actively是什么意思 actively的中文翻译、读音、例句

actively是什么意思 actively的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 释义:actively表示“积极地”、“活跃地”、“主动地”,代表着一种积极的行为或态度。

2. 用法:可以作状语、副词或形容词。

3. 同义词:actively的同义词包括proactively, energetically, vigorously等。

4. 反义词:actively的反义词包括passively, lethargically, indifferently等。

5. 常见搭配:actively involved, actively pursuing, actively participating, actively seeking, actively engaged等。


1. 他积极参与了学校的各项活动。(actively involved)

2. 她在积极追求自己的梦想。(actively pursuing)

3. 我们需要积极参与社区建设。(actively participating)

4. 他积极寻求与外界的合作。(actively seeking)

5. 公司部门员工们积极投入工作中。(actively engaged)


1. He is actively involved in various activities in school.

2. She is actively pursuing her dreams.

3. We need to actively participate in community building.

4. He is actively seeking cooperation with the outside world.

5. Company department staff are actively engaged in their work.




1. He actively participated in the debate and contributed a lot of good ideas.


2. The company is actively seeking new business opportunities in emerging markets.


3. She is actively involved in community service and volunteers at a local shelter.


4. The government is actively promoting the development of renewable energy.





例句:But you think Gilroy was actively trying to help a serial hugger cover? (但是你认为Gilroy在帮忙包庇 But you think Gilroy was actively trying 一个连环抱抱仔? to help a serial hugger cover?)


例句:Actively contribute to the ongoing development of techniques of the VFX team. (积极地为特效团队技术的提高发展做出贡献。)


例句:It also actively manages devices such as scanners, conveyor belts, diverters, and so on. (它还积极地管理扫描器、传送带、分流器等设备。)


例句:He was actively involved in improving the living conditions of the proletariat. (翻译:作者积极推动提高下层阶级的生活状况。)


1. It also actively manages devices such as scanners, conveyor belts, diverters, and so on. (翻译:它还积极地管理扫描器、传送带、分流器等设备。)

2. He was actively involved in improving the living conditions of the proletariat. (翻译:作者积极推动提高下层阶级的生活状况。)

3. Banks actively encourage people to borrow money. (翻译:银行积极鼓动人们贷款。)

4. Kozma views the learner as actively collaborating with the medium to construct knowledge. (翻译:但是,本文所支持的理论框架展示了学习者与媒体积极合作建构知识的观点。)

5. What youre doing... is actively interacting with this device! (翻译:璶暗琌虏虫䉤ê杆?が笆τ)

6. All of which Gates, Rockefeller, Monsanto and AGRA are actively lining up. (翻译:这一切所需都正在盖茨,洛克·菲勒,孟山都公司和AGRA的积极筹备之中。)

7. That is a line of enquiry that we are actively pursuing. (翻译:我们正在就此进行调查 That is a line of enquiry that we are actively pursuing.)

8. Be actively supporting the attainment of the Kampala Declaration and the Agenda for Global Action on HRH. (翻译:积极支持堪帕拉宣言和卫生人力资源全球行动议程的实现。)

9. However, this is the first discovery that GAPDH actively regulates the insulin pathway. (翻译:然而,这是首次发现GAPDH能积极的调节胰岛素通路。)

10. At that period, we were actively planning the rebellion. (翻译:我们都想活到叛乱举行的那一天 火车来自萨洛尼卡的一个集中营中)

11. She was actively looking for a job. (翻译:她在积极找工作。)

12. But modern psychiatry is actively trying to avoid that. (翻译:但是现代精神治疗法 正在努力避免这种情况。)

13. Understanding our past determines actively our ability to understand the present. (翻译:对过去的了解程度决定了 我们对现在的理解能力)

14. Unless the Bureau is actively recruiting native speakers of Taiwanese these days? (翻译:当然,除非联邦调查局 最近积极地招募台湾人士)

15. This will encourage students to listen actively in order to find out the awer. (翻译:这会鼓励学生普特英语听力们积极认真地听,以求找到问题的答案。)

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