nomercy是什么意思 nomercy的中文翻译、读音、例句

nomercy是什么意思 nomercy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'nomercy'是一个名词,没有明确的缩写词。


- The coach showed no mercy to the players who didn't perform well in the game.


- Some people believe that the justice system has no mercy for the poor and marginalized communities.


2. 含义:'nomercy'表示没有怜悯、慈悲或宽容之意,通常用于形容残酷、无情的行为或态度。


- The dictator ruled his country with no mercy, and many innocent citizens were killed.


- The company's policy of no mercy towards employees who make mistakes has led to a high turnover rate.


3. 来源:'nomercy'一词可以追溯到英语中古时期的词汇,意为没有宽容或慈悲。


- The knight showed no mercy to his enemies on the battlefield.


- The judge's sentence showed no mercy for the defendant, who was found guilty of a heinous crime.


4. 相关词汇:与'nomercy'相关的词汇包括 merciless(无情的)、ruthless(残忍的)、unforgiving(不宽恕的)等。


- The merciless treatment of animals in some slaughterhouses has sparked public outrage.


- The ruthless business practices of some corporations have contributed to environmental degradation and social inequality.


5. 用法:'nomercy'通常用于形容行为或态度,也可以作为短语no mercy的一部分使用。


- The protestors demanded that the police show no mercy to the corrupt politicians.


- The opposing team played with no mercy, beating our team by a wide margin.



读音:nō mûr-sē


1. He showed his opponent no mercy during the boxing match. (他在拳击比赛中对手毫不留情。)

2. The ruthless dictator ruled his country with no mercy. (那位无情的独裁者毫不留情地统治着他的国家。)

3. In business, you have to be tough and show no mercy if you want to succeed. (在商业中,如果你想成功,你必须要坚强,不留情。)

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