eating out是什么意思 eating out的中文翻译、读音、例句

eating out是什么意思 eating out的中文翻译、读音、例句

"Eating out"是指在外面吃饭的行为。以下是关于这个词的四个方面:

1. 定义: "Eating out"指在餐馆、酒吧或任何公共场所外用餐。

2. 健康方面: 长期"eating out"对健康不利,因为餐馆食物通常含有更多的脂肪、盐和糖。

3. 经济方面: "Eating out"比自己做饭更昂贵,因为餐馆需要为食材、厨师和租金支付成本。此外,如果吃餐馆食物成为习惯,则每个月的支出会在不知不觉中增加。

4. 社交方面: "Eating out"是社交活动的一种形式,可以与家人和朋友一起享受美食。


1. I always enjoy eating out with my friends on weekends. 我总是喜欢在周末和我的朋友们出去吃饭。

2. Eating out regularly can lead to weight gain and other health problems. 经常外出吃饭会导致体重增加和其他健康问题。

3. We can't afford to eat out every night; we need to budget for groceries and cooking at home. 我们买不起每晚外出吃饭,我们需要为食材和在家做饭做预算。

4. Eating out can be a fun and enjoyable experience, but it's important to be mindful of what you're eating. 外出用餐可以是有趣而愉快的体验,但重要的是要注意你吃的东西。

5. My family and I have made it a tradition to go out to a nice restaurant for special occasions. 我和我的家人已经把去高级餐厅庆祝特殊场合的传统了。


读音:è chīng chū

例句:我们今晚去外面吃饭吧,享受一下外出用餐的乐趣。 (Let's go out for dinner tonight and enjoy the pleasure of eating out.)

eating out的意思是"外出就餐",在日常中也代表"外出就餐"的意思,发音音标为[eatingout],eating out常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到91个与eating out相关的例句。

Eating out的释义


例句:How long before humans start eating each other out of hunger? (人要挨饿多长时间才会开始 你吃我我吃你呢)


eating out一般作为名词使用,如在eating-out(经常上馆子吃饭的习惯,就餐;下馆子;外食)、eating(n. 吃, 食物\na. 侵蚀的, 腐蚀性的)、eating at(困扰)等常见短语中出现较多。

eatingn. 吃, 食物\na. 侵蚀的, 腐蚀性的
eating at困扰
eating inv. 在家里吃饭\n[网络] 内食
eating intona. 同“eat away”;“eat in”的变体
eating it[网络] 吃它
eating onn. 伊顿(姓氏))
dirt eatingn. 食土癖,(非洲黑人)以土为食的习俗
eating applen. 生吃的苹果, 作为水果的苹果


1. Eating out is the national pastime in France. (翻译:在法国,下馆子是全国人普遍的消遣活动。)

2. ♪ phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪)

3. I did, I admit that. But when I started drinking, I stopped eating so much. (翻译:l stopped eating so much.)

4. She got a cookbook out and we were eating great, instantaneously. (翻译:她拿出一本食谱书,我们很快就享受上一顿大餐。)

5. What have you been eating? (翻译:你到底吃了多少东西 What have you been eating?)

6. On sundays they do a pie eating contest. (翻译:周日有吃派大赛 On Sundays they do a pie eating contest.)

7. You made him get up while he was eating! (翻译:你让他没法吃东西 See that? You made him get up while he was eating!)

8. Eating away your brain like maggots! (翻译:像蛆一样把你脑子给吃了! Eating away your brain like maggots!)

9. And you think eating candy is gonna change that? (翻译:那你觉得吃糖就能有帮助吗 And you think eating candy is gonna change that?)

10. So you want to run around out there with walkers on chains eating twigs? (翻译:那你是想在外面用铁链拴着行尸 靠吃树枝到处逃亡吗)

11. And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out (翻译:∮ And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out)

12. Oh, that is good eating right there. (翻译:肯定很好喝 Oh, that is good eating right there.)

13. The Foreign Secretary eats out of your hand. (翻译:外交部长全听你的吧? Have you got the Foreign Secretary eating out of your hand.)

14. They are eating around the corner (翻译:现在他们在对面宵夜 They are eating around the corner)

15. I just see people eating, laughing and having a great time. (翻译:I just see people eating, 我只是看到大家在吃东西 说笑 都玩得很开心)

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