dumpster是什么意思 dumpster的中文翻译、读音、例句

dumpster是什么意思 dumpster的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义及用法:


2. 词源及发展历史:

'Dumpster'一词是由“Dumpstersterilize”(垃圾箱)和“Dumpsterize”(使垃圾箱化)两个单词组合而成,是由美国私营垃圾公司Rumpke Consolidated Companies首次使用的。该公司和其他私营垃圾公司一起,开始在20世纪xx年代末和xx年代初,推广使用这种垃圾桶以提高垃圾收集效率和减少垃圾处理成本。

3. 文化背景:

Dumpster在西方文化中也有一定的象征意义。在美国,一些人利用Dumpster搜寻遗弃的物品,进行自由流浪生活或寻找节省成本的方式,这被称为“Dumpster Diving”。而在浪漫主义的艺术氛围中,Dumpster也被视为一个富有隐喻意味的符号,被赋予了一定的象征意义。


1. The restaurant was fined for placing food waste in the wrong Dumpster.


2. The new building has a designated area for Dumpsters to be placed.


3. The environmentalist called for people to stop disposing waste in Dumpsters.


4. The homeless man had to resort to dumpster diving to find something to eat.

无家可归的人只能借助“Dumpster Diving”来找到吃的。

5. The artist used a dumpster as a canvas for his latest street art piece.




1. I threw the pizza box in the dumpster. (我把比萨饼盒扔进了垃圾桶。)

2. The store employee collected all the expired products and threw them in the dumpster. (店员收集了所有过期的商品,然后把它们扔进了垃圾桶。)

3. The dumpster behind the restaurant was overflowing with trash. (餐厅后面的垃圾桶里垃圾满溢了。)

4. The city council ordered additional dumpsters to be placed in the park during the summer months. (市议会命令在夏季在公园里增加了更多的垃圾桶。)

5. The homeless man was rummaging through the dumpster in search of food. (无家可归的人正在垃圾桶里翻找食物。)

6. After the party, we had to clean up and throw away all the garbage in the dumpster. (聚会结束后,我们必须清理并把所有的垃圾扔进垃圾桶。)

7. The city has strict regulations regarding the proper use and disposal of dumpsters. (市里有关于正确使用和处理垃圾桶的严格规定。)

8. The waste management company provided us with a new dumpster for our business. (废物管理公司为我们的企业提供了一个新的垃圾桶。)

9. We found a discarded bicycle in the dumpster and decided to fix it up. (我们在垃圾桶里发现了一辆抛弃的自行车,决定修理一下。)





1. Don't throw the trash on the ground, put it in the dumpster.


2. The dumpster in the alley was overflowing with garbage.


dumpster的中文解释是"垃圾桶 、由卡车拖走",作为名词时有"垃圾大铁桶"的意思,单词读音音标为['dʌmpstər],dumpster来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与dumpster相关的例句。



例句:They're going to find him lying dead by a dumpster in an alley in 20 minutes. (他们二十分钟后 就会在某条小巷的垃圾桶旁发现他的尸体)


例句:When everything's dark, you gotta look behind a dumpster. (当所有的事情在黑暗中的时候 你的眼光得放远一点)


例句:I set a Google Alert For any news of the dead girl in the dumpster (关于那个死在垃圾箱里的女孩 我设置了Google提醒)


例句:They stuffed her in a Dumpster... three blocks from our apartment. (翻译:他们把她塞进了垃圾箱 那里离我们家只有三个街口)


1. I set a Google Alert For any news of the dead girl in the dumpster (翻译:关于那个死在垃圾箱里的女孩 我设置了Google提醒)

2. They stuffed her in a Dumpster... three blocks from our apartment. (翻译:他们把她塞进了垃圾箱 那里离我们家只有三个街口)

3. It could have fallen out when he put her in the dumpster. (翻译:或许他是想给她看 可能在把她搬进垃圾箱时掉了出来)

4. I'm talkin' about you and the waitress dumping' your baby in a Dumpster! (翻译:我在说你和那个女服务员 把亲生孩子扔进了垃圾桶里!)

5. If something isn't perfect, if it does line up with that premeditated model, dumpster. (翻译:如果有什么东西不完美,如果跟预期的模型吻合,扔掉。)

6. So the cops got a flashlight on me behind the dumpster, I'm... (翻译:因此 警察用手电筒在我后面的垃圾桶找 我...)

7. He claimed that he found the sweatshirt in a Dumpster a couple blocks from the crime scene. (翻译:他声称那件运动衫 是在离命案现场 几个街区的垃圾箱里捡的)

8. Have you been dumpster-diving again? (翻译:Have you been dumpster -diving again?)

9. C'mon, guy. We just pulled her out of a Dumpster in the back. (翻译:得了,我们刚把她 从后面的垃圾箱里拉出来)

10. We immediately put these pieces in a plastic bag and threw them into a dumpster. (翻译:如果有,我们会立即把它装进塑料袋,然后丢到垃圾箱里。)

11. She broke it then put it in a dumpster behind Jamba Juice. (翻译:她提出分手,然后把 在它的背后Jamba Juice的垃圾箱。)

12. The next three nights, she slept out by the dumpster near the apartment building. (翻译:在接下来的三个晚上, 她走出家门,睡在了公寓附近 的垃圾箱旁边。)

13. - Plus I live in a dumpster. - You stay out of my dumpster. (翻译:加上现在还住在垃圾车里 你得远离我的垃圾车)

14. Do you go dumpster diving, department stores garbage bins in search of used parts? (翻译:你会去捡垃圾吗 去百货商店的垃圾桶 寻找用过的部件)

15. Found it out back by the dumpster. (翻译:我在后面垃圾箱旁发现了这个轮椅 Found it out back by the dumpster.)



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