giraffes是什么意思 giraffes的中文翻译、读音、例句

giraffes是什么意思 giraffes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词含义:


2. 发音:


3. 词性:


4. 用法:



1. The giraffes at the zoo are so tall and elegant.(动物园里的长颈鹿非常高大优雅。)

2. I saw a group of giraffes on my safari in Tanzania.(我在坦桑尼亚的野生动物园里看到了一群长颈鹿。)

3. These giraffes are native to Africa.(这些长颈鹿是非洲特有的动物。)

4. The giraffes' long necks help them reach leaves in tall trees.(长颈鹿的长颈子有助于它们够到高树上的叶子。)

5. The zookeeper feeds the giraffes a diet of hay, vegetables, and fruits.(动物园管理员喂长颈鹿的食物是干草、蔬菜和水果。)

giraffes 的中文翻译是“长颈鹿”,读音为“dʒəˈræfs”。


1. The giraffes at the zoo are always a hit with the visitors.(动物园的长颈鹿总是受到游客的喜爱。)

2. Giraffes use their long necks to reach leaves and twigs high up in the trees.(长颈鹿利用它们的长颈子去到树上高处吃叶子和嫩枝。)

3. You can tell male and female giraffes apart by looking at the shape of their horns.(通过观察角的形状,你可以区分出雄性和雌性长颈鹿。)




例句:And we'd been doing this for a while, when she turned to me very solemnly and said, "Will this really keep out the giraffes?" (我们持续得做了一会儿, 她转向我十分严肃地说, “这个能真的挡住长颈鹿吗?” )


例句:The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. (澳大利亚的可爱的狗狗等着像你大笑,赞比亚的长颈鹿等着向下看你。)


例句:Facing each other, the giraffes entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner. (长颈鹿面对面地站着,以令人无比惊骇的姿势将脖子缠绕到了一起。)


1. Facing each other, the giraffes entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner. (翻译:长颈鹿面对面地站着,以令人无比惊骇的姿势将脖子缠绕到了一起。)

2. Jane: No, I'm going to the zoo. I love to see giraffes and elephants. They are large but peaceful animals. (翻译:珍妮:不,我要去动物园,我喜爱看长颈鹿和大象,它们是巨大但却爱和平的动物。)

3. Humans and muskrats and giraffes and birds and so on, are -- the red line goes up. That's the humans and livestock and pets portion. (翻译:人类,麝鼠,长颈鹿,鸟类,等等—— 红线持续上升,这是人类,牲畜和家养动物。)

4. Here we have savanna giraffes, but through evolution we have this forest giraffe that lives only in Congo. (翻译:这是草原长颈鹿 但在进化过程中演变成林地长颈鹿 它们只生活在刚果)

5. The few exceptions include apes and possibly giraffes. Land birds can swim or float for at least some time. (翻译:少数例外比如大猩猩、长颈鹿、陆地鸟类只能游泳或浮动一段时间。)

6. But this miraculous flood is enough to provide a lifeline for the trees and the giraffes of the Hoanib River. (翻译:但那奇迹般的洪流足以为霍阿尼布干河沿岸的 {\3cH202020}But this miraculous flood is enough to provide 树木和长颈鹿提供一条救生线 {\3cH202020}a lifeline for the trees and the giraffes of the Hoanib River.)

7. But it seems that this creature has been long misunderstood. For the Africa team, revealing giraffes and rhinos in this new light was just the beginning. (翻译:但似乎这种生物长期以来都被误解了 {\3cH202020}But it seems that this creature has been long misunderstood. 展现长颈鹿和犀牛新的一面 {\3cH202020}revealing giraffes and rhinos in this new light)

8. These " Giraffes " as they are also known , do not receive money, Instead they are prevented as examples for others to follow . (翻译:这些“长颈鹿”是不收钱的,而且他们作为榜样让别人效仿。)

9. It has a variety of more exotic things: animals, cars, zebras, giraffes. (翻译:还有各种奇特的东西: 动物、汽车、斑马、长颈鹿。)

10. So you know, it's sort of like going to Africa looking for mega fauna, you know, elephants, giraffes, something like that, and you land in Africa and you look at the first square yard of real estate there (翻译:因此,你知道,这有点像去非洲 寻找庞大的动物群 你知道,大象拉,长颈鹿拉之类的 当你到达非洲时)

11. Giraffes have very long necks. (翻译:长颈鹿的脖子很长。)

12. He says giraffes are extinct, and the offer is 1,000,000 bit currency. (翻译:他会说长颈鹿已经灭绝了 开价 一百万比特币)

13. Humans and muskrats and giraffes and birds and so on, are -- the red line goes up. That's the humans and livestock and pets portion. (翻译:人类,麝鼠,长颈鹿,鸟类,等等—— 红线持续上升,这是人类,牲畜和家养动物。)

14. What tare they? They are giraffes. (翻译:它们是什么?它们是长颈鹿。)

15. But they are not real giraffes. (翻译:可是这些不是真的长颈鹿啊。)



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