stretch是什么意思 stretch的中文翻译、读音、例句

stretch是什么意思 stretch的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:stretch 可以作动词或名词使用,作为动词时表示拉伸、延伸、扩展、伸展等动作,作为名词时表示延伸、伸展、一段距离等。



1. stretch out:伸出、舒展

2. stretch one's legs:走走、活动筋骨

3. stretch the truth:夸大事实、说谎

4. stretch marks:妊娠纹、皱纹

5. stretch of road:一段路、一段路程

6. stretch of time:一段时间

7. stretching exercise:拉伸运动


1. on the stretch:在进行紧张的工作或活动

2. stretch oneself:尽全力、努力

3. stretch the imagination:费尽心力;超越想象

4. stretch the budget:节省开支

5. stretch the limits:挑战极限

6. stretch the deadline:延长截止日期

7. stretch one's patience:考验耐心



1. The dancer stretched her arms out gracefully. 舞者优美地伸出了双臂。

2. I need to stretch my legs after sitting for so long. 我坐了那么久,需要走走,活动活动筋骨。

3. He tends to stretch the truth to make himself look better.他往往会夸大事实来使自己看起来更好。

4. Pregnancy can cause stretch marks on the skin. 怀孕会导致皮肤产生妊娠纹。

5. We drove for hours along a long stretch of road. 我们驾车行驶了几个小时,沿着一段漫长的公路行驶。

6. Over the stretch of time, the city has undergone significant changes. 随着时间的推移,这个城市发生了很大变化。

7. Before exercising, it’s important to do some stretching to prevent injury. 运动前进行一些拉伸运动以避免受伤是很重要的。



1. My muscles are tight, I need to stretch.(我的肌肉很紧,我需要伸展一下。)

2. The rubber band can stretch a long way.(橡皮筋可以拉得很长。)

3. We need to stretch the budget to cover all expenses.(我们需要扩张预算来覆盖所有的开支。)

4. He couldn't stretch far enough to reach the top shelf.(他伸不够远,够不着顶上的架子。)

5. The cat stretched lazily in the sun.(猫咪慵懒地在阳光下伸展身体。)

6. We need to stretch our resources to better serve our customers.(我们需要扩展我们的资源更好地服务我们的客户。)

7. She stretched out her hand to help him up.(她伸出手来帮助他起来。)

8. His lies were starting to stretch the truth.(他的谎言开始扭曲事实。)

9. The elastic waistband can stretch to fit most sizes.(弹性腰带可以拉伸适合各种尺码。)

英 [stretʃ] 美 [strɛtʃ]



1. She yawned and gave a huge stretch.(她打了个哈欠,然后做了一个巨大的伸展。)

2. Stretch your arms as far as you can.(尽可能地伸展你的手臂。)

3. The factory plans to stretch its production to meet customer demand.(工厂计划扩大生产以满足客户需求。)

4. The road stretches for miles across the desert.(这条路穿越沙漠延伸数英里。)

5. He gave a stretch and got out of bed.(他伸了个懒腰,从床上爬了起来。)




例句:I seem to do quite well for a stretch and then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry. (I seem to do quite well for a stretch and 后句再说就会出错 then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry.)


例句:To stretch the quads, you work the hamstrings. (要伸展股四头肌,你要运动你的跟腱。)


例句:- Stretch marks on his love handles. (近期造成的细沟... on his bilateral overhangs --)


例句:Don't you dare make jokes. (翻译:咬紧牙关 张大你的鼻孔 Set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide!)


stretch一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在on a stretch(= at a stretch)、on the stretch(紧张着)、stretch for(延伸)等常见短语中出现较多。

on a stretch= at a stretch
on the stretch紧张着
stretch for延伸
stretch it[网络] 展开它
stretch to拉长到
the stretch[网络] 最后的大直路;头戴耳机;伸展
elastic stretch弹性延伸
final stretch[网络] 最后一圈;最后冲刺;意思是最后阶段
give a stretch伸懒腰


1. - Stretch marks on his love handles. (翻译:近期造成的细沟... on his bilateral overhangs --)

2. Don't you dare make jokes. (翻译:咬紧牙关 张大你的鼻孔 Set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide!)

3. They reafforested a wide stretch of badlands. (翻译:他们在一大片荒地上重新造林。)

4. A factory hall - by a long straight stretch of a highway. (翻译:一个工厂的车间 - 在一个笔直的高速公路旁.)

5. He handed you the box directly and called you Stretch. (翻译:他直接给了你一盒 还叫你瘦竹竿 He handed you the box directly and called you Stretch.)

6. Drag a side handle to stretch and renumber. (翻译:拖动侧边手柄可拉伸并重新编号。)

7. Stretch me no longer on this rough world. (翻译:我再也不要待在你们这野蛮的世界了 Stretch me no longer on this rough world.)

8. The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. (翻译:这条牛仔裤有弹性,可以完全贴身。)

9. And during labor, it has to stretch from this to this. (翻译:而当生产时,它必须从这么大 扩张至这么大。)

10. And they're into the stretch, three quarters in 1:24.2. (翻译:它们开始冲刺了 1.21公里 用时84.2秒)

11. They grow, they bulge, they stretch and sometimes they even painfully pull. (翻译:它们成长、膨胀、伸展,有时候它们甚至费力地拉伸。)

12. After unloading and resiling, the curvature radius of CT decreases monotonously along with stretch increasing. As a result, stretch is helpful to reducing resilience. (翻译:在“拉弯”作用的情况下,卸载回弹后的曲率半径随着拉力的增大而单调减小,因此拉力的作用有助于减小回弹。)

13. And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and stretch, and 6 and 7 and 8 and bend, and 3 and 4 and arch, and 6 and 7 and stretch, and stretch and stretch. (翻译:一、二、三、四,拉 六、七、八,弯下去 三、四,挺胸)

14. JP's uncorked the nitro on the final stretch! (翻译:JP的疾风号向前疯狂加速 突破了落后的现状)

15. " Gotta stretch All your nickles, Dimes and pennies too " (翻译:? Gotta stretch All your nickles, Dimes and pennies too ?)



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