mediate transfusion是什么意思 mediate transfusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

mediate transfusion是什么意思 mediate transfusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

mediate transfusion在英语中代表"间接输血法"的意思,还有间接输血法的意思,发音是[mediatetransfusion],mediate transfusion常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到65个与mediate transfusion相关的例句。

Mediate transfusion的翻译


例句:They think nothing of calling social services to try and mediate one of the many arguments that broke out. (而他们一家从未想过要找这些部门, 来调解他们家庭的矛盾。)


mediate transfusion一般作为名词使用,如在mediate(中间的)、mediate on(沉思;深思;思考(问题))、inference of mediate(间接推论)等常见短语中出现较多。

mediate on沉思;深思;思考(问题)
inference of mediate间接推论
mediate agglutination[医] 间接愈合
mediate amputation[医] 中间期切断术
mediate auscultation[医] 间接听诊
mediate between在…之间调解〔调停〕
mediate contact[医] 间接接触
mediate contagion[医] 间接触染
mediate contour基本等高线;中间等高线


1. In this pattern a broker is employed to mediate between connected ESBs. (翻译:在此模式中,使用代理作为连接的esb之间的中介。)

2. The Web links everything, and very soon it will mediate most human activity. (翻译:网络连接着一切 且不久的将来 大多数人类活动都离不开网络 )

3. Hu Shih and I intend to write to President Wilson, and force him to mediate. (翻译:胡适和我 准备给美国总统威尔逊写信 逼他出面主持公道)

4. His wife had a quarrel with his mother; he tried every means to mediate between them both. (翻译:他妻子和他母亲发生口角,他在他们中间尽量调解。)

5. The stratum corneum is composed of dead cells surrounded by lipid membranes which mediate the permeability barrier. (翻译:角质层主要由围绕脂膜分布的死细胞构成调节通透性的屏障。)

6. Here we investigated whether the size of the reference mediate the relationship between ego - and allo-centric representations in allocentric perception. (翻译:本研究考察是否参照物的大小影响了自我参照和客体参照的关系。)

7. After all, the Potsdam Declaration had not been signed by Stalin - he might still mediate. (翻译:毕竟,斯大林没有签署波茨坦公告... 他可能仍在调停)

8. It would take someone with the wisdom of Soloman to mediate between these two; each is utterly convinced he's in the right. (翻译:需要索罗门的智慧才能调解他们俩人间的分歧,因为他们俩都确认自己正确。)

9. And it has no single polity to mediate tensions within and between member countries. (翻译:同时,它也没有一个单一政治组织来调解成员国之间的紧张关系。)

10. The King Dunchaid was at war with the Pics in order to put an end to the bloodshed he asked me to mediate. (翻译:邓凯德国王那时正和维京人交战... ...为了结束这场流血的战争... ...他叫我从中斡旋。)

11. Because "Carefour" and court relations not really harmonious, media tracing reported that Yang Hong is in court refuses to mediate, latter judge is in court the decision: "Carefour" lost a lawsuit! (翻译:因为“家乐福”和法院的关系不甚融洽,媒体的追踪报道,杨鸿当庭拒绝调解,后法官当庭判决:“家乐福”败诉! )

12. New technologies have been popping up all over the web to help mediate this 'information overload' problem. (翻译:关于如何解决此类信息过载的问题,网上各种新技术层出不穷。)

13. I realize that, but it is your job as head of the department to mediate all intra-departmental disputes. (翻译:我知道 Gablehauser博士 但这是你的工作 主持整个部门 协调所有内部矛盾)

14. One of the questions we've confronted is, what are the signals in the brain that mediate the sensation of reward? (翻译:在我们遭遇到的问题中有一个 是,大脑用什么样的信号来代表奖励的感觉呢?)

15. But it's also worth noting that cells also mediate our experience of life. (翻译:同样值得注意的是 细胞还可以改变我们的人生经历 )

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