume designs are too fussy. (翻译:这些服装设计过于花哨。)

8. Because it's not a costume, it's a flight suit. (翻译:因为这不是化妆服,这是飞行服... ...)

9. I see you found the costume room. (翻译:I see you found the costume room.)

10. Some of us hadctually gotten costume on, you know? (翻译:我们中的一些hadctually 得到的服装,你知道吗?)

11. This mascot costume you stole Cost $5,000. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你偷的这套吉祥物制服价值5,000元 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}This mascot costume you stole cost $5,000.)

12. Well, no costume is this exact, no. (翻译:没有戏装能做到如此准确 Well, no costume is this exact, no.)

13. Last seen wearing a Superman costume. (翻译:走失前穿着超人装 {\3cH202020}Last seen wearing a Superman costume.)

14. This is a themed costume party, not a dwarf prostitutes' convention. (翻译:这是有主题的扮装晚会 不是小矮人妓女聚会)

15. ... and this is the "Jaws" costume my mom bought for me. (翻译:而那时我妈妈买给我的 “大白鲨”戏服是这样的。)

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