bishop是什么意思 bishop的中文翻译、读音、例句

bishop是什么意思 bishop的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. The bishop led the service at the cathedral.(主教在大教堂主持礼拜。)

2. The bishop appointed a new priest for the parish.(主教为该教区任命了一名新牧师。)

3. The bishop traveled across the country to visit different churches.(主教跨越全国访问不同的教堂。)

4. The bishop is responsible for overseeing the spiritual well-being of his diocese.(主教负责监督教区内的精神幸福。)

5. The bishop wore a flowing purple robe and carried a staff as symbols of his office.(主教穿着飘逸的紫袍,手持一根法杖,作为他职位的象征。)




例句:Or get him to turn on a lieutenant. (或让他指证一个Bishop的亲信 由下往上攻克)


例句:We've met. I'm Junior Agent Astrid Farnsworth. (Bishop博士 我们见过了 我是Astrid Farnsworth初级探员)


例句:That our fake air marshal? (-这就是那个假空警吗 -通过Bishop传过来的指纹)

4.主教 、基督教的

例句:- We have evidence that Mr. Agos, when a deputy ASA, buried evidence against his one-time client, (翻译:有证据表明 Agos先生担任副检察长期间 曾经将证据销毁 为了他从前的客户Bishop)


bishop一般作为名词使用,如在Eaton Bishop([地名] 伊顿毕晓普 ( 英 ))、elizabeth bishop([网络] 毕晓普;毕肖普;伊丽莎白)、flying bishop([网络] 飞象过河)等常见短语中出现较多。

Eaton Bishop[地名] 伊顿毕晓普 ( 英 )
elizabeth bishop[网络] 毕晓普;毕肖普;伊丽莎白
flying bishop[网络] 飞象过河
good bishopun. 好象\n[网络] 好主教
Hampton Bishop[地名] 汉普顿毕晓普 ( 英 )
Lord Bishopna. 主教\n[网络] 主教大人;主教主公
Madame Bishop[网络] 主教夫人
metropolitan bishop[网络] 都主教
prince bishopna. 兼任主教的公[侯]国君主\n[网络] 采邑主教;王子主教;枢机主教
king's bishop[网络] 象


1. That our fake air marshal? (翻译:-这就是那个假空警吗 -通过Bishop传过来的指纹)

2. - We have evidence that Mr. Agos, when a deputy ASA, buried evidence against his one-time client, (翻译:有证据表明 Agos先生担任副检察长期间 曾经将证据销毁 为了他从前的客户Bishop)

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