misunderstand是什么意思 misunderstand的中文翻译、读音、例句

misunderstand是什么意思 misunderstand的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: Misunderstand(动词)意为“误解”,指对某个事物的理解出现错误或误解,通常是由于沟通不畅或信息不准确造成的。

2. 同义词:误解、误会、误判、不理解等。

3. 反义词:understand(理解)

4. 造句:

- Don't misunderstand me, I'm not suggesting that you're not capable of doing the job.

- I'm afraid there might be a misunderstanding, I didn't say I wouldn't go, I just want more information first.

- He misunderstood the instructions and ended up damaging the machine.

- If we don't clarify the situation soon, there might be a lot of misunderstandings among the team.

- It's easy to misunderstand someone's intentions when you don't know them well.

5. 中文例句:

- 不要误解我,我并不是在说你做不好这份工作。

- 恐怕有些误会了,我并没有说我不会去,只是想先了解更多信息。

- 他误解了说明书,结果把机器弄坏了。

- 如果我们不尽快澄清情况,团队中可能会出现很多误解。

- 当你不了解某人时,很容易误解他们的意图。




1. I think you misunderstand what I was trying to say.(我觉得你误解了我想表达的意思。)

2. He often misunderstands what people are saying to him.(他经常会误解别人对他说的话。)

3. The situation was very complicated and it was easy to misunderstand what had happened.(情况很复杂,很容易误解发生了什么。)




例句:We've had-- in the past, we've had our share of tiffs... but I truly believe it's because you misunderstand me. (过去,我们的确曾经有过小争执... ... 始终认为这是因为你误解了我)


例句:No, but the police could misunderstand something they find. (没有 但警察会 对他们发现的东西产生误解)


例句:No, look, you misunderstand, all right? (不 看 你理解错了 好吗? 我不能误导你)


例句:"And yours, " he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them. " (翻译:“而你的缺陷呢,”达西笑着回答。“就是故意去误解别人。”)


misunderstand一般作为动词使用,如在to misunderstand([网络] 误会;曲解;弄错)、don't misunderstand me([网络] 不要误解我;别误会;不要误解我的意思)等常见短语中出现较多。

to misunderstand[网络] 误会;曲解;弄错
don't misunderstand me[网络] 不要误解我;别误会;不要误解我的意思


1. No, look, you misunderstand, all right? (翻译:不 看 你理解错了 好吗? 我不能误导你)

2. "And yours, " he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them. " (翻译:“而你的缺陷呢,”达西笑着回答。“就是故意去误解别人。”)

3. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other . . . (翻译:但最基础的且最邪恶、最自私、最残忍,且最不可改变的事实是我们完全不理解对方……)

4. So would the subject misunderstand that the doctor is trying to violate her? (翻译:那会不会产生令受诊者误以为 医生是在有意侵犯她的这种感觉呢?)

5. Don't misunderstand me, I'll inform you of everything from now on. (翻译:你千万不要误会 以后有什么事我一定会先通知你,OK?)

6. And don't misunderstand me, I'd eat that doughnut in a minute. (翻译:但别误会, 我完全不介意吃掉那个甜甜圈。)

7. And the more we quarrel and criticize and misunderstand each other, the bigger the ocean gets, and the smaller the boat. (翻译:我们若吵得越凶 互揭疮疤 海洋会越大 而船会越来越小)

8. - Does it mean you want me to go there? - Please, don't misunderstand me. (翻译:你的意思就是想让我去那里吗 请不要误会我)

9. Pardon me, Your Majesty Sharifuddin will misunderstand. (翻译:请原谅,陛下 Sharifuddin会误解的,他会以为我们软弱可欺)

10. Don't misunderstand me—I am grateful for all you've done. (翻译:别误解我的意思—我对你所做的一切都很感激。)

11. Don't misunderstand, I don't expect you to fall in with this suggestion but the least I can do is afford you the opportunity of surviving the evening. (翻译:不要误会 我不期望你真的接受这建议... 但起码我能做的是 提供给你活过今晚的机会)

12. You misunderstand, Major. I didn't ask you here to sell me. I wanted you to sell the invasion. (翻译:你误会了,不是要你宣传我,而是宣传这次进攻)

13. He wanted to, he missish and restraint grasp well enough, she wouldn't misunderstand him. (翻译:他想,他的矜持和克制把握得足够好,她一定不会误会他。)

14. If you don't like her... then don't give her a reason to misunderstand. (翻译:你也是的,你已经不喜欢她了 你就不要再让人家误会嘛)

15. Don't misunderstand me, Prosecutor. (翻译:检察官打人 您也真是的 我都说您这是误会什么了)



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