matrigel是什么意思 matrigel的中文翻译、读音、例句

matrigel是什么意思 matrigel的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Matrigel是一种由小鼠皮质生长因子分泌的基质蛋白所制成的三维支架,用于生物医学研究(如细胞培养、细胞移植、组织重建等)的载体。


Matrigel is a commonly used extracellular matrix and has been successfully applied to establish 2D or 3D cell culture models.

2. 特点:Matrigel可以提供许多生物学分子和细胞间信号因子,于是对于许多生物学实验具有重要的作用。Matrigel也可用于研究肿瘤细胞的侵袭和转移。


Matrigel contains a variety of biological molecules such as extracellular matrix molecules, cell signaling molecules, fibronectin, etc., which help to support cell growth and differentiation.

3. 应用:Matrigel常常被用于药物筛选、组织/器官工程、干细胞培养及转移肿瘤细胞等方面的研究。


In recent years, more and more studies have shown that Matrigel can be applied to tissue/organ engineering and stem cell culture.

4. 实验:研究人员可以通过将细胞置于Matrigel基质中来模拟人体内不同生物学过程,并帮助深入了解细胞发育和肿瘤转移等过程。


In the field of tumor invasion and metastasis research, researchers often use Matrigel to establish 3D cell models in cell culture.

5. 替代品:Matrigel的使用具有一定的局限性,所以研究人员也在寻找和研发替代品,以满足不同需求。


To replace Matrigel, researchers are developing new matrices such as hyaluronic acid, alginate, etc., to provide a more suitable carrier for different research needs.




1. Matrigel是一种神经元生长的基质。

Matrigel is a matrix for neuronal growth.

2. 研究显示,使用Matrigel可以促进心肌细胞的增殖和分化。

Studies have shown that using Matrigel can promote proliferation and differentiation of cardiac cells.




例句:Of course, Angie is still a lot of varieties of the bamboo mat, and can refer to a buy, but to be convenient with. (当然,安吉的竹席品种还是很多的,可以参考着买,不过带着要方便。)


例句:I almost ate Rent-A-Truck floor mat. (我差点连租车公司的地毯都吃下去了 I almost ate Rent -A -Truck floor mat.)

例句:Notice the two nearby stars, Rigel Kentaurus and Hadar. (注意两颗邻近的星星,参宿七和哈达尔。)


例句:Well, the good news is Uncle Bill here has a key under the mat. (翻译:琌ゑи 乖┏芲巴)


1. Notice the two nearby stars, Rigel Kentaurus and Hadar. (翻译:注意两颗邻近的星星,参宿七和哈达尔。)

2. Well, the good news is Uncle Bill here has a key under the mat. (翻译:琌ゑи 乖┏芲巴)

3. And I use a heat mat to sit the bath on and a thermostat to regulate it. (翻译:我在池子下面垫了一张电热毯, 再用一个恒温器来调节电热毯的温度 )

4. The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person. (翻译:挫折承受能力是衡量人的意志品质的一个重要指标。)

5. Dad... now you can die peacefully on a tatami mat... (翻译:别担心 现在你可以在榻榻米的垫子平静地死去...)

6. It was like the mat was pulled out from underneath us. (翻译:It was like the mat was pulled out from underneath us.)

7. Also, wipe yourfeet in the mat provided forthat purpose. (翻译:还有 把你的脚蹭干净 在那块专门做这个的垫子上)

8. New springs and mattress in there. (翻译:有新的弹簧和床垫在那 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}New springs and mat tress in there.)

9. Sant Mat is the term for the teachings taught by the Science of Spirituality organization. (翻译:“明师之路”是灵修科学组织所教授的教理的总称。)

10. Then you lay out a clean towel, soap, a dry brush, a mat, a bathrobe and a... (翻译:Then you lay out a clean towel, soap, 然后你要摆放干净的毛巾、肥皂、 a dry brush, a mat, a bathrobe and a... 干刷子、浴垫、浴衣和...)

11. Gator bounces off the ropes and is quickly body-slammed to the mat. (翻译:盖特从绳子上跳下, 然后快速地摔在垫子上。)

12. They built it with chips on a laminated mat, diagrammed it on a smart board and, finally, solved written questions. (翻译:他们在一块由薄片组成的垫子上用碎屑搭建体育场,在智能白板上画图,最后解决书面问题。)

13. ♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (翻译:# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)

14. When I was young, my mother wove me a sleeping mat. (翻译:对自己的家感到羞愧是一件最为不幸的事情 小时候,妈妈给我织了个睡眠地图)

15. The only two missing star positions are for Betelgeuse and Rigel. (翻译:只有两个失踪星级职务是参宿四和参宿七。)

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