lune是什么意思 lune的中文翻译、读音、例句

lune是什么意思 lune的中文翻译、读音、例句

Lune 这个单词或缩写词的解释和用法如下:

1. 名词,表示月亮的形状或月相,常被用来用于诗歌中,与moon的用法有所不同。


- The lune in the sky was full and bright, shining down on the earth below.

- The poet wrote about the crescent lune in the night sky.

2. 缩写词,表示一个新月周期的一半,即从新月到满月或从满月到新月的时间。


- The next full moon will be in two lunes.

- It takes about two lunes for the moon to complete its cycle.

3. 名词,表示月球上的一个类似于河流的地貌特征。


- The astronauts took photos of the lunes on the surface of the moon.

- The lunes on the moon are thought to have been formed by volcanic eruptions.

4. 名词,表示法国的一个省份,位于诺曼底地区。


- The town of Bayeux is located in the province of Lune.

- Lune is known for its beautiful countryside and historic towns.

5. 名词,表示一个人的偏执思想或疯狂想法。


- His obsession with conspiracy theories was a sign of his lune.

- She had a moment of lune and tried to climb out of the window.

综上所述,Lune 这个单词或缩写词有着多种不同的含义和用法,包括表示月亮的形状,月相周期的一半,月球上的特征地貌,法国的一个省份,以及一个人的偏执思想或疯狂想法。下面是五个中英例句供参考:

1. The crescent lune in the sky was a beautiful sight. (天空中的新月形状很美丽。)

2. It will take two lunes for the moon to reach full phase. (月亮需要两个月相周期才能到达满相状态。)

3. The lune on the moon was created by volcanic activity. (月球上的那个河流状的地貌特征是由火山活动形成的。)

4. We spent our summer vacation in Lune, exploring the countryside and historic towns. (我们的暑假在 Lune 省度过,探索了乡村和历史小镇。)

5. His lune was getting worse, and he started to believe in all sorts of crazy theories. (他的偏执思想越来越严重,开始相信各种疯狂的理论。)


1. La lune brille dans le ciel.(月亮照耀天空。)

2. La nuit, la lune est magnifique.(夜晚,月亮非常美丽。)

3. L’éclipse de lune est un phénomène astronomique intéressant.(月食是一个有趣的天文现象。)

4. Elle a une belle robe de soirée bleue avec des motifs de lune.(她穿着一件带有月亮图案的漂亮蓝色晚礼服。)

5. Pendant la pleine lune, les loups hurlent souvent.(在月圆之夜,狼经常嚎叫。)

6. Les enfants adorent regarder la lune avec un télescope.(孩子们喜欢用望远镜观察月亮。)

7. Les marées sont influencées par la lune.(海潮受月亮影响。)

8. La lune était pleine, ce soir-là, quand elle a accepté sa demande en mariage.(当晚月圆,她接受了他的求婚。)

9. La fête de la lune est un festival traditionnel en Chine.(中秋节是中国的传统节日,又称“月亮节”。)



1. The lune in the sky looked so beautiful.


2. She wore a silver necklace with a lune design.





例句:Mm, I don't remember, Claire. Oh, the Claire de Lune. (我不记得了,克莱尔。对,克莱尔。德。鲁恩。)


例句:through her valiant efforts , she has been granted small portions of e lune ' s mystical power. (她勇敢的努力使她获赐月神艾露恩的小部分神秘力量。)


例句:Because Mounh was born under the moon, and Sounh under the sun. (因为穆是在月光下出生的 Parce que Mounh est née sous la lune, 苏是在阳光下出生的 et Sounh, sous le soleil.)


例句:On the second morning I shall be at the gates of King Lune's castle of Anvard in Archenland. (翻译:第二天早晨,我就到了阿钦兰的安瓦德,国王伦恩的堡垒的大门口。)


lune一般作为名词使用,如在geodesic lune(测地二角形)、la lune([网络] 下弦月;月光女神;月亮女神)、lune of sphere(球面二角形)等常见短语中出现较多。

geodesic lune测地二角形
la lune[网络] 下弦月;月光女神;月亮女神
lune of sphere球面二角形
spherical lune球面二角形


1. Because Mounh was born under the moon, and Sounh under the sun. (翻译:因为穆是在月光下出生的 Parce que Mounh est née sous la lune, 苏是在阳光下出生的 et Sounh, sous le soleil.)

2. On the second morning I shall be at the gates of King Lune's castle of Anvard in Archenland. (翻译:第二天早晨,我就到了阿钦兰的安瓦德,国王伦恩的堡垒的大门口。)

3. "Apparently King Lune is my father," said Shasta. "I might really have guessed it." (翻译:“国王伦恩显然是我的父亲,”沙斯塔说道,“我确实应该猜得到的。” )

4. If you never learn this lesson, the essential moonlight, the Claire de Lune, will forever be hidden from you. (翻译:如果你从来没有学这一课,那么这不可或缺的月光,这克莱尔曲,将永远对你隐藏。)

5. The moon hid the sun when Mounh arrived. (翻译:穆出生的时候 月亮遮住了太阳 La Lune a caché le Soleil quand Mounh est arrivée.)

6. The night air is warm, and way down below is the harbor, all the fishing boats, the orchestra playing Clair de Lune. (翻译:夜晚的空气是温暖的 一路向下就会走到海港 到处都是渔船 乐队演奏着月光曲)

7. Lune: "I got it, I'll enter the girl's place. Please make me the notice. " Lune changed her mind. What influenced her into doing so? (翻译:琉璃“我知道了,我会入主那个女孩的地区。请为我制作有关文件”琉璃改变了主意。究竟是什么影响到她作出这样的决定?)

8. Lune, on a bench, while looking at the map, says the following words. (翻译:琉璃,坐在长凳上,双目正注视地图然后说道。)

9. I know by my art that you will find King Lune straight ahead. (翻译:我凭我的法术推算得出你笔直往前走去,就会找到伦恩国王。)

10. King Lune was the kindest-hearted of men and on seeing his enemy in this regrettable condition he forgot all his anger. (翻译:国王伦恩是男子汉中最为慈悲心肠的,眼见他的敌人处于这种懊悔不迭的境地,他把愤怒全都忘记了。)



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