embedding是什么意思 embedding的中文翻译、读音、例句

embedding是什么意思 embedding的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:embedding在技术领域中广泛使用,常见的词组搭配包括:embedding layer(嵌入层)、embedding matrix(嵌入矩阵)、word embedding(词嵌入)、image embedding(图像嵌入)、video embedding(视频嵌入)等。

短语:Embedded system(嵌入式系统)是指嵌入到其他设备或系统中的计算机系统。该系统通常具有独立的硬件和软件,并且可以在其所嵌入的系统中运行。



1. The word embedding model can help predict words that come in the next sentence.(词嵌入模型可以帮助预测下一个句子中的单词。)

2. The embedding layer maps discrete data to a continuous vector space.(嵌入层将离散数据映射到连续的向量空间。)

3. The embedding matrix is used to map words to vector representations.(嵌入矩阵用于将单词映射到向量表示。)

4. Image embedding is the process of representing an image as a vector of numbers.(图像嵌入是将图像表示为数字向量的过程。)

5. Video embedding involves converting a video into a sequence of vectors.(视频嵌入涉及将视频转换为向量序列。)

6. Embedded systems are used in many applications such as medical devices, automotive systems, and industrial control systems.(嵌入式系统广泛应用于医疗设备、汽车系统和工业控制系统等领域。)

7. The spy was embedded in the enemy's organization for years before he was discovered.(特工嵌入敌方组织多年,直到被发现。)




1. The embedding of social media into our daily lives has drastically changed the way we communicate.


2. This device has an embedded GPS system.


3. The embedding of images and videos on our website has significantly increased user engagement.





例句:Frank's team came up with the idea of embedding reporters. (弗兰克的团队想出的想法 嵌入记者的采访。)


例句:Meanwhile, I use these scores as blueprints to translate into sculptural forms like this, that function still in the sense of being a three-dimensional weather visualization, but now they're embedding the visual matrix of the musical score


例句:And so we were able to do this by embedding 40 small, tiny linear actuators inside the device, and that allow you not only to touch them but also back-drive them as well. (这些能够实现是通过 在显示器内嵌入40个微型线性传动器, 让操作者不仅能触摸按钮, 还能反向操纵它们。)


例句:Your Honor, the time code of the embedding on this new block of Bitcoins-- embedding that only could be put there by Bitcoin's inventor-- was at exactly the same moment (翻译:法官, 这个Bitcoin最新块的潜入申明代码 只有)


embedding一般作为名词、动词使用,如在differentiable embedding([数] 可微分嵌入)、differential embedding([数] 微分嵌入)、embedding compound(埋封胶)等常见短语中出现较多。

differentiable embedding[数] 可微分嵌入
differential embedding[数] 微分嵌入
embedding compound埋封胶
embedding diagram包容图
embedding mapping嵌套映射
embedding medium包埋剂
embedding method[医]包埋法
embedding operator嵌入算子
embedding principle嵌入原理
embedding technique嵌入法


1. And so we were able to do this by embedding 40 small, tiny linear actuators inside the device, and that allow you not only to touch them but also back-drive them as well. (翻译:这些能够实现是通过 在显示器内嵌入40个微型线性传动器, 让操作者不仅能触摸按钮, 还能反向操纵它们。)

2. Your Honor, the time code of the embedding on this new block of Bitcoins-- embedding that only could be put there by Bitcoin's inventor-- was at exactly the same moment (翻译:法官, 这个Bitcoin最新块的潜入申明代码 只有)

3. This is the DE facto standard library for embedding SWFs. (翻译:这实际上是嵌入s WF的标准库。)

4. One of the most useful techniques comes from a practical application of the old right tool for the right job rule known as embedding. (翻译:最有用的技术之一来自选择合适的工具做合适的事情这一古老规则的实际应用,采用嵌入技术。)

5. Usage: special equipment suitable for auto dynamotor three phases wire embedding in one time and slot covering. (翻译:用途:适用于汽车发电机定子三相一次性嵌入和盖槽楔的专用设备。)

6. Also be mindful of the separation of content, processing, and presentation, and avoid embedding references to script until the last moment. (翻译:同时,要注意内容、处理和显示的分离,避免在最后一刻才将引用嵌入到脚本中。)

7. To ensure the security of wartermark, the wartermark image was scrambled before embedding and then expanded to the twifold size of the original image. (翻译:为保证水印的安全性,在嵌入之前先对水印图像作置乱处理,再将水印图像位扩展为原始图像的两倍大小; )

8. The use of the technique of celloidin embedding in the study of the cross - sectional anatomy of the cavernous sinus (翻译:火棉胶包埋法在海绵窦断层解剖研究中的应用)

9. A spatial-temporal extension to locally linear embedding (ST-LLE) is proposed to describe video trajectory. (翻译:提出了时空扩展的局部线性嵌入降维方法来描绘视频轨迹。)

10. Book presentation is a special kind of embedding of spatial graphs with good properties such as locally unknotted. (翻译:空间图的书本表示是图在空间中的一种特殊的嵌入方式,在此种表示下,空间图拥有局部不结等良好的性质。)

11. Can't you help trace the source of her embedding? (翻译:你难道不可以帮忙追踪那个嵌入申明的来源吗?)

12. Ownership protection of a relational database is implemented, by embedding the ownership information into a relational database. (翻译:通过在关系型数据库中所嵌入的版权信息,从而实现数据库的版权保护。)

13. But we haven't had the debate about what the embedding process did to our understanding of the war. (翻译:但是,我们还没有的辩论 嵌入过程是什么... 我们了解的战争。)

14. It's the easiest thing in the world to arrange for a delayed embedding. (翻译:安排一个延迟的申明, 是世界上最容易的事情之一了)

15. Embedding nanoparticles in a material for instance, always. (翻译:例如,他总是把纳米粒子固定在某种材质中 )



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