apostle是什么意思 apostle的中文翻译、读音、例句

apostle是什么意思 apostle的中文翻译、读音、例句





- The Apostle Paul wrote many letters to churches throughout the Roman Empire.

- The Twelve Apostles were chosen by Jesus to spread his message.

- Saint Peter is considered the first Apostle and the first Pope.




- He is an apostle of democracy, always fighting for equal rights and fair treatment.

- She is an apostle of healthy living and always eats organic food and exercises regularly.

- He became an apostle of the environmental movement after witnessing the destruction caused by pollution.




- The bishop signed the letter with 'apost.' to indicate his authority.

- The reference to the Bible verse was cited as 'Apoc. 22:21.'

- The academic paper included a reference to the work of the apost. Paul.



1. The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation.(约翰使徒写了启示录。)

2. She is an apostle of animal rights and always advocates for their welfare.(她是动物权利的支持者,总是为它们的福利发声。)

3. The bishop signed the letter with 'apost.' to indicate his approval.(主教签署了'apost.'缩写的信件,以表示他的批准。)

4. The apost. Paul wrote about the importance of faith in his letters.(使徒保罗在他的信件中写道信仰的重要性。)

5. He became an apostle of peace after experiencing the horror of war.(他在经历了战争的恐怖后成为了和平的支持者。)



1. Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ.


2. The apostle preached the gospel in many countries.


3. Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.





例句:It covers what the apostle John saw in a vision on the Island of Patmos. (它记录了使徒约翰在拔摩海岛所看到的异象。)


例句:Thecla becomes her own Apostle spreading the message. (特格拉成为自己的使徒,传播讯息。)


例句:I have to tell you, Paul, even the Apostle Paul couldn't have done better. (我必须告诉你,即使是基督的 门徒保罗,说得也没你好)


例句:It takes these prophecies and you do what the apostle Pablo it said, hazles the war. (翻译:行使圣经的预言... 像使徒保罗所说的那样去行,向它们争战.)


apostle一般作为名词使用,如在Paul the Apostle([网络] 使徒保罗;圣保罗;宗徒保禄)等常见短语中出现较多。

Paul the Apostle[网络] 使徒保罗;圣保罗;宗徒保禄


1. I have to tell you, Paul, even the Apostle Paul couldn't have done better. (翻译:我必须告诉你,即使是基督的 门徒保罗,说得也没你好)

2. It takes these prophecies and you do what the apostle Pablo it said, hazles the war. (翻译:行使圣经的预言... 像使徒保罗所说的那样去行,向它们争战.)

3. Jesus and the Apostle Paul give you different answers and Pentecostals may well be a pointer to the Christian future. (翻译:耶稣和使徒保罗给了你不同的答案。而五旬宗很可能就是基督教未来的指针。)

4. Because, like an apostle, your task is not to interpret, but to deliver. (翻译:因为你身负重任 你的任务不是解码 而是执行)

5. When the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians, chapter four, verse five: (翻译:当使徒保罗在腓立比书 第四章 第五节中写下)

6. "This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul, " Benedict said. (翻译:“这似乎证实了一致的和没有争议的传统,他们的遗体的使徒保罗,”教宗说。)

7. Rigdon led one, and Apostle Lyman Wight took another to Texas. (翻译:雷戈登领导其中一支,使徒莱曼·怀特率其他人前往德克萨斯。)

8. That's what the apostle Paul taught the church at Colosse. (翻译:这正是使徒保罗对歌罗西教会的教导。)

9. But tomorrow an Apostle will preach in Ostrianum, I could find Glaucus there. (翻译:一个使徒会在奥斯特安那里布道, 我可以在那里找到格拉乌斯)

10. My lord, avenge my sufferings, and I shall denounce Peter the Apostle, and Linus, and Glaucus, and Crispus. (翻译:还有丽吉尔、马可士,我的主人 请为我所受的苦报仇 我可以指认使徒彼得、赖历士、格拉乌斯、克里斯普斯)

11. But one missionary, the Apostle Paul, looked in a different direction - to Asia Minor, now modern Turkey, and Greece. (翻译:但一位传教士,使徒保罗, 把目光转向了另一个方向 -- 小亚细亚,即现在的土耳其和希腊。)

12. John was the brother of James, the first apostle to be martyred. They were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. (翻译:约翰是首位殉道使徒雅各的兄弟,他们是加利利海边的渔夫。)

13. He and his brother John (see St. John the Apostle) were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee and were among the first disciples to be called. (翻译:雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。)

14. He says that the Ebionites claimed that the Apostle Peter had been a vegetarian and had ordered his followers to abstain from eating meat. (翻译:他说,伊便尼派声称使徒彼得一直是素食者,并叫他的追随者放弃吃肉。)

15. Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating. (翻译:她妈妈是健康饮食的忠实信徒。)

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