soapy是什么意思 soapy的中文翻译、读音、例句

soapy是什么意思 soapy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'soapy'可以用来形容某物或某人含有大量肥皂或肥皂样的成分,在外观或质地上呈现出光滑,润滑的特点。此外,'soapy'也可以表示某事情有违诚实,可疑的。


- The car was soapy after being washed with detergent.

- Her skin felt soapy after using the new moisturizing soap.

- The slipper felt soapy on the inside, which made it uncomfortable to wear.


- 汽车用洗涤剂洗过之后感觉光滑如肥皂。

- 她使用了新的保湿肥皂后,皮肤感觉光滑润泽。

- 拖鞋内部感觉像含有大量肥皂的成分,穿起来很不舒服。

2. 衍生词汇:'soapy'可以用来衍生出一些相关词汇,如'soap opera'(肥皂剧,指那些情感剧),'soapiness'(肥皂样的成分,指物质本身的特征)。


- My mom loves watching soap operas on TV.

- The soapiness in the shampoo made my hair feel silkier than usual.


- 我妈妈喜欢在电视上看肥皂剧。

- 洗发水中的肥皂成分使我的头发感觉更加柔滑。

3. 反义词:'soapy'也可以用来引申形容某事或某人的方式与肥皂恰恰相反,即粗糙,毛糙或干燥。


- The sandpaper was rough and not at all soapy.

- His hands were dry and calloused, not soapy and soft like hers.


- 砂纸感觉毛糙而不是光滑如肥皂。

- 他的手干燥而粗糙,不像她的那样柔软光滑。




1. She likes to take a long, soapy bath after work.(她喜欢下班后泡一个长时间的肥皂浴。)

2. The dishes were still greasy after washing them with that soapy water.(用那种有肥皂味的水洗完碗后还是很油腻。)




例句:Soapy continued his rounds, and the children and their mothers gradually began to talk about Soapy and ask questions. (索皮继续绕着圈走动,孩子们和她们的妈妈逐渐开始谈论索皮,而且还提出问题。)


例句:It has been speculated that our universe is only a bubble in a soapy multiverse made out of a multitude of bubbles, and each bubble is a different universe with different fundamental constants and different physical laws. (可以推测到 我们的宇宙 仅仅是多元宇宙肥皂泡下的一个小泡泡 而这个多元宇宙由千千万万个小泡泡组成 每个气泡里都是一个不同的宇宙 其中蕴含着不同的物理常数 和不同物理定律 )


例句:Try washing your hands with undiluted lemon juice. Wait a few minutes and wash with warm, soapy water. (用稀释的柠檬汁洗手,几分钟之后,然后用温肥皂水冲洗。)

4.肥皂的 、尽是肥皂的

例句:Before applying EMLA Cream, wash the skin in the area that the doctor plans to treat with warm soapy water and a wash cloth. (翻译:恩纳申请前,在该地区的清洗,医生计划在治疗温肥皂水和毛巾擦拭皮肤。)


soapy一般作为形容词使用,如在soapy alcohol(多脂醇)、soapy clay([机] 强性粘土)、soapy detergent(皂性清洁剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

soapy alcohol多脂醇
soapy clay[机] 强性粘土
soapy detergent皂性清洁剂
soapy feel腻感 ; 油感
soapy feeling腻感
soapy kidney[医] 肥皂样肾
soapy luster脂肪光泽
soapy taste皂味
soapy waste含皂废水


1. Try washing your hands with undiluted lemon juice. Wait a few minutes and wash with warm, soapy water. (翻译:用稀释的柠檬汁洗手,几分钟之后,然后用温肥皂水冲洗。)

2. Before applying EMLA Cream, wash the skin in the area that the doctor plans to treat with warm soapy water and a wash cloth. (翻译:恩纳申请前,在该地区的清洗,医生计划在治疗温肥皂水和毛巾擦拭皮肤。)

3. On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. (翻译:索比在人行道上扯开那破锣似的嗓子,像醉鬼一样胡闹。)

4. Once it mixed with the melted body fat, a soapy discharge crept into the river. (翻译:-旦混合了尸体融化的脂肪 就能排出肥皂的成份进入小溪)

5. And when it's ready to harvest, you take it out of the bath and you wash it in cold, soapy water. (翻译:当是采收的时候,你把纤维毯从池子中拿出来 在冷的肥皂水里洗洗 )

6. To Clean : Rinse the aspirator in warm soapy water before first use and after every use. (翻译:每次使用前后都要用温肥皂水清洗。)

7. It is washable. But you can only wash it in lukewarm water. Don't rub. Just use soapy water and rinse well. (翻译:它耐洗。但只只有用温水洗涤。不要搓,只用些肥皂水冲洗即可。)

8. LBJ: Soapy, I've figured out a way to effect a real economy in your department. (翻译:我想出一种方法,能真正使你的部门变得精简。)

9. Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes. (翻译:污点用一桶桶的肥皂水和擦洗的刷子除掉了。)

10. The first thing you want to do is give it a quick rinse, and you're gonna see that there's a soapy residue that rinses right off of it. (翻译:首先你需要做的就是给它进行一下快速冲洗,而后你你就可以冲洗掉在它上面的肥皂的残留物。)

11. But if you ever change your mind, all it would take is some warm, soapy water and a couple of sponges. (翻译:不过 你要是改主意了 But if you ever change your mind, all it would take 只需来点温肥皂水和几块海绵[共浴] is some warm, soapy water and a couple of sponges.)

12. If you need a few minutes to do dishes, you can set her up next to you with a dishpan filled with soapy water and coins. (翻译:如果你要花些时间去洗碗,你可以把孩子安置在你的旁边,给她一个装满肥皂水和硬币的洗碗盆。)

13. "No cop for you, " said the waiter, and seizing Soapy by the collar he threw him out of the restaurant. (翻译:“用不着叫警察,”待者边说边抓住了苏比的领子,把他搡出了饭馆。)

14. He had set his silk umbrella by the door, Soapy entered the store, took the umbrella, and went out with it slowly. (翻译:他把伞放在门旁,小王进了烟店,拿起雨伞,慢慢地走出去。)

15. They squirted each other with soapy water. (翻译:他们相互喷洒肥皂水。)

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