murmured是什么意思 murmured的中文翻译、读音、例句

murmured是什么意思 murmured的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:murmured 是动词 murmur 的过去式和过去分词形式。表示低声耳语、咕哝、喃喃自语等。


词组搭配:murmur something to oneself (对自己喃喃自语),murmur sweet nothings (轻声细语)




1. He murmured something to himself and then walked away.(他自言自语地嘀咕了几句,然后走开了。)

2. The wind murmured in the trees.(风在树上呜咽。)

3. She smiled and murmured her thanks.(她微笑着喃喃道谢。)

4. The audience murmured in agreement.(观众低声咕哝表示赞同。)

5. The priest murmured a prayer.(牧师低声念着祷告。)

6. He murmured sweet nothings into her ear.(他在她耳边轻声细语。)

7. She murmured a lullaby to the baby.(她对婴儿轻声唱着摇篮曲。)



1. She murmured something under her breath that I couldn't quite catch. (她小声喃喃自语,我没听清楚。)

2. The wind murmured through the trees, making a soothing sound. (风穿过树木低语,发出舒缓的声音。)

3. He murmured words of love to her as they danced under the stars. (他们在星空下跳舞,他低声诉说爱的话语。)




例句:He murmured drowsily, "Prithee call me when the table is spread." (他昏昏欲睡地低声说:“桌子铺好后,请叫我。” )


例句:He walked along the Opera House's construction site, special pick a dark place to go, his mouth spoke murmured some incoherent words. (他沿着歌剧院的建筑工地,专拣黑暗的地方走,嘴里喃喃地说着一些不连贯的话。)


例句:"How lovely," she murmured. (“多可爱呀,”她低声说。)


1. "How lovely," she murmured. (翻译:“多可爱呀,”她低声说。)

2. "This is where I leave you, " Firenze murmured as Hagrid hurried off to examine the unicorn. "You are safe now. " (翻译:“我就把你留在这儿吧,”费伦泽在海格赶去查看独角兽的尸体时低声说,“你现在没有危险了。”)

3. she bit me , he murmured . she worried me like a tigress , when rochester got the knife from her. (翻译:罗切斯特从她手里把刀夺下来以后,她就象一头雌老虎那样撕咬着我。)

4. But a lovely mummer, he murmured to himself. (翻译:“然而是个可爱的哑剧演员,”他自言自语着。)

5. "Shall we?" Rosalie murmured, interrupting my focus. (翻译:“我们可以吗?”罗莎莉嘟哝着,打断了我的思路。)

6. The secret, it is murmured, is to let Europe weave China into an entangling web of agreements and sectoral dialogues. (翻译:它嘀咕着,秘密就是让欧洲把中国编入错综复杂的协议和领域对话网。)

7. The skilful do not seem to hear the murmured objection, and they continue their manoeuvres. (翻译:机灵人似乎听不见这种窃窃私议的反对意见,仍旧继续他们的勾当。)

8. We fear reprisals, signore, "the abbess murmured." (翻译:“我们怕报复,先生,”女修道院院长喃喃地说。)

' he murmured apologetically. (翻译,我迟到了。”他小声道歉说。)

10. Jacqueline picked up the candlestick with a steady hand. "Bonne nuit, messieurs," she murmured. (翻译:杰奎琳一只手稳稳地拿起烛台,“先生们,晚安,”她喃喃地说。)

11. "Heavy destroyers, " Lash murmured. Enough concentrated firepower to take out a dozen UNSC prowlers. (翻译:“重型驱逐舰,”拉稀咕哝道。有足够的火力摧毁一打UNSC巡游舰。)

12. "Mercy! " murmured the murderer; then he dropped his head and stammered a few inarticulate oaths. (翻译:“开恩啊!”杀人犯吞吞吐吐地说,接着他低下头嘟囔了几句没说清楚的咒神骂鬼的话。)

13. She murmured her agreement. (翻译:她低声表示同意。)

14. "Pretty good thing you died, Briss, old man, " Martin murmured, letting the magazine slip between his knees to the floor. (翻译:“你死了倒好,布里老兄,”马丁喃喃地说,让那杂志从膝盖之间滑落到地上。)

15. "Oh, dear, " she murmured bleakly, "We owe $392. " (翻译:“我的天啊!”她忧郁地低声说道,“我们得付392块钱。”)



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