spurred是什么意思 spurred的中文翻译、读音、例句

spurred是什么意思 spurred的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:spur on(激励,推动),spur of the moment(一时兴起),spur-of-the-moment decision(临时决定)。




1. Her success spurs me to work harder.(她的成功鼓励我更加努力工作。)

2. The new policy is expected to spur economic growth.(预计新政策将促进经济增长。)

3. He spurred his horse to a gallop.(他用马刺刺激马匹加速飞奔。)

4. The challenge spurred her creativity.(挑战激发了她的创造力。)

5. The coach tried to spur the team on to victory.(教练试图鼓励球队赢得胜利。)

6. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go on the trip.(决定去旅行是一时兴起的决定。)

7. The company hopes the new advertising campaign will spur sales.(公司希望新的广告宣传活动能够推动销售。)




1. The success of the previous project spurred the team on to take on a bigger challenge.(上一个项目的成功激励了团队去接受更大的挑战。)

2. The coach's motivational speech spurred the team to play their best game yet.(教练的激励演讲激励团队打出了最好的一场比赛。)

3. The recent economic growth has spurred investment in the region.(最近的经济增长刺激了该地区的投资。)




例句:This may reflect a pick-up in the pace of economic recovery, which may have spurred stronger trucking activity. (这可能反映了经济复苏加快了步伐,而经济复苏则刺激了更为强劲的货运活动。)


例句:Nor were a favoured few born booted and spurred to ride them. (或者生来就手拿皮鞭脚踏皮靴有马骑 Nor were a favoured few born booted and spurred to ride them.)


例句:The arts reformation, like the religious Reformation, is spurred in part by technology, with indeed, the printing press really leading the charge on the religious Reformation. (艺术改革,像宗教改革那样, 部分是被科技推动的, 事实上是印刷机引领了 宗教革命。)


例句:India's troubles do not compare with the crisis of 1991, which spurred it to liberalise after decades of stagnation. (翻译:印度现在的问题仍不能与xx年的危机同日而语,彼时的危机最后迫使印度经济在数xx年的停滞之后实现自由化的发展。)


spurred一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在spurred on([网络] 鼓舞)、spurred corolla(有距花冠)、spurred gentian([网络] 刺龙胆)等常见短语中出现较多。

spurred on[网络] 鼓舞
spurred corolla有距花冠
spurred gentian[网络] 刺龙胆
spurred gentians[网络] 刺龙胆\n(spurred gentian 的复数)
spurred rye[医] 麦角


1. The arts reformation, like the religious Reformation, is spurred in part by technology, with indeed, the printing press really leading the charge on the religious Reformation. (翻译:艺术改革,像宗教改革那样, 部分是被科技推动的, 事实上是印刷机引领了 宗教革命。)

2. India's troubles do not compare with the crisis of 1991, which spurred it to liberalise after decades of stagnation. (翻译:印度现在的问题仍不能与xx年的危机同日而语,彼时的危机最后迫使印度经济在数xx年的停滞之后实现自由化的发展。)

3. A tear in the eye of Friederike spurred me on to continue. (翻译:符瑞德利克眸子里的一滴眼泪,激励我继续说下去。)

4. The global emergence of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacilli has spurred a renewed interest in polymyxins. (翻译:全球多重耐药的阴性杆菌出现,使粘菌素类重新起作用。)

5. He was alone and outnumbered at least five to one only spurred him on to greater feasts of scornful oratory. (翻译:他是单枪匹马,对方至少是五对一的优势,这只能刺激他,使他嘲骂得更厉害了。)

6. The imminence of negotiations thus probably spurred rather than delayed his decision. (翻译:因此,谈判日益逼近这一事实很有可能不是推迟而是促使他下了决心。)

7. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate . sundials with which to regulate them. (翻译:机械计时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械计时器。)

8. It was in search of Cathay and the Indies, their riches, that spurred Columbus to sail west, where he found a new continent instead. (翻译:正是为了寻找那时的中国和印度,为了那里的财宝,才激发哥伦布向西远航,而他却因此发现了一片新大陆。)

9. And uh, that spurred a huge response of downloads. (翻译:我们仍 在美国马萨诸塞州工作。嗯, 引发了巨大的反响)

10. Musharraf's sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition. (翻译:穆沙拉夫声望的下降促使他想发表一份紧急声明来遏制那些反对的声音。)

11. The requirement for double- hulled tankers spurred the shipping industry to modernize with much safer ships. (翻译:对双壳油轮的需求刺激了船舶工业的现代化,船变得更加安全。)

12. Spurred on by rising catches, leaders from Andavadoaka joined force with two dozen neighboring communities to establish a vast conservation area along dozens of miles of coastline. (翻译:在捕获量上升的刺激下, 来自安达瓦多卡的领导人 与二十几个毗邻社区联合, 在数十英里的海岸线上 建立了广阔的保护区。)

13. For many years researchers had been spurred on by an apparent paradox: that rising incomes did not make people happier in the long run. (翻译:多年以来,研究人员因为一个显而易见的矛盾而钻了牛角尖:持续增长的收入并不会让人们长时间里感觉更幸福。)

14. The review by Duke's executive vice president was spurred by reports of "boorish behavior" by the lacrosse team, Alleva said. (翻译:杜克大学执行副校长的检查对球队的“粗鄙行为”记录大加鞭策,艾利瓦说。)

15. Danger of "runaway warming", perhaps spurred by release of oceanic methane hydrates. (翻译:也许海洋甲烷水合物的释放将导致“变暖失控”的危险出现。)



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