manual是什么意思 manual的中文翻译、读音、例句

manual是什么意思 manual的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:manual可以是形容词,意为“手动的”;也可以是名词,指“手册”、“说明书”等;此外,manual还有缩写词的用法,如MA(Master of Arts,文学硕士)。


- The manual transmission in this car gives the driver more control.


- The user manual for this software is very helpful.


- After earning her MA in English, she went on to pursue a PhD.


2. 使用范围:由于manual可以指各种手册和说明书,所以涉及的领域非常广泛,可以包括汽车指南、电子产品说明、安全使用手册、员工手册等等。


- The car manual explains how to change the oil and replace the tires.


- The user manual for this camera is available online in several languages.


- The company's safety manual outlines procedures for handling hazardous materials.


3. 缩写词用法:manual在缩写词中往往表示“硕士研究生文凭”,所以在学术界和职场中非常常见。


- Jane received her MA in history from Harvard University.


- Our job posting requires candidates to have an MA in economics or a related field.


- Before beginning her PhD program, Susan earned an MA in linguistics.


1. 'manual'是英语单词,中文翻译为“手动的、手册、使用手册”等,常用于描述人工操作的设备或工具,以及为了指导操作而编写的书籍或文档。

2. 例句:

- This machine can be operated either in automatic or manual mode. (这台机器可以在自动或手动模式下运行。)

- Please read the manual carefully before using the product. (请在使用产品前仔细阅读使用手册。)

- The manual transmission car is more fun to drive than the automatic. (手动挡车比自动挡车驾驶更有趣。)

- The company has released a new manual for their software. (公司发布了他们软件的新手册。)

- You need to learn the manual alphabet to communicate with the deaf. (你需要学习手语字母表才能与聋人沟通。)

- The job requires a lot of manual labor. (这份工作需要大量人工劳动。)

- We had to manually adjust the settings on the machine. (我们不得不手动调整机器的设置。)

- The manual says to turn the knob clockwise. (手册上写着要顺时针转动旋钮。)

- He prefers reading manuals to asking for help. (他更喜欢阅读手册而不是寻求帮助。)




1. This manual will provide you with all the information you need.


2. Please follow the instructions in the manual carefully.


3. The car has a manual transmission.


4. As a carpenter, he prefers manual tools to power tools.





例句:Explain the status of Manual for Streets and its relationship with local design standards and the Design Manual for Roods and Bridges. (手册解释的地位和它的关系与当地街道设计标准、设计手册Roods和桥。)


例句:She wrote a memoir, not a manual. (她写的是回忆录,不是操作手册。)


例句:Rerouting camera to designated coordinates. (Manual override. Rerouting camera to designated coordinates. {\r\fs16\1cHFF8080})


例句:All clearance adjustment is manual or motorize. (翻译:所有间隙手动或电动调整。)


manual一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在on manual([网络] 手册简介)、drafting manual(绘图手册)、diving manual(潜水手册,下潜技术指南)等常见短语中出现较多。

on manual[网络] 手册简介
drafting manual绘图手册
diving manual潜水手册,下潜技术指南
dyeing manual染色手册
employee manual员工手册
enforcement manual实施手册
engineering manual[化] 工程手册
field manual[计] 现场手册
flight manual飞行手册


1. Rerouting camera to designated coordinates. (翻译:Manual override. Rerouting camera to designated coordinates. {\r\fs16\1cHFF8080})

2. All clearance adjustment is manual or motorize. (翻译:所有间隙手动或电动调整。)

3. One, buy a computer of the same type according to this manual. (翻译:一个是你按照说明书 给我买个这个型号的电脑)

4. You're not wasting time to steal the manual. (翻译:没想到你们竟然这么快 就找上门来抢药王神篇)

5. Did you find the manual override? (翻译:-螔蚁萎魏蔚蟼 蟿慰 渭畏蠂伪谓喂蟽渭蠈 伪谓慰委纬渭伪蟿慰蟼;)

6. Second. manual: can start on manual machine. acceleration and deceleration. phase and engraver. etc. . . column. (翻译:手动:可以手动进行起动。停机。加速。减速。合闸。分闸。并机。解列等操作。)

7. Manual blow of any selected sootblower. (翻译:所有被选吹灰器的人工吹灰。)

8. After you've gone through the manual, follow the trail to the similarly intriguing PASIV Device Technical manual on the Internet. (翻译:当你看完手册以后,可在互联网上追踪到同样有趣的《PASIV设备技术手册》。)

9. He consulted the manual. (翻译:他查阅了使用说明书。)

10. Manual Transmission Fluid -- MTF; Made to replace ATF and motor oil in manual transmissions. (翻译:手动变速箱液-的MTF;来取代石油管理局和电机在手动变速箱。)

11. Avoid temporary, manual workarounds. (翻译:避免暂时的、手动的工作区。)

12. Now, would you like the instruction manual? (翻译:would you like the instruction manual?)

13. And initiate a manual lockdown. (翻译:并启动人为封锁 and initiate a manual lockdown.)

14. Your father says that this manual is the key to success. (翻译:你爹说,只要练好七煞拳 夺盟主是轻而易举的)

15. The knowledge contained in that manual is your only leverage. (翻译:那本手册里所包含的内容 是你现在唯一的筹码)



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