dj是什么意思 dj的中文翻译、读音、例句

dj是什么意思 dj的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和用法

‘DJ’通常是‘Disc Jockey’(唱片骑师)的缩写。它用来指那些在俱乐部、广播电台或其他场合(如婚礼、聚会等)播放音乐的人。‘DJ’也可以用作动词,表示播放音乐。

2. 历史背景


3. 文化影响



1. I'm not sure who the DJ is tonight.


2. The DJ played a great mix of classic and modern songs at the party.


3. He started his career as a local DJ and worked his way up to become a famous radio host.


4. The club hired a DJ to keep the dance floor full all night long.


5. The DJ's music selection was perfect for the event, and everyone had a great time.


DJ是英语中的缩写,全称为disc jockey,意为唱片骑师,是指播放音乐、混音、制作音乐的人士。DJ是一种音乐艺术,通过混音和创新,将不同风格的音乐融合在一起,创造出新的音乐风格。DJ常常在夜店、酒吧、音乐节等场合中担任音乐制作和播放的工作。


1. Tonight at the club, we have a famous DJ from New York City.(今晚在俱乐部,我们有一位来自纽约市的著名DJ。)

2. The DJ is spinning some awesome tracks tonight.(今晚DJ正在播放一些很棒的音乐。)

3. A good DJ knows how to read the crowd and choose the right songs.(一个好的DJ知道如何读懂观众并选择合适的歌曲。)

4. She started out as a DJ at a local radio station before becoming a famous musician.(她起初在当地广播电台做DJ,后来成为一名著名音乐家。)

5. The DJ played a remix of my favorite song and I couldn't stop dancing.(DJ播放了我最喜欢的歌曲的混音版本,我忍不住跳起了舞。)

6. If you want to be a successful DJ, you need to have a good sense of rhythm and timing.(如果你想成为一名成功的DJ,你需要具备很好的节奏感和时间感。)

7. The DJ set the mood for the party with his energetic music.(DJ以他充满活力的音乐为派对营造了气氛。)

8. DJ equipment can be very expensive, but it's worth it if you're serious about your craft.(DJ设备可能非常昂贵,但如果你认真对待你的艺术,它是值得的。)

9. The DJ's remix of the hit song brought a fresh perspective to the original.(DJ对这首热门歌曲的混音为原曲带来了新的视角。)


读音:[dē jéi]


1. 他是一位出色的DJ,音乐节上总是能够引爆全场。

He is a great DJ, who always sets the crowd on fire at music festivals.

2. 今晚的舞会,我们邀请到了一位知名的DJ来掌舵音乐。

Tonight's dance party, we invited a well-known DJ to take charge of the music.




例句:The electricity that we generate is used for the lighting or the DJ booth. (所产生的电力, 用于供给灯光和DJ台。)


例句:Jerone Paul is a Malaysian DJ and the winner of The Best New DJ of The Year. (耶罗内·保罗是马来西亚 DJ,也是年度最佳新 DJ 的获得者。)


例句:Up next, DJ Def Jeff and the smooth grooves. (接下来 DJ. 戴夫. 杰夫与浪漫轻音乐)


例句:He's getting, like, a bunch of booze and then I think, like, a DJ. (翻译:不,他做的不错,他弄到了许多酒 还有DJ)


dj一般作为名词使用,如在DJ(n. 唱片流行音乐节目播音员, 唱片骑师)、DJ copy(DJ专用拷贝,DJ唱片)、dj remix([网络] 这条街;伤透我的心;伤心城市)等常见短语中出现较多。

DJn. 唱片流行音乐节目播音员, 唱片骑师
DJ copyDJ专用拷贝,DJ唱片
dj remix[网络] 这条街;伤透我的心;伤心城市
DJ'd[网络] 气动打标机;桌面信息插座
dj'ing[网络] 打碟
DJ's[网络] 机房动力及环境监控系统;尼龙电缆防水接头
Selat Dj.[地名] 塞拉特山 ( 阿尔及 )


1. Up next, DJ Def Jeff and the smooth grooves. (翻译:接下来 DJ. 戴夫. 杰夫与浪漫轻音乐)

2. He's getting, like, a bunch of booze and then I think, like, a DJ. (翻译:不,他做的不错,他弄到了许多酒 还有DJ)

3. But then I've also been in "Playboy" magazine, so also "Playboy" DJ. (翻译:也上过《花花公子》杂志 所以我也是《花花公子》DJ)

4. (RADIO DJ) That was a great new version of ""The Young Ones"". (翻译:这个新版本的《The Young Ones》好极了)

5. A yacht to Formentera Island? DJ on board, feet in the sand. (翻译:要不订一艘往返福门特拉岛的游艇,在船上安排DJ, 你也可以在海滩上玩派对。)

6. Have a party, get a DJ, like, have a nightclub thing going in there and just... (翻译:- 这是他妈的伟大。- 有DJ的一方。- 像夜总会和...)

7. Frisee, 'cause we got a special guest DJ in the hizzay! (翻译:菊苣 我们来了一位特别音乐主持嘉宾 在这市场里)

8. Dj Scar is currently in the zone, not to be disturbed. (翻译:Dj Scar正沉浸在音乐里 不能被打扰)

9. Everybody stands up as an individual and says, "My name is DJ Williams. (翻译:每个人都要单独站起来说 我叫DJ Williams)

10. Please, can we go to the club to see him DJ, Max? (翻译:拜托 我们能去酒吧看他当音乐主持吗 Max?)

11. Fucking DJ Dan, you met him what, like five times? (翻译:他妈的DJ丹, 你见过他什么, 像五次?)

12. Band, no dj. People will dance! I'm not gonna worry about it! (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}乐队,不要DJ,人们各跳各的 我才懒得管呢 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}band, no DJ, people will dance.)

13. DJ: There's a burgeoning bone trade. (翻译:DJ: 还有一个正在迅速发展的骨交易。)

14. Uh, I got this D.J. equipment, if you want to use that for something. (翻译:我这有些DJ的设备 if you want to use that for something.)

15. You see, this is still my gig, these are still my speakers so I'm still rocking this party. (翻译:我还是DJ 这是我的发言 它总是我 这动画晚上)



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