lca是什么意思 lca的中文翻译、读音、例句

lca是什么意思 lca的中文翻译、读音、例句

'lca' 通常是指最近的共同祖先(Least Common Ancestor)。




短语:LCA algorithm (最近的共同祖先算法)。

发音拼写:[ˌɛl si ˈeɪ]


1. The LCA of two nodes in a binary tree is the lowest node that has both nodes as descendants.(二叉树中两个节点的 LCA 是同时作为这两个节点后代的最低节点。)

2. A common application of LCA is in the field of bioinformatics for constructing phylogenies.(LCA 的一个常见应用是在生物信息学领域构建谱系。)

3. The LCA of two taxa can be used to construct the evolutionary relationships between them.(两个分类单元的 LCA 可以用来建立它们之间的进化关系。)

4. The LCA algorithm is essential for many applications in data structures and algorithms.(LCA 算法对数据结构和算法中的许多应用至关重要。)

5. The LCA of a set of nodes in a tree can be found using a sparse table data structure.(可以使用稀疏表数据结构查找树上一组节点的 LCA。)

6. The LCA problem can be generalized to finding the kth ancestor of a node in a tree.(LCA 问题可以推广到在树上查找节点的第 k 个祖先。)

7. The LCA of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) can be found using dynamic programming.(可以使用动态规划查找有向无环图(DAG)的 LCA。)

LCA是英语中的缩写词,全称为Life Cycle Assessment,中文翻译为“生命周期评价”。它是指对一个产品或服务从原材料采集、生产、使用、废弃的整个生命周期进行评价,分析其对环境和社会的影响。这种评价方法能够帮助企业在产品设计阶段就优化生产过程,减少环境和社会负担,实现可持续发展。


1. LCA是一种系统的、科学的评价方法,能够帮助企业实现可持续发展。(英语:LCA is a systematic and scientific evaluation method that can help companies achieve sustainable development.)

2. LCA评估结果表明,绿色产品的环境性能比普通产品更好。(英语:The results of LCA evaluation show that the environmental performance of green products is better than that of ordinary products.)

3. 企业在进行新产品设计时,应尽早地考虑LCA因素,以达到减少环境和社会负担的目的。(英语:When designing new products, companies should consider LCA factors as early as possible to reduce environmental and social burdens.)

4. LCA的主要内容包括原材料采集、生产、使用、废弃等环节的评价。(英语:The main content of LCA includes the evaluation of the collection of raw materials, production, use, and disposal stages.)

5. 通过LCA评估,可以发现产品生命周期中不可避免的环境问题,从而采取相应的措施进行改善。(英语:Through LCA evaluation, unavoidable environmental issues in the product life cycle can be discovered, and corresponding measures can be taken to improve them.)

6. LCA评估需要考虑多个因素,如环境、社会、经济等。(英语:LCA evaluation needs to consider multiple factors, such as environmental, social, and economic factors.)

7. 为了满足消费者需求和保护环境,厂商应该采用LCA方法进行产品优化设计。(英语:In order to meet consumer demands and protect the environment, manufacturers should use LCA methods to optimize product design.)

8. LCA评估还可以帮助政府制定环境政策和标准。(英语:LCA evaluations can also help governments develop environmental policies and standards.)

9. 对于一些高污染、高碳排放的产业,LCA评估是实现产业转型升级的重要手段。(英语:For some highly polluting and high-carbon-emitting industries, LCA evaluation is an important means to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading.)

lca是lowest common ancestor的缩写,意为最近公共祖先。


读音:[ˌel si: ˈeɪ]


1. The LCA of nodes 4 and 9 is node 2.


2. The LCA of a binary tree is the node that both nodes have as a parent, or as a parent of their parent, and so on, until there is no common parent.





例句:Greiner also touched on his experiences with data sources in LCA tools. (Greiner也讲述了在生命周期评价工具中关于数据源的一些经验。)


例句:Remember the exhibition we went to see at the lCA with the really beautiful time clock piece? (记得我们在ICA看过的展览吗? 有一个真好看的时钟)


例句:In a design studio I taught at Pratt Institute last fall, I used one of the new LCA tools called Sustainable Minds. (去年秋天,在我教学的一个位于Pratt学院的设计工作室,我用了一个新的生命周期评估工具,名为“SustainableMinds”。)


例句:With additional studies, Bennett says that she could have a drug ready in three years that any retinal surgeon could administer to cure LCA. (翻译:随着进一步的研究,贝内特表示,她可以在xx年内开发出药物,使视网膜手术能够治愈雷伯氏先天性黑内障。)


1. In a design studio I taught at Pratt Institute last fall, I used one of the new LCA tools called Sustainable Minds. (翻译:去年秋天,在我教学的一个位于Pratt学院的设计工作室,我用了一个新的生命周期评估工具,名为“SustainableMinds”。)

2. With additional studies, Bennett says that she could have a drug ready in three years that any retinal surgeon could administer to cure LCA. (翻译:随着进一步的研究,贝内特表示,她可以在xx年内开发出药物,使视网膜手术能够治愈雷伯氏先天性黑内障。)

3. It describes the XC4000 LCA device Readback capability and its use. (翻译:论述了XC 4000系列L CA器件的回读功能和使用。)

4. But LCAs are highly technical, the terrain of industrial engineers. (翻译:不过,LCA是有很高技术难度的,属于工程技术人员的领地。)



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