ugly betty是什么意思 ugly betty的中文翻译、读音、例句

ugly betty是什么意思 ugly betty的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释:

'Ugly Betty'是美剧《丑女贝蒂》(Ugly Betty)的名字,该剧讲述了一个外表丑陋但心地善良的女孩贝蒂在时尚杂志社的职场生活。'Ugly Betty'还可以用作形容词,表示长相丑陋的人或物。

2. 形容词用法:

- She's an 'ugly Betty' with a heart of gold. (她像个丑小鸭一样,但内心善良。)

- That is an 'ugly Betty' dress. (那件衣服很不好看。)

- I was labeled as the 'ugly Betty' of the group. (我被视为这个团体里面最丑的一个。)

- The building was a real 'ugly Betty', but it had great potential. (这座建筑看起来很丑,但有很大的潜力。)

- She thought he was 'ugly Betty' until she got to know him. (她认为他长得很丑,直到认识了他。)

3. 名词用法:

- The show 'Ugly Betty' won several awards. (《丑女贝蒂》获得了几个奖项。)

- 'Ugly Betty' was a popular show in the late 2000s. (《丑女贝蒂》是xx年代晚期的一部热门电视剧。)

- Everyone thought she was going to be the next 'Ugly Betty' until she got a makeover. (每个人都觉得她会成为下一个《丑女贝蒂》,直到她整容后。)

- The actress who played 'Ugly Betty' is now a successful producer. (扮演《丑女贝蒂》的女演员现在是一位成功的制片人。)

- The character of 'Ugly Betty' inspired many young girls to be confident in themselves. (《丑女贝蒂》这个角色激励许多年轻女孩对自己有自信。)

'Ugly Betty'是美国的词语,翻译成中文是“丑女贝蒂”。这个词语是指美国ABC电视台播放的同名喜剧系列片。这部剧讲述了一个胖墩丑女贝蒂进入时尚杂志社工作的故事,她和潮流时尚的生活形成了鲜明的对比,但她的真诚、善良、勤奋和自信使得周围的人逐渐欣赏和信任她。

以下是9个含有'Ugly Betty'的例句:

1. I love watching 'Ugly Betty', the main character is so relatable.(我喜欢看《丑女贝蒂》,主角非常可爱。)

2. Did you know that 'Ugly Betty' was actually based on a Colombian telenovela?(你知道《丑女贝蒂》其实是根据哥伦比亚的一部电视剧改编的吗?)

3. Some people criticized 'Ugly Betty' for perpetuating stereotypes about unattractive, nerdy women.(一些人批评《丑女贝蒂》延续了关于不吸引人的书呆女性的刻板印象。)

4. The success of 'Ugly Betty' led to a lot of other TV shows about underdogs and misfits.(《丑女贝蒂》的成功导致了很多其他关于弱者和不合群者的电视剧。)

5. I think 'Ugly Betty' was a really important show for showing that beauty comes in many different forms.(我认为《丑女贝蒂》是一个非常重要的节目,因为它展示了美有许多不同的形式。)

6. I was disappointed when 'Ugly Betty' was cancelled after only four seasons.(我很失望,《丑女贝蒂》仅仅播出了四季就被取消了。)

7. 'Ugly Betty' was one of the first mainstream TV shows to feature a Latina lead character.(《丑女贝蒂》是第一批以拉丁裔女性为主角的主流电视剧之一。)

8. Many people credit 'Ugly Betty' with helping to start a conversation about body positivity in the media.(许多人认为《丑女贝蒂》帮助媒体开始探讨身体积极性的话题。)

9. I thought the ending of 'Ugly Betty' was really satisfying, it tied up all the loose ends perfectly.(我认为《丑女贝蒂》的结局非常令人满意,它完美地解决了所有的疑点。)

'Ugly Betty'是一部美国电视剧,讲述了一个并不起眼的女孩翻身成为时装杂志编辑的故事。

'ugly betty'的中文翻译为“丑女贝蒂”。

读音为 /ˈʌɡli ˈbɛti/。


1. Have you watched 'Ugly Betty'? It's a great show.


2. Betty used to be so shy and insecure, but after working at the fashion magazine, she's become a confident and successful woman.


ugly betty在中文中有"丑女贝蒂"的意思,还有丑女贝蒂的意思,在线读音是[uglybetty],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到79个与ugly betty相关的例句。

Ugly betty的释义


例句:It is registered to Betty Wilson, wife of Captain Phil Wilson. (登记的车主是Betty Wilson Phil Wilson队长的妻子)


ugly betty一般作为名词使用,如在betty(贝蒂 女子名)、the ugly([电影]魔鬼赛门)、nurse betty(护士贝蒂)等常见短语中出现较多。

betty贝蒂 女子名
the ugly[电影]魔鬼赛门
nurse betty护士贝蒂
Hollywood ugly[网络] 好莱坞丑陋
ugly as sin[网络] 丑得象罪肥
ugly code[网络] 乱七八糟的编码
ugly customer[法] 难以对付的家伙, 可畏之人, 难处之人
ugly deed[网络] 丑行
ugly duckling丑小鸭


1. Four years later, when I got to play Ugly Betty, I saw the same phenomenon play out. (翻译:xx年后,当我可以扮演 《丑女贝蒂》里的人物, 同样的现象依然存在。)

2. That cute smile or that ugly shirt (翻译:那可爱微笑还是那件瑰亲衣 That cute smile or that ugly shirt)

3. This is going to get ugly. (翻译:场面会很惨烈的 This is going to get ugly.)

4. Sometimes the truth is ugly. (翻译:有时候真相是丑陋的 Sometimes the truth is ugly.)

5. ♪ it gets really ugly ♪ [ cheering ] (翻译:『It gets really ugly』)

6. Stay safe, Betty Boop. Hang outside on the ripside! (翻译:注意安全,Betty Boop,别站在跑道上)

7. Marion Childs, June Buckridge, Betty Brinker. (翻译:Marion Childs June Buckridge Betty Brinker)

8. 1 How many people arethere in Betty's family? 2 Is Betty's family small? (翻译:1贝蒂的家庭有几口人?2贝蒂的家庭小吗?)

9. I married for love, and your mother Betty has been a nightmare. (翻译:我为爱而结婚, 你的妈妈Betty却成了我的恶梦。)

10. Betty will present the prizes to the winners. (翻译:贝蒂将给获胜者颁奖。)

11. "Ugly Betty" premiered in the US to 16 million viewers and was nominated for 11 Emmys in its first year. (翻译:《丑女贝蒂》在上映的第xx年 仅在美国就有一千六百万次观看, 还在艾美奖获得了11项提名。)

12. Arthur, Betty, Boris and Angela! (翻译:Arthur,Betty,Boris和Angela!)

13. I heard that Betty character might be Mary Elizabeth. (翻译:我听说书中的Betty就是Mary Elizabeth)

14. Ugly girlfriend means no confidence. (翻译:Ugly girlfriend means no confidence. 女朋友丑表示没信心)

15. They are so ugly, they are cute! (翻译:看上去很丑 但挺可爱的! They are so ugly, they are cute!)

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