kal是什么意思 kal的中文翻译、读音、例句

kal是什么意思 kal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'kal' 既可以作为名词,又可以作为缩写词。

2. 含义:作为名词时,kal 是印度尼西亚巴厘岛语言中的一个词汇,意思是“时间”。作为缩写词时,kal 现在被广泛用作“kiloannum”,意思是“千年”。

3. 拼写与发音:kal 单词拼写简单,发音也比较容易,读作/kɑːl/。

4. 用法:kal 常用于描述特定的时间段或时期,比如说“古代的kal”或“新kal”。

5. 引申意义:kal 还可以被用于象征永恒和不朽,比如称呼名字中带有 kal 的事物或场所。


1. The traditional Balinese calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, with each month being divided into three parts - waxing, full, and waning kal.


2. The temple has stood for kal and is considered a holy site for Hindus and Buddhists alike.


3. The archaeological site contained artifacts dating back to the kal BC.


4. According to some predictions, the world will end in the next kal.


5. The ancient city was known for its kal-old walls and structures.





1. Kal is an abbreviation for Kalamazoo, Michigan. (Kal是密歇根州卡拉马祖的缩写。)

2. Kal is a common name in India. (Kal是印度常见的名字。)

3. I need to use a kal to chop the wood. (我需要用斧头来劈木头。)




例句:Azis, son of Kal'yan. Muhtar, son of Livind. (阿兹斯,卡杨的儿子 姆哈特,利文德的儿子)


例句:It was called the Kal Mrigaya, the Fateful Hunt. (它叫做《死神的狩猎》。)


例句:His real name is Kal Snyder! I made Snyder send a letter to tell me where his hideout is... (不过本名是叫卡尔・史耐达 我用死亡笔记本操纵史耐达 要他以密封的信件 告诉我他们的据点)


例句:General Joseph Stilwell, the American commander of Chiang Kal-Shek's Chinese Armies, said from Imphal, India, this morning, after a 140-mlle retreat through the Burmese jungle, (翻译:蒋介石的中国远征军 是由美国将军约瑟夫・史迪威指挥的 史迪威将军今晨在印度的英帕尔宣布)


kal一般作为名词使用,如在kal Baisakhi(卡贝萨基尘飑)、Kal'chyk([地名] 卡利奇克河 ( 乌克 ))、kal'ema(卡雷玛激浪)等常见短语中出现较多。

kal Baisakhi卡贝萨基尘飑
Kal'chyk[地名] 卡利奇克河 ( 乌克 )
Kal'mius[地名] 卡利米乌斯河 ( 乌克 )
Kal'ya[地名] 卡利亚 ( 俄 )
kal.abbr. = kalends (或 calends)
Uel'kal'[地名] 乌埃尔卡尔 ( 俄 )
Sayeret Mat'kal[网络] 参谋本部侦搜队


1. His real name is Kal Snyder! I made Snyder send a letter to tell me where his hideout is... (翻译:不过本名是叫卡尔・史耐达 我用死亡笔记本操纵史耐达 要他以密封的信件 告诉我他们的据点)

2. General Joseph Stilwell, the American commander of Chiang Kal-Shek's Chinese Armies, said from Imphal, India, this morning, after a 140-mlle retreat through the Burmese jungle, (翻译:蒋介石的中国远征军 是由美国将军约瑟夫・史迪威指挥的 史迪威将军今晨在印度的英帕尔宣布)

3. You can be Clark, or Kal-El, of superman. (翻译:你可以是Clark 可以是Kal -El 也可以是超人)

4. He was an erudite wit at the kal geons dinner table and, as the reader now sees, in his letters. (翻译:正如读者现在所见,信中展现出的伯林正如餐桌边的伯林一样,都是博学的诙谐之人。)

5. if you are not initiated , kal , meaning the negative power , will come to you . kal means negative power in sanskrit. (翻译:“卡尔”在印度古语里是指否定的力量,没有印心的人死后,“卡尔”会来找他们。)

6. The term 'serious disciplinary offenses ' often refers to corruption kal geons, and an investigation may lead to criminal charges. (翻译:“严重违纪”一词通常指贪污腐败,调查可能会带来刑事指控。)

7. You let them bring me here and now because you have a problem with it, you want me to return? (翻译:Kal 是你让他们把我带到这里 现在你有麻烦了 就想要我回去?)

8. Our new bottles displaying the images from Kal have been created in combination with our announcement of Blueberry-Pear and kosher formula. (翻译:我们的新瓶显示的图像卡尔已创建结合我们宣布蓝莓,梨和犹太教公式。)

9. Nonetheless, people came to Haruun Kal. (翻译:尽管如此,还是有人来到了哈伦·卡尔。)

10. kal jerico, bounty hunter by trade, is himself a wanted man. (翻译:职业为赏金猎人,他自己本身就是一个被悬赏的人。)

11. Kal-El, son of Krypton, I'm proud to call you my kin. (翻译:绉嫌 -鬲嫌ㄛ赗陎眳赽ㄛ扂赻瑰腔备斓峈﹝)

12. Xu cheap kal geons. 'This is the last thing officials and Shenzhen people wanted to see, but it happened, ' he said. (翻译:他说,这是政府人员和深圳人民最不希望看到的事情,但它却发生了。)

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