latitude是什么意思 latitude的中文翻译、读音、例句

latitude是什么意思 latitude的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 地理意义



- The latitude of Beijing is about 39 degrees north.


- The equator has a latitude of 0 degrees.


2. 航海和航空



- To reach our destination, we need to follow a latitude of 32 degrees north.


- The plane was flying at a latitude of 40 degrees south.


3. 计算机科学



- This GPS tracker can provide real-time latitude and longitude information.


- The software automatically calculates the latitude and longitude of the user's location.


4. 生物科学



- The penguins are adapted to living at high latitudes in Antarctica.


- The growth of this plant varies significantly with latitude and temperature.


5. 数学



- The latitude of a point on a cone is measured along a circle parallel to its base.


- The latitude of a point on a plane is always constant.




1. The city is located at a latitude of 35 degrees north. 这个城市位于35度北纬度。

2. The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees north. 北极的纬度为90度北纬。

3. The ship's captain used the stars to determine their latitude. 船长利用星星来确定自己的纬度。

4. The equator is a circle of latitude that is the same distance from the North and South poles. 赤道是一条经过北极和南极的圆形纬线。

5. The latitude of the Tropic of Cancer is 23.5 degrees north. 北回归线的纬度为23.5度北纬。

6. The position of the satellite is determined by its latitude and longitude. 卫星的位置由它的纬度和经度决定。

7. The earth's latitude varies from 0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees at the poles. 地球的纬度从赤道的0度到极点的90度不等。

8. The latitude of the South Pole is 90 degrees south. 南极的纬度为90度南纬。

9. The sailors used a sextant to determine their latitude at sea. 水手们利用六分仪确定他们在海上的纬度。




1. The latitude of Beijing is approximately 39 degrees north. (北京的纬度大约是北纬39度。)

2. The Earth is divided into 180 degrees of latitude. (地球被划分为180度的纬度。)

3. The sailors used the stars to determine their latitude at sea. (水手们用星星来确定他们在海上的纬度。)




例句:But Mau did not operate on latitude, longitude, angles, or mathematical calculations of any kind. (但是毛驾船并不靠纬度、经度、角度,也不靠任何数学计算。)


例句:The subsolar point will cross every latitude between these two extremes exactly twice per year. (太阳直射点每年恰好两次穿越这两个极端之间的所有纬度。)


例句:We are approaching the latitude and longitude of the plane's last known GPS location. (我们正在接近飞机 GPS最后显示的经纬度位置)


例句:Strategic arms limitation talks. (翻译:和纬度 and latitude. 战略武器限制谈判 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.)


latitude一般作为名词使用,如在latitude in(到达点纬度)、difference of latitude(纬差)、eccentric latitude(偏心纬度)等常见短语中出现较多。

latitude in到达点纬度
difference of latitude纬差
eccentric latitude偏心纬度
ecliptic latitude黄纬
equalarea latitude等积投影纬度
evection in latitude黄纬出差
elevation and latitude海拔和纬度
estimated latitude估计纬度
exmeridian latitude近中天纬度


1. We are approaching the latitude and longitude of the plane's last known GPS location. (翻译:我们正在接近飞机 GPS最后显示的经纬度位置)

2. Strategic arms limitation talks. (翻译:和纬度 and latitude. 战略武器限制谈判 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.)

3. Latitude observations with the zenith telescope ZTL-180 have been continued at the Tientsin Latitude Station. (翻译:天津纬度站于1962、xx年继续用180毫米天顶仪进行纬度变化的观测。)

4. 35,000 feet. It's not based on longitude or latitude, it's altitude. (翻译:35,000英尺高 不是基于经纬度的 是海拔高度)

5. He would be given every latitude in forming a new government. (翻译:他将被给予高度自由来建立一个新政府。)

6. Preliminary Study on Fruit Quality of Newhall Orange from Various Spot with Different Latitude (翻译:不同纬度产地纽荷尔脐橙果实品质状况初步研究)

7. The scarcity of surviving evidence gives Ms Sobel some poetic latitude. (翻译:现存证据的不足让索贝尔有了诗意想象的自由。)

8. He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart. (翻译:他记下经度和纬度,然后在海图上作了标记。)

9. Please fasten your seat belts, we at an altitude of 1000 feet with a latitude 1000 (翻译:请系好安全带,我们 在1000英尺的高度与纬度1000)

10. The point is, get involved, including the content of the emergency alarm latitude, longitude and alert degree and description. (翻译:二是非固定点出警,内容包括该报警点的经度、纬度、警情描述及程度。)

11. That's why I find this modern religious fervour so troubling, there's no latitude for misunderstandings. (翻译:这就是为什么我会觉得 现代宗教狂热很烦人 根本不给误解留有解释的余地 信仰远胜过理由,先生)

12. User not only in reality, and be fictitious can live on platform, there is one alternant on place latitude and life latitude. (翻译:用户不但在现实,而且在是虚拟的平台上都可以生活,在地点纬度和生活纬度上都有一个交互。)

13. I was against giving her so much latitude, but... (翻译:我不同意给她这么大的自由 但是... Adam才是老板)

14. The field is stronger near the poles than it is at the equator, a fact that birds use to figure out their latitude. (翻译:地球磁场在两极 The field is stronger near the poles 比赤道的要强 than it is at the equator, 鸟类据此可以推断出它们所在的纬度 a fact that birds use to figure out their latitude.)

15. And then there is their location on the sky as seen from a certain latitude on the back plate. Okay? (翻译:他们于天空上的位置 则是通过观察盘子背后的纬度测出。)



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