aggressor是什么意思 aggressor的中文翻译、读音、例句

aggressor是什么意思 aggressor的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:


2. 词源分析:


3. 使用频率:



1. The aggressor nation was eventually defeated in the war.(侵略国最终在战争中被打败了。)

2. The United Nations has condemned the aggressor's actions.(联合国谴责了侵略国的行为。)

3. The aggressor launched a surprise attack on the neighboring country.(侵略者对邻国发起了突然袭击。)

4. The aggressor's behavior violates international law.(侵略者的行为违反了国际法。)

5. The country is taking measures to defend itself against potential aggressors.(这个国家正在采取措施来保护自己免受潜在的攻击者侵害。)


1. The aggressor nation launched a surprise attack on the neighboring country.(侵略国对邻国进行了突然袭击。)

2. The United Nations condemned the actions of the aggressor and called for immediate cessation of hostilities.(联合国谴责侵略者的行为,并呼吁立即停止敌对行动。)

3. The victimized country vowed to defend its sovereignty and resist any aggression from the aggressor.(受害国誓言捍卫主权并抵抗侵略者的任何侵略。)

aggressor通常被翻译为"侵略者 、侵略国"的意思,在日常中也代表"侵略者"的意思,发音是[ә'gresә],aggressor是一个英语名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到93个与aggressor相关的例句。



例句:Try to seem like the aggressor. (试着看上去像侵略者 Try to seem like the aggressor)


例句:About a tenth of a percent of the population had the opposite reaction to the Pax. Their aggressor response increased beyond madness. (派克斯对大约千分之一的人口产生了副作用,他们变得更具有侵略性,超越了疯狂)


例句:I'm sure your government does not wish to appear at the peace conference as an aggressor. (我相信你的政府... 不希望在和平会议上 以侵略者的身份出现)


例句:You're the aggressor here, so stop playing the victim! (翻译:请你不要把自己说成受害者好吗 我本有爸爸疼爱)


1. I'm sure your government does not wish to appear at the peace conference as an aggressor. (翻译:我相信你的政府... 不希望在和平会议上 以侵略者的身份出现)

2. You're the aggressor here, so stop playing the victim! (翻译:请你不要把自己说成受害者好吗 我本有爸爸疼爱)

3. This was a technique in which the female would travel in ever tightening circles around her prey, enticing him to strike so that he would actually think that he was the aggressor thereby insuring his delicate male ego would remain intact. (翻译:这也是女性的特质 在捕猎中逐渐收紧包围圈 鼓励男性积极进攻)

4. My father told me to strike first and to strike fast and to always be the aggressor! (翻译:我爸教我攻击要快狠准 并不能处于被攻击的状态)

5. Sagna appeared to be the main aggressor after the duo clashed on 90 minutes. (翻译:不过萨尼亚似乎是在比赛90分钟的那次冲突的主要责任人。)

6. But the aggressor was not a state; it was a band of freelance fanatics protected by a state. (翻译:然而,侵略者并不是一个国家,它是一个受国家保护的自由狂热组织。)

7. "[A]ny would-be aggressor" would be made to understand "that targeting one ally means invoking the ire of the rest. " (翻译:“[任]何潜在侵略者”必须明白“瞄准某一个盟国意味着挑起其他国家的怒火。”)

8. "The capabilities of an air-to-air configured Raptor are phenomenal, " says Franklin, himself a former Aggressor pilot. (翻译:“一架空对空配置状态下的猛禽是非常惊人的,”弗兰克林说,他本人以前就是“入侵者”中队的飞行员。)

9. The aggressor, he said "is punished and its military forces are unravelled" . (翻译:他声称,“侵略者已经受到了惩罚,其武装力量已被解除”。)

10. I cannot but wonder whether this particular wording would not blur the distinction between the aggressor and the victim of aggression. (翻译:我们不能不怀疑这样的措词会模糊侵略者与被侵略者的区别。)

11. "Elderly lady kills her aggressor (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}楼梯跌落之后)

12. Would you describe mr. Soprano as the aggressor? (翻译:你会用具侵略性去形容Soprano先生吗?)

13. These masks come in varied shapes and colors like, the aggressor, the conformist, the nice guy, the shy one, etc. (翻译:这些面具有多种形状及颜色,像是侵略型的、顺从型的、乖孩子型的、害羞型的等等。)

14. Do not worry about Iran. Iran will teach lesson to any aggressor. You will see China and Iran will lead the world. (翻译:别担心伊朗,伊朗会给任何来犯者好好上一课。你会看到伊朗和中国将领导世界。)

15. If someone violates the law of nature, he is an aggressor. He is beyond reason and you can punish him. (翻译:如果有人违反了自然法则,他就是一个侵犯者,他是不理性的,那么你就可以惩罚他。)

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